Chapter 1136 - 1136, Twisted Humanity

Name:The Steward Demonic Emperor Author:
Chapter 1136, Twisted Humanity

Translator: StarReader n-.0velbIn

Editor: CutieBinkie

Proofreader: Papatonks

Luo Sifan grew annoyed, “Blind uncle, you’re being mean to us. How are we going to explain to them when they wake up? That Dragon Cleaving Sword King up and left? We have no excuse...”

“Isn’t simple?”

Zhuo Fan cocked an eyebrow, “Just say you pleaded with all your being and he was touched by your upright characters so he left. Then add a little flair to the story, make it harrowing and desperate. That ought to sell nicely.”

[That’s it?]

The trio’s faces twitched.

[It’s too damn obvious for anyone to believe!]

Zhuo Fan said, “We’re the only ones who know about what happened. If you don’t talk and I stay silent, none will be the wiser. You can spin it however to others, but what grounds do they have to doubt you? Besides, Danqing Shen has long since left.”


“No buts, you’re not to say the truth, or else...” Zhuo Fan turned cold, adding a bit of bloodthirst in his gaze, “Danqing Shen can’t go to the Luo Alliance, but I can. Take it as you will.”

The kids shook in recollection of Zhuo Fan’s godlike might and bobbed their heads.

Zhuo Fan grinned, “Great. I’m letting you take the credit here, and not silencing you. And haven’t I told you last time not to speak about me? How come you brought Danqing Shen to my door?”

The trio froze, with two of them looking at Long Jianshan’s horrified face.

“Oh, the chubby guy again.”

Zhuo Fan pulled on that tearing face, snickering, “Selling me out, have you? You were also complaining last time, snubbing me. Let’s settle everything here and now, he-he-he...”

Long Jianshan slumped to the ground in a trembling mess, “Senior, I’m sorry. I didn’t know you’re so great. I am nothing to you. Please have the generosity to spare me. I’ll never speak of you ever again.”

“Blind uncle, please let him go.” Luo Sifan pleaded, afraid Zhuo Fan was going to pinch his brains out. Who could say with these geezers’ tempers?

Zhuo Fan smiled, “Your old man must’ve spoiled you rotten, judging by that horrified look; conceited all the time yet a coward when it matters. Get up. Now’s your time to make up for it and play the hero. Tell on me again and I’ll go into your home and make mincemeat out of you. Got that?”

“Yes, great senior, totally. I believe you can do anything.” Long Jianshan sobbed and trembled.

Zhuo Fan nodded, content, with the other two kids lowering their heads.

Zhuo Fan finally eased a breath and walked off.

“Blind uncle, you...”

“Girl, I’m leaving. Today was but an interlude to what is to come. Take care.”

Zhuo Fan turned to Murong Xue, “Miss Murong, are you still interested in figuring some things out? I’ll show you what is good and what is evil.”

Zhuo Fan left. Murong Xue muttered, before following after him. The kids were the only ones remaining, looking lost. Long Jianshan was still shaking, his face twitching.

[Mommy, he’s gone at last...]

In the Double Dragon Manor, Wen Tao, Yan Mo and other Sect Leaders had been at the Heaven Reaching Pavilion for a long time, pacing about while waiting for a reply.

A grizzled man came out and bowed, “Sect Leaders, what might have brought you here?”

“Elder, we would like to ask the Exalted whether...”

“I’m terribly sorry, but the Exalted have been gone for a while now. We don’t know where they went.” The old man cut off Wen Tao, his expression heavy.

Yan Mo asked, “When will the Exalted be back?”

“We’re unsure. They’ve always been unpredictable. You’ve all been cultivating in Double Dragon Manor and should know this better than anyone.”

“We do, sorry to disturb you...”

Wen Tao shook his head and sighed. They all bowed and left.

Once gone, one black and one white old man came out.

Exalted Hei Ran shook his head, “They’re all part of western lands yet we’re still ignoring them in this?”

“We’d be holding our duty if it were anyone else. But Luo Yunhai’s ambition has no limit. He’s been growing over these years so much that it’s clear he aims for the top, going against us. His people skills are truly formidable. All these people just now were once our disciples, yet they’ve taken the Luo clan’s side. He must’ve learned Zhuo Fan’s core values. Even when Zhuo Fan faked death, they still recommended the Luo clan.”

Exalted Hei Ran nodded, “I know. I just got word the Qin Society that’s been at odds with the Luo Alliance all this time got pulled into the birthday celebration. Luo Yunhai’s compassion has no limit...”

“With such a high achiever in western lands, it brings unrest, a vicarious settlement is best...” Exalted Bai Mei left while Exalted Hei Ran sighed behind him...

At the entrance to the Shangguan clan in eastern lands, Shangguan Qingyan walked Wu Qingqiu out, “I’m sorry, senior brother Wu, our venerables are set on this...”

“It’s fine. The seniors must have their own thoughts about it. Goodbye.” Wu Qingqiu bowed.

Shangguan Qingyan returned the gesture, feeling helpless.

Shangguan Qingyan went back in and bowed before the elders, “Venerables, senior brother Wu was here and I couldn’t be blunt, but now I have to know. The Luo clan is a benevolent group in western lands, working well with ours. Why wouldn’t we help them in this time of need and bring us closer together?”

“Yan’er, all these years you’ve handled the clan, you’ve never done anything of import, only trivialities, and don’t have perspective. Why do you think Double Dragon Manor doesn’t interfere despite Danqing Shen coming to western lands to cause trouble? Why was it Wu Qingqiu who came asking for our help?”

“Maybe Double Dragon Manor was in difficulty?”

“What difficulty when it’s just Danqing Shen and not against the central area? Even if something grave was happening, it should be Double Dragon Manor who would ask of our help and not Ultimate Clarity Sect.”

“That’s...” Shangguan Qingyan hesitated.

The venerable sighed, his voice resolute, “Yan’er, humanity is twisted at heart. We’re not suspicious of other, but should at least be cautious. Double Dragon Manor is the head of western lands. By going over their heads in interfering, we’re underminding their authority, damaging the relation between the lands. And when Wu Qingqiu arrived, signs have already shown this might be the case. The western lands waters run deep and it’s best we don’t get involved.”

“Venerable, Double Dragon Manor wants...” Shangguan Qingyan’s face fell.

A month later, the envoys gone to plead assistance had returned, looking bitter and disappointed.

Yan Mo cupped his hand in apology, “Brother Luo, the Exalted are away...”

“Their minds maybe. They were clearly avoiding us.”

Wen Tao sighed, “I’d never have known people could be like this if it weren’t for this incident. For even the Exalted to do this...”

Luo Yunhai and Zhuge Changfeng foresaw this and nodded.

“Shangguan clan’s three venerables declined on grounds of stumbling in their cultivation.” Wu Qingqiu reported.

This reason was so casual it left others speechless.

[Stumble? They’ve been around millennia and a thousand years at peak Genesis Stage with no sign of advancing. What stumbling?]

Neither side was willing to help. Who then in the Luo Alliance could put a stop to Danqing Shen’s power?

All had deep frowns at such a serious problem.

But this trouble ended up repelled without their knowledge. The man who did it was now watching them from the shadows with a warm smile...