Chapter 33: Compassion

Name:The Stars Have Eyes Author:
Chapter 33: Compassion

Joe found that dealing with Kelly was surprisingly easy once she stopped flaunting her goods at every opportunity. Yes, she had a rotten, greedy, and selfish personality, but that was precisely why appeasing her was so simple. All he and Maggie had to do was to keep providing her with things to consume and shed just do that instead of bothering the two of them. At first they distracted her with a ridiculous quantity and variety of food, courtesy of the yachts restaurant. However, her insatiable appetite and bottomless pit of a stomach proved this could not last until she got off at the cruises next stop in six days time. Not only was it putting a dent in Maggies savings, but the ship literally did not have enough food for both Kelly and the other passengers.

Thankfully, Joe thought of something else she could consume instead. Namely, the thousands upon thousands of hours worth of media in his personal library. Unlike the visit to Lancaster, the man had remembered to bring a hard copy of all the serials, soap operas, movies, and games he owned at home. The yacht had its own local virtual reality network and Kellys host was a British citizen with all the necessary implants, so it was surprisingly easy for Joe to share his personal collection with her. Admittedly not all of the random stuff on offer was to her liking, but there was still enough in there to pacify The Devourer for months. By all accounts, it should have been smooth sailing from that point on.

And yet, as per usual, reality found a way to throw a wrench in that plan.

But shes terrible! Joe yelled. She treated Barry like shite the whole time and even cheated on him!

Thats exactly what makes her so cool! Kelly argued. She goes after what she wants instead of being tied down to the past like some meat puppet!

The two of them were seated on opposite ends of the couch in Joes virtual living room. Both their avatars were digital copies of their physical appearances while Maggies half-human half-eldritch-abomination drifted silently in the background. She was clearly intending to steer clear of this inane argument regarding Crimson, the main female character of Gone With the Solar Breeze. Drama films like that really tickled the chaotic blondes fancy as they were rife with plot twists. Unlike her sister, she didnt care how forced, contrived, or illogical these sudden developments were so long as they were unexpected. As for Joe, that sort of thing wasnt really his cup of tea, but that didnt stop him from appreciating the timeless masterpiece in storytelling for what it was. Hence why his and Kellys argument was getting so heated.

But shes such a horrible person! Joe insisted.

Only by your lame standards.

Its not just me! Maggie thinks so too, right Maggie?

Yes! Lets hear what the resident expert on counting to infinity has to say!

Though Kellys comment was overflowing with sarcasm, she nevertheless looked towards the girl in the corner of the digital space.

I have no strong feelings one way or the other, was her neutral response.

Come on, now, the blonde rolled her eyes. You cant tell me you dont have an opinion on this stuff.

I see no reason to treat entirely fictional scenarios with any degree of severity.

Yeah? What if Joe decided to start seeing another woman?

Hey! the man protested.

I see no reason to treat entirely fictional scenarios with any degree of severity.

The unflinching confidence and sincerity with which Maggie repeated herself made her partner blush and her sister groan. With the good mood ruined, Kelly somewhat bitterly gave up arguing over personal opinions and instead focused on the next piece of digital media to devour. She was intending to marathon Love at First Flight, which was unusual because soap operas werent really her thing. They dragged on way too long and kept rehashing the same tired plotlines and characters. However, this particular series had Melinda Sparklestar - the basis for Maggies physical appearance. Kelly was going to pretend that her sibling was actually the main female lead, which would surely result in a spicy bit of entertainment.

Thankfully for her hosts, The Devourer wasnt as well-versed with technology as The Observer and couldnt do the hyper-speed-watching thing. Shed have to experience every episode in real time. Or, well, in the four-to-one dilation that was standard with virtual reality. Granted, it was extremely unlikely shed actually commit to watching all 1,104 episodes, but shed binge at least a few dozen before she got bored of the soaps flavor. This gave Joe and Maggie some much needed time away from their not-exactly-welcome guest. They couldnt leave virtual reality since the guy needed to be logged in for content sharing purposes, but they could still retreat to the digital factory hed built for her. Which was precisely what they did.

Finally some peace and order, Maggie said. I didnt think it possible, but Keloghtheryl has found a way to be even more infuriating since we last met.

I dunno, I think I kinda like Kelly, Joe shrugged.

Do you, now? the girl squinted hard.

I mean as a person. Like shes one of the guys, you know?

I seem to recall you were quite distressed over my siblings visit.

Well, yeah, but shes not as bad as I thought shed be.

Be wary of The Devourer, Joe. It is a creature of chaos that will lie and deceive to get what it wants.

Oh, come off it. Like you havent hidden your motives behind technicalities and fancy words.

I have the right to maintain secrecy when and if I deem it necessary, but that is not the subject at hand. You are severely underestimating Keloghtheryl.

Thats such a mouthful, he grumbled. Can you just call her Kelly, already?

No. I will not, she remained firm. Names have power, Joe Mulligan. To those such as myself and my sibling, they are more than just a label. You may have forgotten, but the fact that I permit you to call me Maggie is of great significance.

I Yeah, okay. Youre right, I got a bit carried away.

Indeed, it was easy for a simple bloke like Joe to forget that Kelly was an extra-dimensional entity that could rip this ship in half with a thought. One that might have already done so on a complete whim were it not for its cosmic counter-balance keeping it in check. However, at the same time, Joe couldnt help but want to insist that Kelly was not as bad as Maggie made her out to be.

Still, I feel like youre too harsh on her, he did just that. I get that she kind of dropped in on us out of nowhere, but thats only because shes lonely and doesnt want to admit it.

Maggie blinked in genuine surprise. She hadnt considered that possibility in the slightest, nor could she fathom how Joe reached that conclusion. However, she knew better than to dismiss it. During their time together, she had learned the man she had fallen for was especially gifted when it came to interpersonal communication. His situational awareness was catastrophically atrocious at times, yet his insight into others personalities and feelings had proven to be remarkably accurate. This was a topic Maggie had always struggled with and desperately wanted to improve at, so she was eager to hear how he reached that conclusion.

How do you figure?

Hear me out, right. You keep telling me shes this crazy cunt that values nothing and nobody. But since shes come here she hasnt broken or stolen anything, nor has she hurt anyone. Even the person shes possessing is alright with whatever arrangement they have, right?


If Keloghtheryls host wasnt completely willing then there would have been clear tell-tale signs of that, which would not have escaped The Observers notice.

But whoever that woman is, shes in a coma or something whenever Kellys around, yeah?

Essentially, yes.

So, Kelly cant really talk to her. I bet she wants to, though. I bet she wants to talk to a lot of people, actually. Shes anti-you, so theres no way she can feel comfortable all by herself for weeks and months. Issue is, shes way too, uh, aggressive by British standards, so she probably doesnt have a lot of friends. Flings, yes, but no real companions. Thats why she wants me. Or, well, not me, specifically, but the idea of me. Like, someone to just be there for her and talk about little things for days on end. Thats why she got into that stupid argument so much, and why she was so disappointed when it ended. She envies what you and I have, and she wants that sort of closeness to someone else. But she doesnt maintain relationships, she consumes them, so she You get what I mean.

The girl considered Joes rambling argument and how she could instantly shatter it with some harsh realities that he didnt know about her siblings past. However, that would also make Maggie seem like a massive hypocrite. She had done some objectively terrible things as well, some of them quite recent. That experiment where she threw AzgodKalar off a hyper-scraper was a prime example, but far from the only or most severe incident in her long history. The Observer had learned to care for the tiny serpent since then, and The Devourer was no less capable of picking up similar sensibilities. After all, as much as both of them hated to admit it, there were quite a few underlying similarities between them despite their diametrically opposed natures.

When he came to, he saw Maggies body had gone on autopilot like usual. Kelly, however, had a much more adverse reaction to getting her consciousness jettisoned. Without The Devourer around, the host had reverted to a noticeably older and horribly disfigured woman. She looked to be in her forties, with some nasty burn scars covering most of her left face. Whatever left that mark on her had also scorched off a significant portion of her scalp, leaving her unkempt ginger hair looking terribly lopsided as it tried and failed to cover the enormous bald spot. Her figure was also far more modest and bordering on malnourished, almost like Joes was when he first met Maggie. Her skin looked exceptionally rough as well, especially her calloused hands. Her narrow frame didnt agree with that provocative red sweater-dress she had on. Without any curves to hold it up, the garment would probably slide right off her if she stood up.

Fortunately for Joe, there was no danger of that. The woman was both strapped in and unconscious, which was why he allowed himself to stare at her so brazenly. He hadnt really given much thought to who Kellys host was as a person, but seeing the sorry state she was normally in made him feel terrible. She looked like one of those people that fell through the cracks, the modern day hobos that could be found in the millions in all those older colonies. These people couldnt afford anything beyond the bare minimum of food and clothes and lived a dull, monotonous, and probably miserable existence. It was surely no mystery why she agreed to become a host to a powerful entity that could grant her a new lease on life even if she wasnt exactly conscious for most of it. Granted, Joe was only imagining all this, but he couldnt help it. One of his deepest fears was that hed end up like that someday, hence his previous desperation to find a partner.

His thoughts were interrupted when the strangers face twitched. She opened her eyes, revealing their natural color to be a dull green. They then rapidly shifted to the sky-blue hue of Kellys irises. The rest of The Devourer emerged shortly afterwards, taking only mere moments for the hosts face, hair, and figure to expand into the blonde bombshell. She gave Joe a toothy grin that sent shivers down his spine, and not in a good way. The bad feeling was further amplified when she casually stood from her seat, instantly snapping all the belts holding her in place. She then took slow, sensual steps towards him.

Joe looked to the still-out-of-it girl to his left before glancing down at his own restraints. He needed to touch her to wake her up, but he couldnt do that while his wrists were bound to the chair. Unfortunately, no matter how many times he pushed that button, the stupid thing would not release him. Since he wasnt going anywhere - nor would he get far even if he could - the man took stock of his situation and reached a lightning-fast conclusion.


Well get to that in due time, hun, Kelly purred, but for now Im going to take this slow. I want to really, mmm, savor you.

Kelly, no, he tried to be firm.

Kelly, yes!

She practically jumped on his lap, throwing her hands around his head and smothering him in her cleavage while rubbing her lower end against him. She cooed with excitement as she felt the perfectly natural reaction in his pants.

Kelly! he managed to come up for air. Stop it, now!

And why would I?

You promised Maggie!

I said I would stop trying to seduce you into sleeping with me. Well, guess what?

She leaned forward close enough for him to feel her hot breath on his ear.

Im not asking anymore.

That whisper made Joes heart race, though not in a good way. This strange sense of dread he felt was almost as bad as when Maggie got shot, perhaps even worse. He glanced towards the girl in a panic, but her consciousness was still AWOL. Her soulless vessel could do little but stare blankly at him, which only made things worse. His eyes were then drawn to, of all things, AzgodKalar. The tiny serpent snaked its way out from somewhere behind Maggies neck. True to its name, it calmly slithered across her shoulder and then down the length of her right arm, right next to Joe. The man focused intently on the little guy, though it was mostly a desperate attempt to avoid paying attention to the soft hands running all over his upper body.

At first, Kelly was too overwhelmed with anticipation to notice anything was going on. However, seeing her meal pay attention to something else snapped her out of it. She followed Joes eyesight and also saw AzgodKalar snaking its way past Maggies forearm and onto her hand. Having reached its destination, the ball python looked right back at her. Its tiny tongue did a blep, after which its tail firmly yet smoothly clicked the button just beyond the girls fingers. Under normal circumstances, all that wouldve accomplished was release the armchairs witless occupant from her safety restraints.

However, what was disengaged werent the straps, but something else entirely. There was a loud fwump from the window. This was immediately followed by a howling rush of air as the reinforced glass plane was sucked into the vacuum of space along with everything in the cabin that wasnt nailed down. Joe and Maggie were fine since they were strapped to seats that were firmly attached to the floor. AzgodKalar had wrapped its light body around its owners slender wrist like a bracelet and was similarly unharmed. Kelly, however, was unable to brace herself in time and was catapulted into the void along with several pieces of furniture. She probably screamed her head off, but Joe had no way of knowing since he couldnt even hear his own voice.

A metal shutter covered the hull breach moments later, after which the cabins atmospheric systems pumped it full of air in seconds. Joe could do little but hyperventilate at the sudden and violent turn of events. He was overcome by an entirely different sort of panic as his astrohodophobia came back in full swing. It took him almost a minute to regain enough of his senses to try to unbuckle himself again. This time the button did its job and released him. Joe was still far too shaken to stand up, but he had enough strength to reach over and vigorously shake Maggies shoulder.

Sure enough, he felt something well up in his chest and pour into her through his fingertips, after which the girls vacant eyes returned to their usual swirl of un-light.

Kelly did something profoundly stupid, didnt she?

The only response Joe could muster was a frantic, shivering nod. Maggie stood and helped him to his feet, then guided him over to the bed frame. The pillows and mattress were both gone, but projecting new ones through her telekinesis was childs play. The couple sat down on the invisible cushion as the girl did her best to calm and soothe her slightly traumatized partner. Just as her behavior suggested, she knew all of this would happen. That was why she had prepared a little failsafe measure by hacking a few systems, crossing a few wires, and implanting her pet with some instructions. She naturally made sure that no harm would come to any of them, especially Joe. Indeed, her tampering was the reason why his seat refused to release him at first.

I apologize profusely for putting you in that situation, she said after explaining all that. I just wanted to give her a chance.

No, no, I get that, the man said, still shaken. I just, did you have to throw her into space like that? I get that shes a Class-3 or whatever, but the woman shes inhabiting wasnt part of this.

I assure you, my sibling is more than capable of keeping the host safe even in a vacuum.

So shes just going to drift out there forever?!

Absolutely not. She can propel herself with telekinesis. Not fast enough to catch up to this vessel while it is in motion, but enough to reach the nearest inhabited planet in twenty-to-thirty days.

However unlikely, she hoped that her counterpart would use this extended time-out to reflect upon her actions and learn from her mistakes. Especially her erroneous assumption that she could steal Maggies man. The attempt alone warranted much more severe retribution, but the girl decided to let her off with just this much for her partners sake. The kind-hearted lummox hated the idea of anyone getting hurt on his account, even if that someone had tried to assault him.

Oh Thats thats good, then, Joe relaxed significantly. What about the ship? Wont they raise a fuss since a passenger, uh, went overboard?

It is of no concern. I am currently in the process of purging my siblings presence from all onboard records and the crews memories.

What about our cabin?

Joe wasnt an expert on techno-wizardry, but he imagined having to arrange for new bedding and furniture without raising any questions would be something of a hassle.

Im still working on it.

And our luggage?

Lost cause, Im afraid.

Aw, man. My favorite shirt was in that suitcase oh well. Anyway, do you mind if I just pass out for a while?

Not in the slightest.

Maggie tapped her lap invitingly, but Joe shook his head.

Sorry, but I need to be alone for a bit. Ill be in the lounge, okay?

I understand.

Maggies heart sank as she watched Joe leave the cabin with uneasy steps. She wasnt sure what exactly was bothering him, and she hated that feeling. Was it the way she handled that situation that upset him? Did Kellys betrayal of his good faith get to him? Or was his phobia rearing its ugly head after that extreme experience? She felt personally responsible for all three possibilities, so her guilt weighed heavy on her. Unable to bear it, she gave into her curiosity and had a slight, subtle peek at what was going on in his head. She normally avoided doing that since she hated spoilers, but she thought this matter was serious enough to warrant a sneak peek.

As it turned out, Joes major concern at that moment in time was something else entirely. Namely, that his natural reaction to Kelly had yet to subside, and he wanted to take care of that. Feeling strangely embarrassed and ashamed at herself, Maggie withdrew herself from his mind entirely and focused on restoring the cabins spaced contents. She also double-checked that all traces of Kellys presence were erased from the logs and crew. Some of the passengers would probably remember her and might wonder where she went later on, but theyd just assume she got off in this star system. Which, technically, was the case. Regardless, she judged it wasnt necessary to root into the minds of every last person aboard. It wasnt that she couldnt do it, but she felt awkward about invading that much mental privacy after doing the same to Joe.

And it was thanks to that consideration that Otis Barker, a 64-year-old retired software engineer, would forever question whether he did indeed see a mostly naked blonde girl zoom past his cabin window.