"Do as your wife says."

Gu tingshen took off his suit and wrapped Huo Niannian. He didn't give a spare look to the opposite person.

"Go and change your clothes first. If you wear wet clothes, you will get sick."


Du ruoqing watched them leave. Her anger and hatred almost burned her out.

Why can Huo nianian act like a coquette in front of Gu tingshen. How can she get Gu tingshen's love and care? This position should be her!

Since some people don't know good or bad. Then don't blame her for being cruel!

Huo Niannian followed Gu tingshen to the rest room of the banquet. He didn't speak much all the way, but looked down at the road.

Her eyes slowed down and her voice sank.

"What? No relief? If you like this dress, we'll make another one. Ask them to rush it from France. "

"What's the matter with this dress?"

Huo nianian pushed him, turned his head to the other side, shrunk his mouth and said, "it's not your rotten peach blossom."

He sighed. Take her hand into the palm heart, tone with a trace of helplessness.

"I said, I have nothing to do with her. Ma'am, you are trying to add to the crime. "

Huo nianian was amused by Gu tingshen's tone and broke free from his arms. She pushed him out and urged him.

"Get out of here. I'm going to change."

Gu tingshen remained unmoved. Lean on the sofa in the lounge. Look at her with your legs folded. There was a sign in his eyes.

"You can change it. I haven't seen it before?"

"No way!" Huo nianian's face was slightly red, and his righteous words said: "this is not the same! Go out and leave your clothes. "

The voice has just dropped. There were a few knocks at the door.

"Excuse me, is Mr. Gu in there? Mr. Zhou said he would like to see you for a meeting. "

"I see."

Gu Ting's eyes are deep. He got up from the sofa and straightened his cuffs.

"I'll go first. You can change your clothes and come back."

"Well, good, no problem!"

Huo nianian promised repeatedly. After Gu tingshen left, he quickly changed his clothes and walked to the party. However, he saw a familiar figure when he passed the stairs.

Xia Xiaolin was forced by a man in the corner of the wall, his hand was still controlled on one side, unable to move.

She frowned and struggled to keep the distance between them, "no way! You can't do this! Let go of me

"Not what? I've never had something I couldn't get. It's your luck to be looked on by me! "

"And Zhao Jiang looked at Xia Xiaolin with a glance and accentuated her tone. "I'm not trying to seduce her by revealing so much! What chastity archway should I set up here? "

"No, I didn't..."

Xia Xiaolin closed her eyes and shook her head, almost crying.

She can't just give in to such a person. She won't be reconciled. She wants to marry a better man!

"Stop it!" Huo nianian stood at the foot of the stairs and frowned at the man. "All the people invited to the party were from the upper class. I didn't expect to get a piece of rubbish like you!"
