Chapter 1339: Creation

Name:The Steward Demonic Emperor Author:
Chapter 1339: Creation

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Writer: StarReader

Proofreader: Silavin

Why do I get the feeling hes toying with me? Is he doing this on purpose to get a reaction out of me? Murong Xue asked no one in particular, for the other Sovereigns and sacred beasts were just as shocked. To think he could figure out how to complete a new path just like that? Then again, demonic and righteous paths were truly very similar. They needed but a different perspective to see where they split.

That made everyone pause, contemplating on their next pursuit in cultivation, aligning it with their goals and hope.

Ye Lin was the first to wake up from his thoughts and turned a curious eye to Elder Song, who was now sitting down from having overworked himself in battle. One might think he would keel over from just a nudge. Still, that didnt stop the rash Ye Lin from bothering him.

Elder Song, how is it you only joined the fight when one of us was dying? Your prismatic event already ended when Heavenly Sovereign came to check what triggered it. It also gave off such incredible power. Ye Lins question got everyones attention, focusing on the old man with envy, amazement, and respect.

The entire Luo Clans leadership was focused on the events Zhuo Fan triggered to glean from them truths and concepts to help them further not only their cultivation, but their knowledge about the world and cultivation.

The first time it happened was when Zhuo Fan inspected the legacies he got from the four Sovereigns in the Nether Sea. It proved to be such a boon to all that they were bumped one entire stage, to the Emperor Stage, in no time.

What? Youre saying that you made something out of nothing? Thats impossible! Dragon Ancestor denied the possibility at once, knowing how ludicrous it sounded.

Is it really? Elder Song raised his palm and a miniature Heavenly Eye formed, making the others shiver as they felt its minute pull. Ive made my breakthrough only as I discovered this truth and used not anything else, but all of myself into creating my path. Everything went to making my path and from it, I formed myself again. Thats how I became a Sovereign. I call it the creation path.

Thats why your prismatic event was so absurd. Its because you were closer to Heavens Will. The act of creation. The creation of the world and everything in it. Murong Xue gasped.

While I can create anything I put my mind into, it takes too much out of me. Mere rest also wont be nearly enough to recover. My very being is drained. My soul, body, and mind it is all being drained to achieve what I want. Thats why I didnt save myself unless I was sure none of you could. It was so that I could fight with you all for longer. Though, we all know the result now. Elder Song sighed.

Why the delay then? Why did you join so late? Sea Ao asked, knowing he couldve spared them being at the whim of that almighty Sovereign.

I was helping my apprentice find his path as well, as Ive been doing since Senior Sea Ao graciously pointed out in my lowest moments. Refocusing on guiding Yan Fu showed me things Ive never knew. Things Ive regretfully neglected, aspects about alchemy I took for granted. It was this shift in perspective that led me to complete my path. Now, I hope he will too and rid us of Heavenly Sovereign. Elder Song finished his tale.

They discussed longer, bouncing ideas between each other after that, each learning greatly from everyones experience through the events but also in life.

Meanwhile, Zhuo Fan would casually send a prismatic mote of light every now and then, sometimes fast, otherwise slower, showing steady process in reaching the Supreme Stage.

As for Heavenly Sovereign, none knew when he would be back, but it was certain he would return.

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