In a blink of an eye, Double Eleven was approaching, and Xing Yun fell into a new round of busyness. 

Xing Yun told Xue Yingshuang: “I won’t be home this week.”

Xue Yingshuang helped him pack his things and asked, “Is there enough manpower? Do you need my help? You can have a lot of uses out of this assistant.”

The corner of Xing Yun’s mouth curled: “No need, you stay at home.”

Xing Yun didn’t go home for a week, allowing Xue Yingshuang to adjust his own work schedule. 

Although Xing Yun said that he didn’t need his help, Xue Yingshuang still went to the company a few times, he brought freshly cooked meals to Xing Yun, and helped Xing Yun organize and change clothes as well.

Xue Yingshuang used to work in a factory, and Double Eleven didn’t have much to do with him.

It wasn’t until he went to Xing Yun’s Company that he saw what was going on with Double Eleven. In those few days, the whole company was working overtime, and every time Xue Yingshuang stepped into the company, he could feel a restless mood.

“It’s better now, but the day of Double Eleven is even more terrifying.” Xing Yun’s mental state was okay. Xue Yingshuang feeds him tasty delicious food every day, and would tidy up the office for him when he arrives. Although Xing Yun is also busy, he has been in a relatively comfortable working environment.

Xue Yingshuang looked at the walking corpses outside, “They work too hard.”

Xing Yun: “Indeed.”

Xue Yingshuang: “In that case, give them a bonus ah.”

Xing Yun: “It’s sent.” 

Xue Yingshuang: “Send more.”

Xing Yun looked at Xue Yingshuang, and Xue Yingshuang also looked at Xing Yun. The two looked at each other without saying any words.

For a moment, Xing Yun lowered his head and picked up the phone: “Okay.”

Xing Yun made a company wide announcement, but Xue Yingshuang didn’t know what it was. A few seconds later, there was a burst of cheers in the office outside. 

As soon as Xing Yun put away the phone, he looked at Xue Yingshuang again. Xue Yingshuang’s expression was calm, but there was a clear smile visible from his eyebrows.

Xing Yun curled his lips: “You actually consider this on their behalf.”

Xue Yingshuang: “Part-time workers seek welfare for part-time workers, this is how it should be.”

“Then who will seek my welfare?” 

“What other benefits do you capitalist want?”

Xing Yun raised his eyebrows and looked at Xue Yingshuang, and Xue Yingshuang also looked at him. Xing Yun’s looks were handsome, showing a dazzling brilliance that he couldn’t hide, and Xue Yingshuang suddenly realized that the person in front of him was also very young.

Pc ojma, Wlcu Tec kjr bcis j ofk sfjgr bivfg atjc tlw, yea tf frajyilrtfv j mbwqjcs ogbw rmgjamt jcv bqfgjafv la klat j ubbv gfqeajalbc.

Wlcu Tec lr erejiis vbwlcffglcu jcv milcus, jcv tf jikjsr ibnfr ab ufa mgjhs. Wef Tlcurtejcu jiwbra obgufar atf ojma atja Wlcu Tec tjr ab kbgx bnfgalwf joafg tf ufar tbwf ogbw kbgx fnfgs vjs, fnfc bc kffxfcvr. 

Speaking of which, Xing Yun suffered no less than anyone else, nor was it easier than anyone else.

“How about this.” Xue Yingshuang said, “I’ll give you a surprise after the Double Eleven is over.”

Double Eleven is over, and this year’s turnover is also very good.

After Xing Yun got home, he sent Xue Yingshuang a red envelope, then lay down and fell asleep, sleeping for a whole day. 

After waking up, Xue Yingshuang made a table of delicious food for him, Xing Yun had a beautiful meal.

After eating, Xing Yun stared straight at Xue Yingshuang with big eyes, motioning: What’s next?

“Really impatient.” Xue Yingshuang was helpless, “Okay, wait for me, I’ll go change my clothes.”

“Change clothes?” Xing Yun raised his eyebrows. 

Xue Yingshuang didn’t answer, only winked at him provocatively_teasingly.

Xing Yun became excited.

To change clothes, it must be to change into some special clothes. School uniform? Uniform? Or something a little more exciting?

That’s what Xue Yingshuang is good at, and he has a good time. 

Xing Yun couldn’t sit still, so he finally chose a posture exclusive to a tyrant, sitting in a chair with his feet upturned, and looking at the door deeply.

Soon, the door opened.

Xue Yingshuang behind the door was still in a white shirt and suit pants. Xing Yun raised his eyebrows. He hadn’t changed on the outside, did he change under it?

Isn’t this even more exciting? 

Xing Yun hooked his fingers towards Xue Yingshuang, Xue Yingshuang walked slowly towards Xing Yun, stretched out his legs, and straddled Xing Yun.

In this posture, Xing Yun picked him up, walked to the sofa and put him down, positioned him, and began to open the gift.

Xing Yun excitedly pulled down Xue Yingshuang’s suit pants.

He saw part of a white long trousers inside, and when he touched it, it was velvet. Xing Yun then suspiciously opened Xue Yingshuang’s shirt. 

Inside was a white autumn top with the word “FASHION” printed in grayish lettering.

Xing Yun: “…………”

Xue Yingshuang swings his hips: “Do you like it?”

Xing Yun took a deep breath, wanting to say something, but held it back. 

The atmosphere suddenly froze, Xue Yingshuang was not a fool, he could see that Xing Yun was about to have a flare up.

But he didn’t understand. Didn’t it say that men like complete sets of underwear? Why is Xing Yun unhappy?

This is a complete set of autumn wear!


Xing Yun nearly died of anger: “Do you want to get off work so badly!”

Xue Yingshuang said innocently: “Didn’t I just want to seduce you and give you some excitement?”

Yes, it’s too exciting, too much excitement.

Xing Yun was speechless for a long time, and finally said: “Where did you buy it?” 

Xue Yingshuang: “Pin Xixi.”

Xing Yun: “……”

Xue Yingshuang: “Do you want to buy it too?”

Xing Yun was silent. 

Xue Yingshuang enthusiastically said: “If you search for middle-aged and elderly men’s thickened autumn clothes, remember to add keywords middle-aged and elderly, or fathers and the elderly. This way, there are more styles, unlike those sold to young people, they are all plain. If it weren’t for Mr. Bai who seemed to wear white, I would also like to change to a patterned one.”


“Have you never used it? I will send it to you. It’s very comfortable to wear.”

In the end, Xing Yun received a surprise, a set of thickened autumn clothes exclusive to middle-aged and elderly men. 

He’s having a rough winter.

Of course, Xue Yingshuang still prepared other things for Xing Yun.

The next morning, Xue Yingshuang handed a document to Xing Yun. Xing Yun took it for unknown reasons, and when he looked at it, it turned out to be a quarterly work summary.

Can you sum up your work as a stand-in? 

Xue Yingshuang: “If you want, we can have a review meeting.”

Xing Yun: “…you are too self-motivated.”

Xue Yingshuang: “When you take money and do something wrong, just review it. Isn’t that great?”

In the end, Xing Yun did not let Xue Yingshuang make a report, but went alone to the study and took a closer look at the summary of work. 

In fact, Xue Yingshuang had prepared this quarterly report a long time ago, but it was only because of the self-examination and Double Eleven that it was delayed until this time, so Xue Yingshuang added these two months of reports.

Xing Yun looked at the date, only to find that the two of them had been together for nearly half a year.

Half a year is not long but also not short, just enough time for the two to go from strangers to familiar with each other.

Xue Yingshuang’s work report was written very seriously. He classified the things he had done in the past few months and listed the titles one by one. 

Under the heading ”Household expenses”, Xue Yingshuang recorded the changes in household income and expenditure in detail, and attached his own account. Although the account is very basic, it is still very careful, and it also shows the proportion and changes of various expenditures.

The heading “House Acquirement” records the adjustment and storage of the location of the items, and explains the reasons for the change of location one by one, and what changes have been made in use after the re-storage.

Under the heading ”Residential maintenance”, it records what has failed at home in the past few months, whether it is repairable by oneself or someone is hired to deal with it, and how much it costs to repair it.……

In fact, they are all trivial matters, but Xue Yingshuang keeps a clear record of what happened, how to solve it, and how to review the problem. The sentences are concise and the logic is clear. It can be seen that he is a very careful person. 

If it were not for reading this report, Xing Yun would not have known that so much had happened in this house, let alone how much effort Xue Yingshuang had spent behind the scenes so that he could come home to rest comfortably on weekdays.

Xing Yun couldn’t help thinking, it would be great if Xue Yingshuang really came to work in his company.……

Just thinking about it, Xing Yun turned to the next page, and the title of that page was “The Improvement of Self and Leader X Ability.”

Xing Yun: