Book 12: Chapter 91

Book 12: Chapter 91

"Now, go! Capture all the troublemakers, turn them into our materials for this sacrificial ritual! The gate to the chaotic world is about to open!"

"Wah!!!" The demon soldiers orderly split into two teams and advanced towards two directions.

"Heh, heh, heh~" A sinister chuckle emerged. The demon in charge of the ritual gazed towards the demon abyss, "Oh great Demon King, I'm really looking forward to your return."

"Ritual Master, there's a group of dragons in the southeast direction," reported the black warrior to the demon, as usual.

"I know, so now is the time to summon the demonic dragons. It seems that just relying on Welbur (the poison dragon) won't be enough to stop the group of dragons," said the demon in charge of the ritual, nodding to the demon soldiers below.

The demon soldiers called their comrades and walked into the midst of the spirits, dragging out offerings. They did not distinguish between men and women, young and old, only grabbing the spirits in front of them. As a result, many spirits started fighting amongst themselves, attacking their companions and using them as shields to be taken away by the soldiers.

It was noisy and chaotic.

About 5,000 spirits were thrown into the sacrifice pit, and the ritualistic demon began the summoning.

"How boring," Having silver-white curled hair, tight armor, and pale skin, Frankenstein stood somewhere, looking up at the red setting sun. Raising the bone staff, the crystal on the staff refracted slightly gloomy colors. "When will they understand the greatness and utility of my inventions? Clearly, my inventions are so great and practical." Frankenstein glanced at his hands, which were all white bones.

"Gale, just because you disappeared with the others, doesn't mean I don't know you're still alive. I'm monitoring your whereabouts at all times. A year ago, you cut off my hand. Now, I'll make you pay double."

"Lord Frankenstein." Alvin's voice came, carefully approaching Frankenstein with a forced smile. "Lord Frankenstein, sorry to disturb you. When will you grant us power?"

"Ah, yes. Originally, this was the responsibility of the ceremony, not mine, but let me give you a try with my newly developed Darkening Pill." Frankenstein extended his bone hand, revealing a dark box.

Alvin cautiously took the box and opened it, revealing small pearl-like pills inside.

"The Darkening Pill might be small, but the demonic energy it contains is quite substantial. After consuming it, you can at least become three times stronger. This is more than the energy you'll gain when the ceremony demonizes you soon. There are 2059 pills inside for your subordinates, which is enough."

Those newly appeared demon soldiers and generals were not weak either. They gave the spirits a tough fight despite the spirits being double their number.

Originally, the dragon group wanted to help, but a group of demonic dragons appeared in the sky at some point, making the land and air battles evenly matched.

Lin Xiang and the others also joined the fight. With his growing familiarity with the cold sword, Lin Xiang was entirely in his element, as if he were controlling the cold sword. Meanwhile, the sword, in turn, controlled him, as if establishing a kind of mental connection.

The cold sword had a special enhancement against demonkind. Coupled with his wind speed state and the Hundred Slash, every strike would take down one or two demon soldiers.

In the eyes of the spirits, Lin Xiang was like a war god. Even Wind Fury could not help but view Lin Xiang in a new light.


The situation was intense on Lin Xiang's side, while the spirit soldiers coming from the royal city gradually fell into a bitter battle. The battle against the demonic insects had drained a lot of their strength and energy. Currently, facing a similar number of demon soldiers and generals was indeed a test.

However, the soldiers would not back down. Faced with the enemies, they had to bravely move forward, because they were fighting not just for themselves, but also for their families and the future of Spirit Country.

Both the younger and older generations of the imperial guards all engaged in battle with the demon generals. With rich combat experience and powerful strength, some could handle two or even three demon generals.

The younger imperial guards included Myron, Carey, Jason Mahler, Gobi.

They were young and lacked experience in all aspects of combat. Against the demon generals, they seemed to struggle and were even at a disadvantage.

Especially for Mahler and Gobi, the two brothers who were fire-type spirits, they faced a demon general with the same fire element, getting beaten back and forth. The combined attacks of the two brothers seemed like mosquito bites to the demon general, causing only some irritation and discomfort.

Indeed, when spirits of the same element faced demon generals of the same element, the elemental power of the spirits would be inferior to that of the demon generals, unless that spirit had overwhelming strength.Due to the enhancement by darkness, the demon generals’ element would become more berserk, able to devour the opponent's elements.

Just like in the world beyond the skies, when Remi faced that demon general, his lightning bolts not only failed to harm the demon general, but they were absorbed by it instead.