Chapter 1266: Emperor Lands Takeover

Name:The Steward Demonic Emperor Author:
Chapter 1266: Emperor Lands Takeover

Proofreader: Papatonks

In a refined study, Qu Xiangfeng was pacing around anxiously and was soaked in his own sweat.

Xu Tianchuan held a jade slip and muttered to himself. He ended up smashing it on the table to pieces, looking up with a frown, How do we reply?

Reply to what?

Wu Qianqius face shook, looking pained, Were three months into our mission and the elders asked us about the situation. How do we answer? Everyone is fleeing from us. Many clans that mine and gather herbs all went into hiding. The resources have completely stopped being sent to the Sacred Mountains. How do we explain this to the elders?

Think of something!

I have. We tried everything we could think of, threats and rewards, but nothing works. We dont have any more people, theyre gone. Were from the Sacred Mountains, yet why are they leaving us?

Xu Tianchuans face twitched and grimaced, It has to be a ploy the Eight Emperors are playing. They want us to become laughingstocks. How else do you explain the ruined control after all the hard work weve done? Weve always been focused on searching for the missing people, so why are the rest leaving us? Something is afoot for sure!

Yes, these wretched people should die for not living up to our goodwill.

Qu Xiangfengs eyes flashed as he spat, Ive never worked harder in my life. Yet theyre still ungrateful? Humph, elder brother, I say were too lenient and need to be harsher. The next group of people that leave or stop gathering are to be killed along with their entire clan for ten generations, include the neighbors as well. Kill all of them. I refuse to believe theyll run then. Humph!


Xu Tianchuan slammed the table, All you know is killing. What use would that do? Instead of running, theyre dead.

What do you suggest, elder brother?

Xu Tianchuan squinted, Where are they going anyway?

A few live in remote areas while most go to the Demonic Emperors domain.

The Demonic Emperor?

Xu Tianchuan muttered, The Demonic Emperor is dead, with no one governing them. Yet theyre still going there? Steward Zhuo Fan must have some skill like they say, since he has the least chaotic area with no independent warlords present. We made slight mistakes here, but were still united here. Theres no war so theres no reason to run away, especially over there.

Brothers right!

The other two agreed.Visit no(v)eLb(i) for the best novel reading experience

They were wrong about one thing, even without Zhuo Fan, the Demonic Emperors lands would still be stronger even with their infighting.


Xu Tianchuan slapped the table, again, Lets go see Zhuo Fan!

Elder brother, what for?

Zhuo Fan nodded, Its very easy. When it comes to pacifying, Im quite good at it. You can see for yourself how theres not the slightest trouble even with the inflow of people into the Demonic Emperors domain.

Then well leave it to you. Bye! Xu Tianchuan stood and left in a good mood, already celebrating his win.

Zhuo Fan rushed to say, Wait.


Without the Demonic Emperor, everyone is only listening to me because the Demonic Emperor had given me his power before he died. I am the Head Steward here, but to intervene in your lands, I will also need a name to earn peoples trust and make things smoother.

Easy, well call you whatever you want!

Xu Tianchuan clapped his hands, From now on, you are the Great Steward of all the Eight Emperors lands. Your word is our word. Were behind you all the way. Anyway, its in your hands now. Do it well and youll be rewarded. Fail and its off with your head.

Zhuo Fan nodded with a smile, Understood!

The three of them left in joy.

Zhuo Fan called Li Jingtian over, Its time for us to take all the Eight Emperors lands. You know what to do.

Worry not, Steward Zhuo, were doing as you asked and taking care of all incoming people into the Demonic Emperors domain, instilling in them the highest opinion of the Luo clans honor and kindness. As long as we take them back, we will soon take all the power of all the lands, he-he-he

Zhuo Fan nodded, Go!

He used the three useless bums of the Sacred Mountains to get his hands on all the lands. For whoever had the peoples ear had the world. And to win their ear, one needed to get their respect.

All who received the Luo clans care went back home at the clans request, proclaiming its honor and kindness. Thus, all the suffering people branded the clan as their savior.

The Luo clans experts were assigned new posts to pacify the people, making it that much easier. In order to quash the panic, Zhuo Fan used his new title the entitled pricks gave him to remove their harsh laws with kinder treatment. He took out many of the clans assets to reestablish the people that had left.

Of course, Zhuo Fan did not forget to leave the right name behind when doing every good deed.

The Luo clan thus became the most respected clan everywhere.

When the clan also found some criminals that kidnapped people, their popularity was at an all time high.

The Sacred Mountains pricks were nothing compared to the Luo clan, who actually showed results.

The three ruled in name only, while the people only answered to the Luo clan. Zhuo Fan got his wish in uniting all the lands in just half a year, with the approval of those three.

This was far easier than imposing his own will on them.

The local rulers were more than happy the Luo clan came to govern them, making no trouble whatsoever.

They hailed them as their saviors from a world of hurt