The new product launch is imminent, but Huo nianian finds that Yanyan is always in a daze in his seat recently, and calls without response.

She is sitting on a chair in the office. A woman's sixth sense tells her. It is very likely to have something to do with Zhou QinHao.

With that in mind, she called the assistant.

"Ask Yan Yan to come to the office."

The other side hung up for more than ten minutes. There was a knock at the door of the office.

"Niannian, you come to me."

"You sit first."

Huo nianian frowned at the listless man at the door, his chin motioned to the opposite chair and changed his serious tone.

"I've heard from others that you've been in a bad state lately."

"Ah? I'll pay attention. "

After feeling that he nodded, he didn't go in. Look down at the ground.

Huo nianian's doubts deepened and he sighed.

"You have to work hard in the studio. How can you bring your personal feelings into your work. Yes? Did you quarrel with Zhou QinHao

"It's not a fight."

Words lowered the tone, look very depressed, "it is the feeling that we two always do not want to go together."

"Isn't it all common between husband and wife?" Huo Niannian's words are serious and his heart is long. "What are the differences between you? We will discuss it according to this point. "

She was watching Yan Yan and Zhou QinHao come all the way. Naturally, she didn't want to see them quarrel. Persuade if you can.

"Yes, he always said later."

The voice of words is getting lower and lower, and there is a loss in the words. It can be seen that it is really sad.

After marriage, it's between husband and wife. But just like in love. Contradictions and differences cannot be delayed.

Otherwise, it will roll more and more like a snowball, and the last one is out of control.

Huo nianian stood up and walked up to her, patted her on the shoulder and asked tentatively.

"What is the difference between you? I can't give you an idea until you say it. "

Yan Yan looks up at Huo Niannian. Think for a moment before you speak.

"I asked him if he planned to have a baby, and he refused. I'll talk about it later, but I really like children. "

Huo Niannian frowned and didn't know how to speak for a moment.

After all, it's a private matter for the couple to have children. She's an outsider, so it's wrong to interfere.

Besides, she can't make a decision for any of them, or they have to make their own decisions.

"Well, first of all, this kind of thing can't come in a hurry. After all, you've just been married for a long time. It doesn't make sense to discuss it now, so you can negotiate slowly later."

Words seem to be more aggrieved, eyes widened.

"But he hesitated when he got married, and now he is."

Without waiting for Huo Niannian to say anything more, the phone on the desk rang.

Huo Niannian glances at the number of the front desk. Maybe Zhou QinHao has come to the studio to find someone.

She made a phone call with her eyes and asked, "see you?"

"I don't want to see him yet."

Huo Niannian nodded and reached out to answer the phone in a cold tone.

"Tell the man that I'm busy now and I don't have time to see him. Ask him to come back at another time."

"But That Mr. Zhou has already forced his way in. "

"I see."

Huo Niannian closed her eyes and felt tired in advance. She made a gesture to the rest room in the office.

"Zhou QinHao has come in. If you don't want to see him, you can go there and hide."