Side: Kuyuichima
Knowing history and the original world, problems like this still arise. Although the history of historical facts has already changed significantly, it is still a major advantage in terms of governance and politics.
Even if we know the answer, it's not a good idea for us to take care of it completely. You can also crush the problem in advance.
Walk with everyone, one by one, and show a little direction. That's how we do it. However, there are still troubles.
"Should we have a castle?"
The same is true of Shishima, which belongs to Shima. There are many opinions in the house that we should prepare the castle and other defenses.
Where to put the virtual enemy state. What doctrine do you use to prepare the navy and the navy again? We are finally starting to think about this together.
There's no one who could be a threat, right?
Melty smiled bitterly. If we attack the inside of the castle, the story will change again, but if we think of it as a defense against Ise and east of Shima, the practicality of the castle will be questioned. It's hard to think of a castle in an area with maritime domination.
However, this matter is already a recommendation that is conscious of Kuchi. The cost-effectiveness is not bad as a deterrent to in-house use. In fact, Sekigahara Castle, the territory of Higashiyama Road, may no longer be used in battle, but the deterrent effect of having only one castle in that area is still great.
The Navy has other things to do, though.
There is a difference with the Navy in a nutshell. Formerly led by the former Sajimizu Army, the ancient ginseng is already changing to focus on strength. The Captain class, which takes some account of family characteristics, has been selected on the basis of merit.
However, Ise-Shima and the east of the East Three Rivers still want to move by home and clan. Of course, because they were people who lived in the navy from the beginning, they have the know-how and the strength.
Well, as a coastal navy, I can use it to guide and transport locally. Although I use it in such a way, I am dissatisfied if I do not treat it in a manner commensurate with my family ties and lineage. There are more capable people, and I can't even try to extract them.
For now, Saji-san is doing well, but in the long run, I personally think that it is faster to raise people at Krabie Marine School.
If it didn't fit well, they kicked me out to land.
In the first place, even if it is a Kuyu ship, it is said in advance that if you show it to anyone else on your own or if you let the technology spill out, it is severe punishment for all the members of the clan. It is the most troubling thing to want a precious boat just because of family ties, bloodline, and face. Coastguard and transport would be enough for an existing ship.
I've heard that the Marine Academy already offers professional education. Commanders and sailors have different things to learn. They also train sailors, or people to fight at sea.
In the future, the main character will be changed to a person from the Marine Academy. It was a lot of patience.
To be honest, assuming a large-scale naval battle, only the former Sajimizu Army and I are considered the main force. I'm expecting backup, transport, and other non-majority missions.
"Shima's navy crowd. I don't get along too well with them."
When she was swallowing something she wanted to say, Xing singled out her concerns. That's right, the Navy there is a lot of rivalry. To put it worse, suspicion and hatred are not good friends. Historically, the Nine Ghosts had lost their possession of Shima. There seems to be a fire spark that is not in history.
In that sense, the Marine crowd, which was still towards the river, is more courteous.
We're not in a position to stick our necks in that anymore. Information is received from ninja crowds, navy crowds, shipbuilder crowds, etc.
"Bringing together those who were torn apart." I need time. "
Melty's right.
"If someone from your family can obey me, I'll be an adult."
That's right. I've mentioned a lot of problems, but I'll be sure to follow Saji-san and myself. In a way, I don't do anything strange with a tight power relationship. Even if you're dissatisfied in your heart.
Thanks to this, Rifa and Yukino were guided by the Navy every time they came to Owari. If you break your nose, Saji-san will use it well.
I guess this isn't going to be a problem anymore. I don't have the experience of following a big organization. You could say that you're working hard in a world you don't even know.
No matter who they were, they could use it well. In that sense, I think Saji-san is amazing.
Side: The Marine Crowd of Answer Island
Oh dear, the despicable has grown.
Again. The high guide fee makes a fuss, and the second word, the despicable Toi, makes a fool of us.
"If you don't want to, go home. From now on, the east is our sea." I don't need a boat from Tsubuchi. "
It's been around for a long time. Tsukuba always looked down on us and tried to run out of money. It used to be difficult if the cargo carried by the ship from Konai didn't arrive, so we couldn't get out. It can now be said that it does not have to come.
"Grrrr. Remember!!"
We can't make more noise than we already have a cannon. I will take you to Aishijima and ask you to pay the tax.
"But if I go to Ogari, I'll bow my head." I don't deserve to believe it. "
"I'm sorry that I made you angry." Now I hear that Master Kuyu won't see you. You must have been disgusted. "
We have never been praised for our way of life, but we must do what we are commanded to do. Anyone in Tsubuchi who threatens the lower edge with impudence is disliked by these naval forces.
What I wanted was a shipment from Master Kuyu. However, Kuniu-sama won't see his wife. I was interrupted by Owari. I can't expect to see you when you're busy.
"You don't have to come to Tsukuba." We could live by obeying Oda-sama. It's better to catch fish and whales. "
I had a lot of work to do to carry the package from Owari to Otsuka. In addition, fish and whales are harvested in the land. I don't want to deal with them.
I don't even want to call it a castle in Kiyosu or Krabi River, but I want a castle where they can't say anything.
"You escalated it, didn't you? You can make it, right?"
A Shishima is a splendid place to live, but it's a defensive town, and the Shishima people have a big face. There are even people who speak a lot of language and say they will attack and take it down right away. Only someone who hasn't seen Kuyu-sama's ship say that.
Ships are better this way already. I guess that's not funny again.
Really, I hate it.