Ever since Master Wen came, people looked forward to the morning meal every morning.

When they heard the sound of carts outside, the guards ran out to watch today’s morning meal.

One was the usual glutinous rice porridge, which was soft and glutinous but not sticky. It was obviously not intended to be used as the protagonist of the morning meal. The real star of the morning meal today was something else.

The guards just glanced at them and were attracted by the small, round, golden-yellow round cakes shaped like pumpkins. They stretched their necks and couldn’t help asking curiously: “What is this?”

Tangyuan said in her small crisp voice: “Today’s morning meal, is white porridge and nán guā bǐng.”

Upon hearing this, the attendants immediately understood, and some couldn’t help but nod repeatedly, saying, “The name is indeed very fitting!”

Looking at these small and delicate pumpkin cakes, what else could we call them if not by this name?

“Not only is the name apt, but it tastes even more apt!” Ah Bing licked his lips, and said, “It’s really made of pumpkin and dough, it’s so delicious!”

The guard couldn’t help but be eager to try, and hurriedly urged: “Then move down quickly, by the way, how many of these cakes can one person get?”

“One person can get three nán guā bǐng and a bowl of porridge.”

“These are stuffed with sesame seeds, and the ones that aren’t, are stuffed with brown sugar and peanuts.”

The guards were drooling at the words, and hurriedly stepped forward to help enthusiastically, and took the porridge and nán guā bǐng in.

After the guards had finished picking their share, Wen Mingtang led Ah Bing and Tangyuan to deliver the prison food.

Everyone can share a bowl of porridge with three nán guā bǐngs. Wen Mingtang and others deliver the food one by one. When they are delivered to the last cell, Ah Bing stands up and says to Wen Mingtang: “Master Wen, let me go!”

The pair of master and servant locked up in the last cell was really troublesome. They grabbed Master Wen’s hand yesterday, but luckily they didn’t catch any problems. Otherwise, what will happen to the breakfast today?

Wen Mingtang shook her head, squatted down, and while looking at the empty food port below her to be wary of a hand that suddenly came out, she passed the porridge and nán guā bǐng in through the food port.

This time, there was no sudden stretched hand, and she put down the bowl and plate steadily. Wen Mingtang let go of her hand, and before she could withdraw it, a face suddenly popped out of the food port.

Wen Mingtang, who was startled by the sudden appearance of his face, let out an exclamation and almost knocked over the plate.

Ah Bing and Tang Yuan behind her thought that someone was coming to grab their hands again, so they quickly stretched out their hands and pulled Wen Mingtang back.

Amid the hustle and bustle, someone outside stumbled and fell, ending up in an awkward position.

After regaining consciousness, Ah Bing and Tangyuan quickly helped Wen Mingtang who had fallen on the ground, and said nervously, “Master Wen, are you okay!”

Wen Mingtang shook her head, patted her chest instinctively, sighed, and said: “Scared me to death!”

Just now there was chaos outside, but the inside was surprisingly quiet as if the air was stagnant.

At this time, Wen Mingtang exclaimed “I was scared to death”, and finally there was a reaction inside.

The young man’s voice rang out with a mix of anger and embarrassment, “What do you mean? What do you mean by scaring you? Look at how handsome I am! People who see me always compliment me, how can you be scared to death by me?”

Wen Mingtang patted her chest. Was this a question of being good-looking or not? Anyone who sees a face suddenly popping out from the well-rounded hole will be frightened, okay?

Regarding the young man’s appearance, amidst the chaos, they could only vaguely remember his clear and bright eyes and eyebrows. Presumably, he was indeed good-looking!

Besides, seeing that young man shouting so loudly in the prison of Dali Temple, the family background was also very good.

Indeed, even if he was truly good-looking, how old was this young man? Compared to someone who exudes both charm and sophistication, there might be a difference in age and life experiences.

Wen Mingtang ignored him: No matter how loud the young man was, wasn’t he imprisoned? He couldn’t jump out through the cell door.

“Let’s go!” Wen Mingtang said to Ah Bing and Tangyuan.

Hearing the sound of leaving footsteps outside, the young man inside the prison door bit his lips and remained silent. He couldn’t help but turn his head and ask the boy next to him: “Is your master good-looking?”

Shuangxi nodded quickly, and said: “Young master is the best, and I can’t find a second one in the entire Great Rong!”

Although this praise was a little exaggerated, his young master was indeed born well, and it didn’t hurt to praise it.

The young man snorted, picked up the bowl and cake on the food plate, went back to the prison bed and sat down, took a look at the round cake shaped like a small pumpkin, and hummed, “You’re quite skillful.”

After saying that, he took a bite, and then couldn’t help squinting his eyes. After he swallowed the nán guā bǐng one mouthful in a row, he hummed: “Breakfast today is also very good!”

Shuangxi watched the boy eat the pumpkin pie. Swallowing uncontrollably, hearing what the young man said at this time, he couldn’t help asking: “Master, does the cook look like a yaksha?” It hurt so much that the cook beat him yesterday!

The boy glanced at him, paused while eating the cake, and said vaguely: “It’s okay!”

What does it mean?

Shuangxi couldn’t help being curious, opened his mouth, and wanted to ask again, but the young man handed him a bowl of porridge, and said, “I ate a lot the past two days, so let’s share some of the food with you today!”

With the bowl of white porridge in front of him, Shuangxi wanted to cry but had no tears. Then he really thanked the young master!


When Wen Mingtang and her group returned to the public kitchen, compared to the previous two days when no one cared about them, there were already some people waiting in the public kitchen. When they saw them coming back, they hurriedly said, “Master Wen is back! Is it the small round cakes for today’s morning meal?”

Wen Mingtang nodded and glanced at the people waiting in the public kitchen.

Several cleaning attendants were drawn by the fragrance of cōngyóu bàn miàn yesterday, along with the attendant who has been coming daily with a food box to deliver breakfast.

The cleaning attendants had their breakfast in the main hall of the public kitchen, while the attendants took their breakfast to go.

“Is it still a portion for three people?” Wen Mingtang glanced at him and asked.

The attendant nodded and replied, “Yes.” He had already grabbed a piece of nán guā bǐng and started eating it, while exclaiming, “It’s delicious.” He also said, “Master Wen, can you give me two more pieces?”

After the cleaning attendants and attendants left, Ah Bing and Tang Yuan happily said to Wen Mingtang: “Master Wen, as long as they eat our breakfast once, they will come here every day and become ‘repeat customers’, which shows that Master Wen’s craftsmanship is really good! From this point of view, there will be more and more people eating nán guā bǐng in the future.”

Wen Mingtang smiled at the two of them, looked up at the person who appeared at the door of the public kitchen, and said, “If this one becomes a repeat customer after eating this, the public chef’s troubles will be largely eliminated yesterday.”

Ji Caimai, who promised to come to eat the morning food, walked in.