Chapter 1336: Damage

Name:The Steward Demonic Emperor Author:
Chapter 1336: Damage

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Writer: StarReader

Proofreader: Silavin

Argh! As light pierced the thick clouds of dust, one could perceive a faint figure, shielded by a thin grey shield of Yuan Qi. It had no leg. Only half a torso with a right arm and half a head. Nevertheless, everyone here recognize him. He was Heavenly Sovereign.

Ugh, being on the receiving end of such power was not what I had in mind when I came to finish off all of you. He grunted, barely holding himself together as he flayed at the seams. Though, this is nothing a little reset wont fix, ha-ha-ha!

He gloated at the end, though cut short as one moment he was dying and the next, returned to having his body back. He was still wounded from the sacred beasts black thunderflame, having been unable to offset it.

Zhuo Fan was grave, watching Heavenly Sovereign with a critical eye as thoughts spun in his head. He needed to make the damage more permanent and final. Heavenly Sovereign was tired and upon closer look at his group, they were tired as well. Exhaustion was obvious in such a prolonged fight. Nerves stretched taught, wondering what trick the enemy might pull next, with one misstep capable of ending them. He had to be cautious while the other side could always reset himself. It seemed to never end, as though the fight had just started again. This was clearly a battle of attrition, which was not in their favor.

What surprised them all was how Elder Song was the worst off. He was not even able to stand upright as he huffed like he had ran a marathon.

[He said his path comes at a cost, but I never imagined the cost to be this high.] Zhuo Fan frowned.

He needed him for at least one more attack if he wanted to win this.

Damn it! What the hell did you do to me? Heavenly Sovereign roared out of nowhere, making the others flinch, being on guard for anything he might be doing.

Damn it! Zhuo Fan cursed. He was too rash to grasp victory and overlooked the fact that Heavenly Sovereign might have been faking it into drawing them out.

He would need to think of another approach to get Heavenly Sovereign. A glance at Elder Songs even more exhausted figure told him he had to work fast as well. [I wanted to avoid this.]

Zhuo Fan flew closer to the Sovereigns while signaling to come over.

Heavenly Sovereign was not one to let them do what they pleased, shooting for them and using Void Annihilation.

Kunpeng, stall him! Zhuo Fan shouted, needing a bit of time to get his plan across.

The sacred beasts worked under Kunpengs orders to send another black thunderflame at Heavenly Sovereigns attack, while also blocking his path.

As the strikes clashed, they left behind only destruction and decay as motes of black flames burned the air and the land to nothing, with the Void Annihilation still coming after the sacred beasts.

They had to take on their huge, original forms as it arrived, wanting to leave nothing to chance. The impact flung the beasts in every direction, forming a crater at where they impacted. Some if which soon turned into a lake of their own blood.

Fine, but I expect it back once this thing is over! Once Zhuo Fan told them him plan, Elder Song complained, but nevertheless relented. He saw the sacred beasts getting knocked out of commission, if not, killed.

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