Chapter 1328: Twist

Name:The Steward Demonic Emperor Author:
Chapter 1328: Twist

Writer: StarReader

Proofreader: Silavin

The tyrant path wasnt just raw power and dominating the opposition. It was also about precision and focus, about awareness and timing.

To unleash your best strike at a moments notice wasnt easy by any means, with people holding back out of instinct and self-preservation in case something went wrong.

Zhuo Fan had learned this, and more, in his first trial in the Nether Sea. He thought to cheat through it at first, but only to realized that he was only cheating himself.

Progress didnt come through shortcuts, at least not one that was lasting. Using tricks and schemes to get his way had worked so far, but what if he hadnt resorted to them and instead worked to cultivate and delve deeper into his path? Wouldnt he have become stronger faster and not a pawn to the other Sovereigns? They were questions he couldnt answer to, but they haunted him nonetheless. Zhuo Fan had always been cunning and resourceful, relying on his wits to navigate the treacherous world of power and ambition. Yet, he couldnt shake off the feeling that he was missing something crucial.

As he stood at the precipice of a new challenge, facing an opponent who possessed not only raw strength but also an unwavering resolve, Zhuo Fan felt a flicker of doubt. His previous victories had been built on calculated moves and clever strategies, but now, faced with an adversary whose power and wit surpassed his own, he realized that his usual tricks might not be enough.

At least that was his initial reaction when he felt himself at the whim of the strongest, Heavenly Sovereign.

Desperation had helped him last time in escaping imminent death, but at the cost of people dear to him. It dawned on him how much he cared only when they were gone, plunging him in despair and shutting off his mind.

The world found that moment to shudder like never before, with the sky turning far more than prismatic, shining brilliant and dazzling. It astonished even Zhuo Fan, having never knew something like this was possible. He thought all path completions were the same, triggering the standard event and ushering in a new Sovereign.

Damn it! That power is too strong and will draw Heavenly Sovereigns attention. I need to get back fast! Zhuo Fan shot out of the cave, needing but moments to arrive at the Luo Clans new residence.

It was smaller than the city they had taken over when they got to the Sacred Domain. In fact, it was the old Blackwind Mountain, since the blackness forced every denizen of the Sacred Domain to fall back if they wanted to live.

He looked around, at the panicking elders and clansmen, unable to make sense of things.

[What the hell is going on here? Whats with this tremendous release of power? Heavenly Sovereign is sure to take notice and steal the new path! Cant you people lay low until were ready to fight him?] Zhuo Fan complained as he flew down before Danqing Shen.

His appearance brought joy to the elders, with the new Sovereigns showing themselves as well, having sensed his aura.

Father, Yan Song is behind this. Sword Child spoke sourly.

That old fool? I thought he only pursued alchemy? How is he doing this? Zhuo Fan started.

Unlike the rest of us, Lei Yuting gestured to the Luo Clans new Sovereigns, which now included Long Jiu. Elder Song has been obsessed with reaching the pinnacle of alchemy. Though he made incredible pills through it, he was close to dying more often than not. Its unclear now what could he have discovered to cause such a heavy reaction in the world, or whats left of it.

She said the last part with a downcast look at the sea of blackness stretching in the distance, reaching the skies and swallowing the earth.