Chapter 1344: Epilogue

Name:The Steward Demonic Emperor Author:
Chapter 1344: Epilogue

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Writer: StarReader

Proofreader: Silavin

And where do you think youre going? A womans yell cracked the silent void around a hovering courtyard among the stars.

Its cultivators night out! Zhuo Fan replied at the door, with Yongning following with an indignant look while carrying a baby just a few months old.

If someone around here needs a break, its us. Lei Yuting appeared with another baby, though she was careful enough not to wake the child in her arms as she glared at their husband, leaving them to bear all the weight of parenthood.

I do this every day, and we all know what happened when Yuting tries to go out on her own. Zhuo Fan spoke sagely, masking the urgency of getting some fresh airor was it chaotic energyfrom the stifling yells and demands of human babies.

[Chaos, just what the hell was I thinking when I accepted all of them?] That wasnt the first time he asked himself this, and it wouldnt be the last. [They say the laughter of a child is the light of a home.] So far, he has yet to see any in this bottomless abyss.

Lei Yuting shuddered, having recalled being eaten away by the wild and rampant energies outside their home, wondering even now how she kept sane. The involuntary stab of fear shook the child awake and made her wail, setting off the other couple of babies resting in other rooms.

Couldnt you have kept it down? Chu Qingcheng came over with a crying baby girl, looking at them with reproach. Just let him go. Hes not going to stay long anyway.

Zhuo Fan took this chance to slip by, with Yongning and Lei Yuting looking at the door with longing for a break as well, but despite all having reached the Supreme Stage, they had to understand Dao if they wanted to stand shoulder to shoulder with Zhuo Fan and walk outside. The chaos outside powered them up, but it was also the reason for staying cooped up.

Zhuo Fan flew among the stars, mere dots of light of varying intensity, some even completely black. He did his job in snuffing out the dark one, returning them to the chaotic energy that made this universe.

Hours later, he arrived at what could only be described as a tavern. Its exterior was weathered, with aged wooden beams and a thatched roof, as well as a sign above the entrance with ever-shifting wording above the image of a spilling tankard as other people entered.

When it was his turn to enter, the words became Chinese, reading Worlds End. He didnt pay it any heed, ignoring the rowdy bunch in a corner and approaching the bar, where a hulking man with bull horns was cleaning a small tankard in his large hands. A newcomer would think it shouldve been reduced to pieces by now, yet it remained intact nonetheless.

Hey, Mino! The usual, please. Zhuo Fan was greeted with a smile.

Would you stop calling me that? I do have a name, you know? The massive man grunted as he finished cleaning the mug and took another from beneath the bar filled with a swirl of colors, placing it in front of Zhuo Fan.

As the panther left, a man in Daoist robes appeared in sight, bearing a striking similarity to Zhuo Fan. He wasnt phased at the greeting, taking a seat next to Zhuo Fan.

How long has it been, two years? Zhuo Fans grin was most annoying.

Try two million. Leaving me stuck there was like being in prison. Watching the world go about me without having any means of interacting with it was torture, but it was exactly what I needed to reach your stage. But you knew that already, didnt you, little brother? Heavenly Sovereign spoke in a flat tone.

I was still new with my worldly powers, he chuckled at that, but it all worked out in the end, and now youre here. Youre not still sour about everything, are you?

I did pay a visit to your house, thinking about taking your family hostage, but I figured it would be a relief instead. No doubt youd be running around in joy while I had to keep the hostages healthy. Heavenly Sovereign smirked.

Thats so nice of you. Zhuo Fan trailed with gloomy eyes. Being a parent was easy when you didnt have to change diapers or get them to sleep. Using magic wasnt an option at such a frail age.

Z-Zhuo Fan, hes your brother for real?! Mino shouted in shock. The brothers only now noticed the eerie silence around them.

Is that a bad thing? Zhuo Fan raised an eyebrow.

It is when you both are world experts coming from the same homeworld. Many others would kill to know how you did it, wanting to establish their own factions, clans, or sects here. Without an expert from the same homeworld, no one would trust anyone to share power when they build it, which is why this place is so peaceful, destroying remnant worlds and cultivating peace. But you just destroyed the very balance of this universe! Mino explained as he had the tavern door open and pushed the two out, seeing the other glaring guests ready to draw blood.

I dont want any part in it! Youre on your own! Mino slammed the door behind them, leaving the two in the starry black void.

Well, brother, doesnt this bring back memories? Zhuo Fan smirked.

Heavenly Sovereign saw the incoming mob, probably notified by the taverns guests, with a serious look and said, Yes, unfortunately. I recall it being around this time you betrayed me last time.

Ha-ha, thats all in the past. Now its us against the universe. Back then, our homeworld was at stake. Shall we? Zhuo Fan raised a carefree eyebrow, not minding the ever-growing opposition getting closer and closer.

For the first time, Heavenly Sovereign grinned and said, Lets!

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