Chapter 1315: Way Forward

Name:The Steward Demonic Emperor Author:
Chapter 1315: Way Forward

Writer: StarReader

Proofreader: Silavin

Having woken up, I remember bits and pieces. Now it all makes sense why Heavenly Sovereign kept calling me little brother. I thought it was a weird kink of his, rubbing me the off the wrong way. Thank the heavens its not. Zhuo Fan joked.

Kunpeng cheered, Its true what they say, every disaster is a blessing in disguise. Guess the heavy loss mustve taken you so deep that it accessed your past lives memories.

Zhuo Fan smiled, not bothering explaining.

Dad, what did you mean by five paths? Werent there six left in the sea of blackness? Gu Santong asked.

Oh, little Sanzi, youre all grown up now, I see, and Qiaoer too. The two no longer looked like teens, but fully grown adults, brimming with power. Gu Santong had rugged looks, befitting his wild temper, while Qiaoer more outstanding and charming, catching everyones eyes, a beauty to die for.

As youre all aware, the sea of blackness, or the destruction path, is a result of the combined ten paths, the road to the Supreme Stage. Since Ive gambled such an attempt while Heavenly Sovereign was after my life, the paths I got to do a preliminary fusion were then prepped to join together. Not to mention, Heavenly Sovereign tried blocking the backlash from my hasty attempt, further pushing them together, which unleashed this sea of blackness. Now, after all this time, the emotion path was the first to succumb and fuse with it, triggering its expansion. It is why I became a Sovereign, with the death of one path and the birth of another, no matter how similar. Zhuo Fan finished.

Youre saying the other paths will dissolve as well and it is taking down Sacred Domain with it? How much time do we have? Kunpeng asked.

I cant say for sure, but not long. Maybe a couple of years, at most, but since the paths fused already, it will only speed up the process if others to joined as well. Zhuo Fan stated like it was a topic over a brunch.

Why are you so calm about this? The old dragon snapped.

You have a plan, dont you, kid? Sea Ao stared hard.

Zhuo Fan grinned. In a manner of speaking.

As the fighting went on, he got pushed back time and time again.

Enough! Sword Child lashed out and used the Apocalyptic Sword without restraint, no longer caring if the beasts could take it or not.

The sudden black attacks of thunderflame took the sacred beasts by surprise, with neither able to take one on by themselves. They had no choice but to work together.

Whoa, that was too close. Gu Santong wiped his brow, recalling the same thing happening when he fought Sword Child the first time, only this time, It was far more powerful.

With the table turned, Sword Child went wild now, lashing out with stronger and stronger slashed in every direction, varying his attacks by manipulating the thunderflame to take on all kinds of shapes. It changed from blades, to whips, to fireballs, driving the beasts tighter together.

Even Sea Ao was having a hard time coping, and his power could seal everything, in theory.

That should be enough. How do you feel? Zhuo Fan appeared out of nowhere before Sword Childs last sword wave to flick it off to the side, letting it disintegrate some nameless mountain and casting a dark shadow on his face.

It took a moment for Sword Child to snap back out of fury, blinking at a loss how his attack just got mitigated like nothing. Fine?

Great, lets take a rest before our guest arrives. Then you can go all out to your hearts content, which Im sure it would be even better than dealing with these five. Zhuo Fan glanced at the exhausted sacred beasts. [I knew Sword Childs power has improved, but I didnt think it could take on all five beasts so easily. The fused powers of the sacred beasts isnt a joke once controlled.]

Zhuo Fan could feel his hand throbbing from dismissing the attack, playing it cool to look stronger than he was.

They all went to the Luo Clan, meeting Luo Yunhai and the rest, discussing further in the main hall while Sword Child rested.

They were all filled with joy to find Zhuo Fan back among them, knowing everything would be alright as long as he was on their side.

Zhuo Fan, Heavenly Sovereign wants a word with you. A man appeared in the hall without anyone noticing.