When both Zhonghai and Shenlong were down, Yue Zhonghai saw that it was getting dark. Then he went to the living room in front of him. He knew GUI Wuxie must drink in the living room. Zhang Mingyue takes Yue Zhonghai by the hand and comes to have a look.

GUI Wuxie is happily drinking wine in the living room. It's from the ship, of course. In his opposite is summer Qi, with a teacup.

"I really don't understand what's good about the water that soaks the leaves. Why don't you drink this wine. This is the fun. " GUI Wuxie is still persuading Xiaqi to drink with him. It's meaningless to drink alone.

"Ha ha, I don't like this wine. You're free. You've stopped. I think it's somewhere. We might as well... "Xia Xia Qi Zheng said. He saw Yue Zhonghai come in and stood up to greet him.

Yue Zhonghai nodded and sat on the opposite side of GUI Wuxie“ This is my magic weapon that you have prepared. It's all hammers. There are ten. As for drinks, we're going to take over on deck. "

"What a beautiful hammer. Much better than I thought. It's the best magic weapon. Tut Tut, let's go back and share it. " GUI Wuxie was shocked, but he didn't forget to pour wine into his mouth while talking.

"I have ten more here, just to see what you can change." Yue Zhonghai said with a smile, "well, you'd better wait until tomorrow afternoon to find a place for trading. Many of the practitioners on our ship were carrying extra pills and magic weapons. No matter how high or low your accomplishments are, as long as you have good things, you can come and exchange them. You can see the situation of the yellow croaker

"Well, I see. But you need to prepare more goods. Because I have a lot of people. " GUI Wuxie Leng said, "our Xuanwu people are also rich in production here. However, if you go down tomorrow, the island where you stop will be owned by the owner. You have to prepare something for them, too. No more than three or five sticks. It's the magic weapon, of course. "

"Wait, I didn't give you a toll. Why do you want any more sticks? " Yue Zhonghai's sword eyebrows wrinkled. "It's not a good behavior to add weight temporarily!"

GUI Wuxie's big face has an expression of chatting“ This is because there is still a force in our territory. They are not the demon Xiu in the water, they are the ape people on the land. Took over an island there. They know, how to share a little. We have nothing to do with these monkeys. Or you have five sticks. We gave you materials to exchange, and finally covered up the matter. "

"That's it." Yue Zhonghai pondered for a while. He knew the stick had to be more prepared. I'll make more with five girls tonight. Anyway, in the Phoenix with space, with the strength of Taiyi Jinxian refining magic weapon, that is a piece of cake. As for the refining materials, the ones piled up in Fenghuang match are the same as those in Xiaoshan. This was collected after Yue Zhonghai had cleaned it up once before.

All the refined materials cleaned up were put into the plate and brick seal. Yue Zhonghai wanted to see what kind of good things can be produced on the islands in the sea.

"This is my present to the five fairies. I'll give it to you. " After GUI wuyei put down five beads, he left.

Zhang Mingyue took all the five beads off the table. All five beads are the size of an egg. It's still black pearls. It's very strange.

"Let's go back and share with sister Qingyu." Zhang Mingyue said excitedly.

Yue Zhonghai returned to the cabin, of course, with the five women's Association to lead the world. Zhang Mingyue wants to get some rose petals. Of course, she is going to Wolong village. Only the flower beds there have roses. Zhang Mingyue wants the rose petals for dessert. I learned it from some programs on the Internet.

Yue Zhonghai appears at home in Wolong village. It's more than four o'clock in the evening. At this time, sporadic firecrackers came from outside. Let Yue Zhonghai remember that today is the Lantern Festival.

"I really forgot. Today is the Lantern Festival." Yue Zhonghai looked at the fireworks rising outside and saw the long road after they burst in the sky.

"Yes, we gradually ignored some things here." Lin Yuqiong is also a long way“ It doesn't feel very good. "

"Mingyue, how many fireworks do you have there?" Yue Zhonghai raised his spirits“ Give them all out. We'll have a good holiday tonight. "

"No, I'm finished." Zhang Mingyue shook her head“ By the way, this is what GUI Wuxie gave us just now. We are one by one. It's fun. It's just too big to make jewelry. "

Zhang Mingyue took out the black pearl and sent it one by one. Zhang Qingyu, they hold it in their hands. Of course, they are also very surprised. Women are born to like such things. It's not necessarily because of its value. Of course, they will not like things that have no value.

"Haige, you're going to sell fireworks. We'll go with you. " Zhang Mingyue pulls Nie Xiaoqian and they get on the car together. Yue Zhonghai drives to waizhen.

I went to several shops in town and bought a lot of fireworks. Watch them carry them to the car. Who knows is to use the car as a cover, by Yue Zhonghai to receive into the storage ring. Almost wiped out the seasonal fireworks in the town. Yue Zhonghai drove back with Zhang Mingyue and Nie Xiaoqian.

In the hands of Nie Xiaoqian and Zhang Mingyue, they are playing with the black pearl, which is big as an egg. The luster of the black pearl, the deep darkness, seemed to attract light. Grasping in the two women's white hands, there is a feeling of complementing each other.

At the head of the village, I saw Zhang Dabiao and master Zhang setting off fireworks. It looks like we're ready for dinner. After seeing Yue Zhonghai's car, they both waved together. Yue Zhonghai had to stop the car.

"Zhonghai, I can't get through to you. I didn't expect you to be at home. Let's have dinner together tonight. " Master Zhang's face was attentive to Yuezhong Haidao who got off the bus. Zhang Dabiao on the side also has the same look. There is no way to make money by pointing to Yue Zhonghai. The little devil Yoshida estimated that he would come back in a few days.

"Eat for yourself. There are many people on my side. It's not convenient to come here. " Yue Zhonghai stood by the door of the car and said faintly. No matter how much I don't like to see the father and son, but they sincerely invite themselves to celebrate the festival together. You have to be polite.

Zhang Mingyue jumps out of the car, and Nie Xiaoqian follows. Zhang Mingyue said to master Zhang with a smile, "Uncle Zhang, how about we play the second kick together? Let's see who put it fast. How about it? "