Chapter 85 An Unexpected Game 3

The game continued when the third period ended the Elite team was winning with an 18 point lead, so in the fourth period the Lions had already lost the will to fight as they knew the game was already lost.

Jake as always controlled the team and returning with the rotation system in the attack ended up winning the game with 24 points difference.

Jake and his teammates greeted the toughest opponent the team has faced so far, some Lions players began to cry and others knew that next year would be theirs.

Jake and his teammates began to celebrate the victory and also the state championship that was theirs now, Jake saw that his teammates were celebrating now much more than when they won the regional championship.

That made Jake happier because it showed that they were still young people who felt joy at winning a championship that was already expected, or was what the system said, they were happier after beating a stronger team like the Lions.

Jake was also very happy and soon went to close to his mother in the cheering, the awards would still take a little so he would enjoy.

Jake gave a big hug to Eva who was also very happy with the victory of her son, she was hoping that this season he can celebrate another trophy winning the national championship that was not possible last year.

After a while, it came time for the awards and the Elite team was receiving the trophy at the awards, so everyone took their medals and Jake who was the captain lifted the championship trophy state championship.

Everyone was very happy and took several pictures for newspapers across the state, the whole team had won this trophy last year, but anyone who saw this photo in the state of Florida recognized only Jake that had won last year as well.

After that Jake also received the MVP award from the state championship as well, everyone found them deserved and even Jake no longer cared and just celebrated with his teammates and then went to celebrate with his mother.

All the newspapers asked several questions for all players including Jake and Eric was no exception, the difference being that Eric's report was much more complete and even the other players who saw him since his first regional championship games treated him better than the others.

Jake had to admit that Eric had a lot of talent for his reporter profession, he knew how to ask good questions that did not embarrass the players and also easily befriend the players just as he was with him.

After the celebrations ended Jake left with his mother and everyone went home too, Jake was very happy with the way things were going, at least he managed to win the same as last year, now he was missing one more championship, but this would only be for after the holidays.

Unlike last year Jake was very anxious for the holidays, because besides the trip that he planned to do with his mother to celebrate his birthday also had the fact that he was getting very annoyed in school because of his teachers.

To be able to talk to his friend Joseph did not need to be done at school, he could go every vacation at his friend's house, the school was just a boring place this year for Jake, he hoped it would change in the year which comes when he would enter high school.

But before you go on vacation, Jake still had an appointment that would be the celebration party for Clara and Tiffany's companies, as he was greatly helped by them and it was his duty to attend this party that would be in a few days.

It was good that this would still be in a few days and not today, because Jake was very tired after the game, in the stress and the celebrations.

The other day in the morning when Jake woke up to eat his breakfast he saw his mother with a smile on his face that had prepared several things to eat and was reading the newspaper.

"Good morning, my champion son, I prepared a capricious breakfast to celebrate your win in yesterday's game."

"Good morning, thank you Mom, but I did not need all this, what were you reading that made you so happy?"

"It's the newspaper headline about your team's national championship victory, the one that that reporter Eric does is better than the other newspapers I read."

"So you bought other newspapers too, which says it made you so happy."

"He said that a star could not be hidden when he talked about you still winning the MVP even after playing giving more passes than making points and in the end made several 3-point baskets."

"Newspapers are exaggerated as usual."

Although Jake said this he had to say that it was good to be praised publicly like that, not to mention that it would be good for companies that sponsor him if his image as a player would be better.

Jake was now no longer interested in sponsoring companies, he had two that he was lucky to have his representatives being good people, and with that, he made enough money to make his family look good for a long time.

But Jake knew that this was not always so, many companies when they hired a Face of used their image until they thought that the company recovered the investment, even with great players was like that.

So Jake did not think about getting rich advertising and eroding his image, so Clara and Tiffany's companies were great, so he would even have time to take a trip abroad on vacation without worrying so much.

After a few days, everything had stolen normal and even the excitement for the state championship win slowed slightly, and Jake was thinking of the party that would be held the other day.

Knowing that her mother was a little worried about how she would dress and how she would behave at that party, Jake saw it as an opportunity to make her mother a little happier.

He decided to give her a gift by marking a day at the SPA for her so she could rest and take care of her skin and become happier and more confident in the party.

When Jake took Eva to the SPA she was very surprised and then just gave a hug and a kiss on her son and went inside, Jake just stood in a room near the entrance waiting, as he knew it would take him just started training.

It was good that her imagery training could be done anywhere, while Eva was going through all sorts of relaxing massage and skin treatments.

Jake did this only because it was his mother who did much for him, but he had to admit that maybe he could not do the same for his wife in the future, waiting several hours while doing nothing was a great test of patience.

The other day, even though it was the day of the party, Jake overcame himself and took his mother to the mall to take his mother to choose a party dress and also to the beauty salon, he knew a men's clothing store that always had good suits and chose one quickly.

After all, even though he was only 12 years old, he already had the height of many adults who were small, so choosing a suit was not a problem, but choosing a good dress for Eva and waiting in the salon was another test of patience.

But after spending it was worth seeing his mother who was very happy, Jake had heard from some of his friends before the women, especially the most beautiful as Eve was also was very vain.

Her current appearance that included makeup and clothing also had a lot of influence on her self-esteem, Eve spent a lot of time simply dressing, first because of Jake's father's death and then only because of her waitress job that she wore a simple uniform.

After Jake got her mother away from work, her mentality did not change. Eva still wore only simple clothes and just took care of her hair.

What Jake wanted was for his mother to see that the others could admire her for her appearance and so Eva later regained that vanity that every woman had and was happier.

Jake wanted to do this before perhaps on a birthday, but as he knew his mother well, Eve would not accept that all this was done for her for no reason at all, now he had a great reason it was Clara's party.

When Eva left the salon with her party dress on, everyone who was in that part of the mall looked at her, many thought Eva was a celebrity or some lady from Miami's high society.

Eva's smile was even more dazzling after seeing that she was still beautiful and attracted attention so much when she was young, so a little of Jake's tiredness disappeared, it was a pity that the day was not over yet and now they would have to go to a party.