Chapter 313 - Chapter 313: Chapter 250: Waiting for His Explanation

Chapter 313: Chapter 250: Waiting for His Explanation

Translator: 549690339

In order to make King Xing ascend the throne, Wang Qiong had paid so much price and made so much effort to get to this point, he absolutely could not allow any more accidents to happen.

Although Pei Xuanjing’s matter was beyond control, the pact between the two sides was still valid, and the other party also needed to quickly promote the succession of the new king to achieve their goal.

It can be said that they both have common interests. Even if there are any problems, for Wang Qiong and his group, they can only temporarily suppress them and leave them to be discussed in the future.

“Hmph, perhaps Pei Xuanjing dares to act like this today because he is certain that I will not dare to fall out with him under the current situation.” Wang Qiong snorted coldly, said.

Gu Ji and Wang Boan glanced at each other without picking up the conversation, because they had guessed this long ago.

Wang Qiong looked at the two of them, changed the topic, and asked Wang Boan, “Just now, you said that you were waiting for Pei Xuanjing’s explanation for us. How do you see it?”

Although he already had an idea in his mind, he would not express his position easily, but was waiting for Wang Boan to speak.

Wang Boan said calmly, “If they have an explanation for us, it firstly shows an attitude that the other party intends to cooperate. We can take advantage of the situation to put forward some requirements to compensate for the loss, and even discuss many controversial issues with them; But if there is no explanation, it means that everything the other party said before is just deception, and they are fundamentally aiming to use us…”

Although Wang Boan didn’t finish his words, his attitude was clear. If Pei Xuanjing really had no intention to cooperate and was only using them, the positions of the two sides would turn from friends to enemies.

The three men were silent, knowing that the power to decide whether it’s an enemy or a friend is actually in the hands of Pei Xuanjing.

Gu Ji prayed in his heart, silently saying: Mr. Pei, you can’t let Gu disappointed!

Wang Qiong had been an official for decades. He had spent his life in a high position and had already seen wealth, honor, life, and death indifferently. For him, the greatest wish for the rest of his life is to complete the plan that has consumed his decades of hard work.

Not to mention Wang Boan, who not only had numerous disciples and has written books on governance and has even stepped into the realm of first-grade in martial arts. His strength was unpredictable, and he had a long lifespan.

If one day the heaven and the earth were to be revived, with his talent, it would be easy for him to enter the Spirit Realm, and there was no difficulty at all.

In contrast, Gu Ji, although his official position was not low, and he held power, but with the increase of age, his body had aged and death was almost palpable to him.

Therefore, among the three of them, he was the one who most longed for longevity.

Perhaps Gu Ji’s prayer worked, at this time, sounds came from outside the study room.

War at night!”

“I, Yu Zhenzi of the Shenxiao Sect, was entrusted by the Sect Master and came to deliver a letter to the Minister.”

The three men exchanged glances, their expressions softened considerably.

Wang Qiong ordered, “Let this Taoist priest in!”

“Yes, master!”

A moment later, Yu Zhenzi, clad in a Taoist robe, walked into the study room, presenting the letter with both hands.

“Yu Zhenzi was ordered by the Sect Master to deliver this letter.”

“You have worked hard!” Wang Qiong took the letter with both hands.

Although he was secretly annoyed with Pei Xuanjing’s actions, he would not lose his manners in front of Yu Zhenzi. This is a common problem with those in high positions; they are less willing to show their emotions.

Those unwilling to express their emotions were civil officials like Wang Qiong, who came from a scholarly background. But for warriors like those in the guard, they did not have such good manners.

Jiang Bin sat in the main seat, still wearing the daytime Flying Fish Uniform, his face cold, without a word. The entire hall seemed to drop a few degrees due to his icy demeanor.

Pei Xuanjing’s actions today made Jiang Bin feel greatly humiliated. Ever since he became the confidant of the former emperor, who in the Great Ming dared to humiliate him apart from the former emperor.

Even now with the late emperor’s demise, as the commanding officer of the Brocade Guards, he had countless skilled subordinates and vast political connections, his influence within the court was tremendous. Whether it was the Minister of War Wang Qiong or the previous Prime Minister Yang Tinghe, they had to cater to him, showing their goodwill.

And what was this Pei Xuanjing supposed to be?!

Just a lucky lot, and he dared to humiliate him like this!

He should bear in mind that back in Tiandu, he had been keen on courting Pei Xuanjing’s favor. Even back then, had he not shown mercy, Pei would have already died within the walls of Xuanfu.

Now, Pei Xuanjing had attained power and instead of showing gratitude, he had the audacity to humiliate him. The audacity of it all!


Jiang Bin grew angrier by the minute and in his uncontrollable rage, he smashed the tea cup in his hand onto the ground, spilling tea everywhere and sending shards flying.

“My lord, please calm down!”

The Brocade Guards guarding him quickly kneeled halfway to the ground.

“Pei Xuanjing! ”

His eyes shone with a cold light as he gritted his teeth, repeating Pei Xuanjing’s name.

“My lord!”

Just at that moment, the two commanding officers of the Brocade Guards, Xu Tai and Li Cong, entered the hall, greeting Jiang Bin respectfully.

“You all may leave first.” Jiang Bin suppressed his anger, waved his hand to dismiss the guards, and then in a deep voice asked, “Has the matter been taken care of?”

Both of them nodded, and Xu Tai said, “Rest assured, my lord, my brother and I personally attended to all the details. There is absolutely no trace left.”

“Good.” A hint of a smile surfaced on Jiang Bin’s face, finally relaxing somewhat.

At the same time, he regretted in his heart that he had been foolish, fooled by Yang Tinghe into boarding the latter’s ship and agreeing to support the grandson of King Anshan as the successor to the throne together.

Who could have expected that this Prime Minister, who had been in the court for decades longer than him, would turn out to be a Blood Demon from the

Demonic Cult—it is simply inconceivable.

Today, after Pei Xuanjing had exposed Yang Tinghe’s true identity in the Great Morning Meeting, Jiang Bin felt like he had fallen into an ice pit. However, he still held some hope if Yang Tinghe could successfully escape, then there would still be some room for him to manoeuver.

But who could have thought that Yang Tinghe, with such incompetence, would be captured by Pei Xuanjing without any chance of resistance.

That’s why he had taken the risk and stepped forward later, hoping to take Yang Tinghe into his possession. Whether to kill or not, he would benefit. Yet, he didn’t expect not only to fail but also to be humiliated by Pei Xuanjing.

Li Cong hesitated, “But…”

“But what?” Jiang Bin’s eyelid twitched, with a premonition of impending bad news, he asked.

Li Cong murmured, “It seems that Lin Qian Shi is paying close attention to this matter. He sent people to investigate and nearly discovered it. With his understanding of the Brocade Guards, once he investigates in detail, I’m afraid our concealments will be of no use.”

“Uh…” Jiang Bin fell into contemplation and after a long while finally said, “As for Lin Qian Shi, let me handle it.”

In recent years, Lin Qingyi had gained considerable merit and showed off in front of the late emperor. Although Jiang Bin didn’t say it openly, he had been subtly suppressing Lin, not willing to let Lin get promoted too quickly.

Now hearing the action from Lin Qingyi, Jiang Bin couldn’t help but feel annoyed. He decided to find an excuse to dismiss Lin and wait until this storm calms down to decide on the next step.

After the two left, Jiang Bin sat alone in the hall, his eyes flickering.

The next step would depend on how he would be treated after King Xing’s ascension to the throne. Perhaps it was time to start planning for the future..