Chapter 385: You Need An Offspring

Name:The Stars Beyond Author:
Chapter 385: You Need An Offspring

The young man in the white lab coat strode forward, his demeanor as straightforward as they come. Upon seeing Fang Yuzhu, he exclaimed, "Are you from the Realm of Passing, or are you a celestial being from the realm of myths? Your genes are remarkable, and your strength and potential are truly boundless. If someone like you were to pair up with the cream of the crop, the offspring produced would undoubtedly be unimaginably powerful!"

At that moment, not only did Wang Xuan's face darken with displeasure, but even the graceful Fang Yuzhu lost her smile, a hint of murderous intent flickering in her eyes.

"How do you see me? I come from the Realm of Mingyuan's Passage, and I'm definitely one of the cream of the crop. After all, I've been tested and confirmed to possess some of the strongest and most optimal genes among humans," he asserted firmly.

This statement left Wang Xuan dumbfounded. This guy was from the Realm of Passing? And he was involved in scientific research?!

"Huh, this guy's quite something too. Through years of analysis and research on the spectral levels of the spirit, it's highly probable that his physical body, his genes, are of the boundless potential variety. He's a seed-level human of the cream of the crop," he continued, his gaze fixed on Wang Xuan as he made this assessment.

Regardless of how one looked at it, when facing Wang Xuan, he seemed like an agricultural researcher who had just stumbled upon a rare seed.

At this point, his eyes sparkled with fervor, burning bright with passion. He became even more direct, declaring, "You two came here together, right? That's perfect! Why not have a child together and send them to the Realm of Mingyuan's Passage? I believe I can nurture them to rise up in this age of supernormal collapse, to break the norms. Perhaps your descendant could even reshape mythologies, no less than recreating the world of the supernormal!"

Wang Xuan was left gaping in astonishment. Who was this guy? His words were too bold, too direct. He had never seen anyone speak like this before!

Where did people talk like this to someone's face? It left Wang Xuan feeling a bit spaced out, struggling to keep up with his train of thought. It was just too outlandish!

However, as Wang Xuan continued to observe him, he found that this "straightforward dude" didn't seem all that off-putting after all.

Meanwhile, Fang Yuzhu was seething with anger. Despite her typically good-natured demeanor, her fair face now flushed with irritation. She had never encountered someone like this before, daring to spout nonsense in front of her, and even suggesting having children!

With black hair and eyes, the young man in the white lab coat spoke up, "Don't be angry. Please forgive me for being too direct. But I'm serious."

He wasn't entirely without tact, perhaps a bit afraid that Fang Yuzhu might explode in anger. After all, her strength was equivalent to half of Zheng Jueshi's, and it was evident that this woman was intimidating.

Introducing himself as Zhang Qifan, he handed Wang Xuan a shining metal card, crafted from solar gold, extravagantly splendid.

Wang Xuan had serious doubts. Was the golden plaque he had seen in the Passing Land, that massive lump of sun gold weighing tons, actually left behind by his family?

Zhang Qifan spoke up, his tone earnest: "Based on our research within the Passing Land, this myth is destined to perish, no matter how much we struggle. However, the branch of research I've been exploring, based on the unique spectrum of the soul, has theoretical support. It can fuse and give birth to a new kind of human, perhaps extending extraordinary life."

As he spoke, he once again became the passionate and slightly mad scientist, his gaze turning to Fang Yuzhu, as he continued: "You're very special. According to the research of the elders in our Mingyuan Passing Land, in your case, you must have completely understood the Supreme Scriptures and transcended their original meaning. You're one of the strongest beings of this era. Your spirit has undergone a sublimation, completing an astonishing metamorphosis. Your soul spectrum is exceptionally unique; we call this kind of soul transformation a perfect Supreme Nirvana rebirth."

Wang Xuan was astonished. The Passing Land indeed had some intriguing insights. Could so much be inferred from a person's soul spectrum? In accordance with what the other said, the reason Fang Yuzhu was so powerful was that she transcended the realm of the Supreme Scriptures, with her soul undergoing another transformation!

Did this mean it was a new level, a new realm? Or perhaps, only those who undergo the supreme sublimation and transformation of the soul can become unrivaled figures among peers?

"According to our research, in your case, when the era of depletion arrives, you'll be able to temporarily retain most of your extraordinary power, but it won't last long. However, your bloodline, your offspring, if guided by us, can be strengthened, undergo further mutations, and eventually change the heavens and the earth!"

Zhang Qifan whispered excitedly, gesturing with his hands, his emotions and gaze incredibly fervent.

Wang Xuan felt that Zhang Qifan was pushing it a bit too far, bringing up such sensitive topics again.

The next moment, Zhang Qifan focused on him once more, saying, "You're also quite unique, belonging to the category of special souls in theoretical deduction. Your innate foundation is thick enough, it seems, to inevitably produce astonishing mutations."

Wang Xuan furrowed his brows. The research in the Passing Land was quite astonishing. Could various problems' essence really be discerned through the light of the soul?

Wang Xuan harbored serious doubts. The golden plaque he had glimpsed in the Passing Land, that hefty lump of sun gold, could it really be a relic from his family?

Zhang Qifan spoke with an earnestness that bordered on fanaticism: "According to our research within the Passing Land, this myth is doomed to perish, no matter how we struggle. However, the branch of research I've delved into, based on the unique spectrum of the soul, has theoretical support. It can fuse and give birth to a new kind of human, perhaps extending the lifespan of the extraordinary."

Fang Yuzhu nodded and graciously accepted the banner.

"As the sea of the extraordinary is about to drain away, it's a pity. The era of myths is coming to an end. I'll strive to cross it and extend my life for another five hundred years." An old man spoke, manifesting an incarnation that erased the rules' texture and plunged into the sea of light with a splash.

Seeing this, others also began to act, each keeping an eye on the water's surface. If they spotted anything unusual, they quickly leaped in.

Everyone moved swiftly, not daring to delay too long to avoid being swept away by the sea of extraordinary light. If they couldn't make it to shore, death was certain.

However, there weren't many unusual items near the shore. The real treasures should be in the deep sea. Occasionally, fragments of extraordinary meteorites flashed and disappeared with the waves!

Moreover, there were dazzling items, rocks of various colors, which were approaching the true natural creation crystals. They floated in the sea of extraordinary light, emitting a faint glow, incredibly attractive.

Even peerless powerhouses couldn't help but be dazzled when they looked into the depths of the sea. Wang Xuan, entering such a place for the first time, felt completely at ease. He thought this sea of light was a sacred place for cultivation, filled with extraordinary substances and highly active factors.

However, he didn't absorb recklessly. By now, he was only interested in materials close to reality, disregarding the ordinary extraordinary factors.

When he saw a bubble containing rich silver substance, he immediately rushed over and absorbed it without hesitation. It was very similar to the silver substance he had seen in the void land, which made him ponder deeply. What was the connection? This was the first time he had seen such a substance outside.

In the distance, Ada and A'er swam past, but Wang Xuan paid them no mind. If they dared provoke him here in the depths of the sea, he had no fear. Everyone here was an extraordinary being without control over the rules, so who would fear whom?

Soon, Wang Xuan spotted a purple crystal, rich in real material, which excited him greatly. This kind of substance seemed terrifyingly high-level, and his consciousness was eager for it. He quickly rushed over.

He had reason to believe that after obtaining some rare Creation True Crystals here, he could break through to the realm of Ethereal Travel!

When he touched the purple true crystal, his consciousness trembled violently, emitting a faint hum. He immediately absorbed some of it, feeling the barrier suppressing him loosen again!

"Incredible, it's the creation!" he exclaimed, his expression solemn yet joyful.

At that moment, a large wave struck. Even in the depths of the sea of extraordinary light, there were undercurrents surging. Wang Xuan was lifted and carried far away.

A silver-haired elven girl swam like a fish, navigating through the waves. She grabbed Wang Xuan and brought him to a slightly closer area to the shore.

Although Wang Xuan could return on his own and didn't need her help, he still expressed his gratitude, feeling that the Moon Elf clan was indeed admirable.

Soon, Wang Xuan saw a brilliant flame underwater, burning like golden fire. It was a... golden creation true crystal, moving with the waves, dazzlingly bright.

"This piece must be extremely valuable!" he exclaimed, exhilarated. It was crucial for his breakthrough. In an instant, he swam over.

As he held it in his hand, his consciousness was bathed in a golden glow, his entire being enveloped in golden light. It was incredibly soothing. He vigorously refined and absorbed it, causing a corner of his major realm barrier to tear apart!

"So effective, true creation material!" he exclaimed in awe.

Not far away, cries of distress rang out. A girl from the elf clan was in danger of being swept away by the swift undercurrents. Though she wasn't the silver-haired Moon Elf girl from earlier, they both seemed to be descendants or disciples of quasi-peerless strongmen from the elf clan. She had green hair, equally pure and beautiful.

Wang Xuan swam over and pulled her to safety, guiding her towards the shore.

But then, unexpectedly, the green-haired elf girl swung a blade at his consciousness, repaying kindness with enmity!

However, she missed, as Wang Xuan narrowly evaded the attack. Moreover, the golden beast skin he wore was no ordinary material. Though inactive, it was impervious to ordinary spiritual weapons. He couldn't be harmed.

In a split second, as the elf girl's eyes widened in shock, her own consciousness was pierced by a rusty iron spike, almost simultaneously with her attempted strike.

Suddenly, a massive figure charged past, aiming to snatch the brilliant golden creation true crystal from Wang Xuan's grasp. It was crucial for his breakthrough. His gaze turned icy cold. The seabed was a place of creation and bloodshed alike.