A Small Fissure

Translated by HamletJr

Edited by HamletJr

“I’m home.”

After Ryuichi walked Shizuna to her neighborhood, she managed to make it home safely without incident. She turned around once before the front door closed, but of course he was not there. After all, they had parted the moment her home came into view, so he should be on his way home right about now.


When Shizuna whispered his name, she felt an inexplicable warmth enveloping her heart. She would have never felt this way had she not been rescued by him from the ill-natured playboy that had tried to hit on her just the other day. She originally knew about Ryuichi because he was a classmate of hers, and she’d heard numerous bad rumors about him, which Ryuichi himself had affirmed.

Because of Shizuna’s upright personality, the only impression she’d ever had of him was that he was somebody she would never get involved with. However, in reality, the Ryuichi she’d talked to was completely different from what the rumors said. Of course, even he didn’t deny them, so they were likely true, but even so, Shizuna recognized Ryuichi as a classmate she could undoubtedly trust.

“…I had so much fun today.”

She let out a chuckle as she recalled the day’s events. 

Even she couldn’t say for sure why she had gone to such lengths earlier, but one thing she did know was that she simply couldn’t leave him be. She couldn’t help but reach out to him when she imagined him at home, alone, eating cup ramen all by his lonesome.

“…I wonder what this feeling is.”

Ryuichi himself had had no qualms about eating alone, and she definitely hadn’t done it out of a sense of pity. She just wanted to do something for him. She wanted to thank him for saving her…but more than that, she wanted to stay by his side—he, who was brusque yet kind.

“His arms were so big. And strong…~ ♪”

When Shizuna was embraced by Ryuichi’s muscular arms, she felt a thrill she had never felt before. Shizuna knew that he was only joking, which made her feel all the more secure in Ryuichi’s arms.

Shizuna put her hands on her cheeks.

They were unbelievably hot to the touch, and her heart was beating so loudly that she could hear it pulsing. She couldn’t forget the feeling of being held in those thick arms of his, and the fact that he whispered in her ear that he would “devour” her was also vividly etched in her mind.

“…Seriously… What is happening to me?”

The pounding of her heart continued unabated as Shizuna was confronted with bewilderment at this feeling she had never experienced before. At the same time, she realized that the reason why she hadn’t resisted Ryuichi’s pull on her arm both this time and last time (the kabedon) was that there was a tiny, tiny part of her that wouldn’t mind if he had his way with her…

She still hadn’t realized.

She hadn’t realized that certain tendency lying dormant within her; it would be a while before she did.

“What’re you doing?”


Perhaps she’d been alone in her imagination, or perhaps she wasn’t. Either way, she’d failed to notice her mother’s approach. Embarrassed by the sight of her mother looking at her in exasperation, she quickly took off her shoes and moved from the foyer.

“Sorry, Mom. I had some urgent business today.”

“It’s okay. But it really did come as a surprise. I’ve never heard you sound that desperate before. Fufu, I wonder who you were with?”

“…A friend.”

“Sure, we’ll roll with that.”

Shizuna’s face turned red at her mother’s phrasing, implying that she’d already seen through her.

Shizuna’s mother, Sakie, was a beautiful woman. Perhaps it’d be easier to picture her if she was described as a slightly more mature version of Shizuna. Because of her youthful appearance, she and Shizuna were often mistaken for sisters when they went out together.

Shizuna had heard that she’d been approached by various people at her workplace, but that she’d turned them all down, as if she was not interested in them at all.

…It’s been years since Dad passed away; surely Mom could use a new life with somebody, Shizuna thought.

Shizuna’s father, Sakie’s husband, had long since passed on. Although Shizuna had some reservations when it came to the matter of remarriage, she would make sure to keep her biological father and her hypothetical stepfather as two separate people in her mind if it came to it. For now, though, it was all meaningless speculation on Shizuna’s part since Sakie herself seemed to have no intentions to remarry.

“I’ll be heading in the bath now, Mom.”

“Alright. Leave the tub hot when you’re done.”

“Got it.”

After informing her mother, Shizuna made her way to the bathroom. 

To Shizuna, her body was a precious gift from her father and mother, and as such, she took great care of her body and beauty to keep them as beautiful as possible at all times. She never neglected to care for her skin, hair, and various other parts of her body. After she finished bathing, Shizuna dressed herself in her lovely pink and fluffy pajamas and laid down on her bed.


I wonder what Ryuichi is doing right now? Shizuna’s mind constantly drifted to this thought.

“…‘See you next time,’ he said… Ehehe ♪”

When he’d said those words to her, the embarrassed look on his face was really cute. His body was way more toned and developed than Shizuna’s, yet he was vain and ostentatious, like a little kid who could not be honest. Even though others called him a delinquent or an immature brat, the more Shizuna got to know Ryuichi, the more she became interested in him.


Shizuna’s body began to grow heated again as she imagined being held by those thick arms of his. Even without Shizuna willing it, her palms began to fondle her large, feminine mounds. Her body trembled, and when she felt them harden slightly, she suddenly snapped to her senses.

“W-What was I doing…?”

She was bewildered…but obviously, she didn’t hate it, either.

Her thoughts were in disarray, but her body, honest as it was, prompted her to move her hand to her chest once more…

Suddenly, her phone vibrated.


She had gotten a call from her long-time childhood friend. She picked up the phone, torn between relief for having gotten a call from him before she crossed the line, and torment for having been called with such terrible timing.


“Hi. Good evening, Shizuna.”

“Evening, Sohei-kun. What’s up?”

It wasn’t unusual for him to call Shizuna like this; they were childhood friends, after all, so they often talked to each other face to face, not to mention calling and texting on their phones.

…Now that I think about it, I don’t have Shishido-kun’s contact information… Will he tell me if I ask?

Even though she was on the phone with her childhood friend, her brain immediately went back to thoughts of Ryuichi. She spaced out, causing her to miss what he was saying on the phone.

“Shizuna? Shizuna~?”

“…Oh, sorry. So, what were you saying?”

“Were you spacing out? That’s pretty unusual for you, Shizuna.”

“Well, it happens sometimes.”

“So, what did you want to talk about?” she continued. 

“Lately, you’ve been talking to him…to Shishido, haven’t you? He isn’t threatening you or anything, is he?”

When she heard his words, her mood took an instant nosedive. She tightly clenched her phone in spite of herself.

Again, she knew how others viewed Ryuichi, and she knew what kind of rumors were floating around about him. But Shizuna knew—she knew the real Ryuichi.

It was natural that Sohei didn’t know, just as it was natural that he would take the rumors seriously since nobody was saying otherwise. Still, she hated the fact that despite his ignorance, he had the gall to ask if he was threatening her

“No, he isn’t threatening me. Shishido-kun is a good person. He’s a very kind person who even sav―”

“No, but the rumors say that he’s ensnared many women before, y’know? Plus, he skips classes and is generally disrespectful toward the teachers. He’s by no means a kind―”

“Sorry. I think I’m going to bed now. Goodbye.”

“Wait, Shizuna―”

Beep, beep, beep.

She’d hung up the phone.

As her childhood friend, Shizuna trusted Sohei and naturally had good faith in him. However, she did not want to hear him say such things about Ryuichi. Even if he was just parroting what everybody else was saying, she still did not want to hear it.

“…No matter what anybody else says, I know Shishido-kun is kind.”

Her quiet mutter melted into the atmosphere without ever reaching anybody.

Of course, a part of her also wondered if she was simply putting too much trust in him; if she was only seeing a facade of Ryuichi’s. Even so, Shizuna trusted Ryuichi―and that would never change.

“Just be careful, okay? There’s a lot of bad rumors about him. As your childhood friend, I can’t help but worry about you.”

“I know. I don’t want to worry you, so I’ll be careful with Shishido-kun, okay?”

The gears of change were beginning to turn.