Chapter 179: : cool

Kyiv in the early morning is hidden in a piece of mist. Some people say that the vitality of a city is hidden in his five-point sky. Obviously, Ukraine is getting old.

But there are also fishermen who rely on the sea to row out to sea in small boats, and they pray for a harvest today.

"Bellman, remember, you must throw out the net." The old fisherman looked at his son solemnly and said.

The son whose height is close to 1.90 is equally serious. According to his father’s words, he must maintain awe of the sea, cast down the net one by one, spread some bait, and then wait quietly. I don’t know why recently, maybe marine life also Knowing that Ukraine's economic crisis has fled the coast of the Black Sea, the seafood base here has decreased in an instant.

"Huh?" The old fisherman suddenly felt that the buoy on the fishing net was sinking slightly. Based on his experience, it was definitely a big object. He snuffed out the cigarette **** in his hand, threw it away, and frowned, "Bellman, Pull the net."

"Huh?" The latter looked at the other party suspiciously, but still obediently pulled the net up forcefully, but it became more and more strenuous, until the last two struggled to pull the net up, except for a few pieces of small miscellaneous fish inside. In addition, there is a sack? !

There was still a **** smell on the sack!

The two father and son looked at each other, the old fisherman was very nervous, stretched out his wrinkled hands, and untied the rope from the sack.


A hand rolled out.

"Oh! OMG!"

Kurt crossed his hands and propped his chin, frowning tightly. He hadn't heard from Brian for three days.

Intuition told myself that the other party was almost cold.

But I still look forward to it, if I really catch the evidence of Nicholas, then... I can send that damned person to jail!

bang bang bang!

At this moment, there was a sudden and impolite knock on the door, which made Kurt very dissatisfied.

What are these idiots up to? Angrily, she walked over and opened the door, only to see a female subordinate standing at the door with tears all over her face, "Boss... Boss, Brian and the others... are dead!"


When Kurt saw Brian again, it was already in the funeral home in Kyiv.

The five corpses were neatly arranged, their bodies were turning white and their skins were wrinkled.

"They were all killed by guns. There were seven fatal wounds, including the head, chest, and abdomen. 9mm medium-caliber bullets were used. It is currently impossible to determine the firearms used." A Mediterranean forensic doctor brought said the mask.

"how long it has been?"

"About 65 hours or so."

Kurt instantly matched the time, this must have something to do with Nicholas!

The corners of his eyes twitched slightly, and he stared at Brian. Although there was a bit of hatred between the two parties, when the other party was lying here, he still felt a bit sad in his heart. He wiped away the tears that did not exist in the corners of his eyes, and said in a deep voice, "Check! That Asian Where did you go?"

"The informant said that Nicholas had left Kyiv this morning."


Kurt stared and said, turned his head suddenly, looked at the agent who was speaking, the latter was startled by his expression, took a step back in panic, rolled his Adam's apple, supported the hospital bed with his hands, and nodded ,"Yes I am."

"Where did you go?"

"Like going back to...Somalia."


Kurt punched the hospital bed angrily, but only he knew what was going on in his mind.

Maybe, are you glad that the other party has finally left?

But at this time Tang Dao came to Hargeisa!

This is the second largest city in Somalia and the capital of Hargeisa State. It is located in a closed valley in the Aoge Highlands in the northwest of the border, at an altitude of 1200 meters. The climate is mild and pleasant. Historically, it was the distribution center and trade center for livestock products of the surrounding Ishak and Isa tribes, and it is the "pearl" of the Somali Peninsula.

Before 1941, it was used as the "Somali Xiadu of British Somalia", and later changed to the British colonial capital.

And he came to meet a powerful warlord of the Southern Alliance.

"Nice to meet you, Mr. Abdikassim." At Hargeisa Airport, Tang Dao saw the big man who came to pick up the plane, wearing a national characteristic bowler hat, squinting his eyes, and his skin was not counted. It is black, but healthy-colored wheat. At first glance, it looks like a kind neighbor next door.

But this guy is not easy.

Abdikassim Salad Hassan!

Nickname, "Loach!"

He used to be the son of a farmer in Hargeisa State, but in 1975, he joined the British colonial army and participated in many wars against the opposition. Later, because of the current situation, he simply put his own The master was sold and transformed into the leader of the Southern Freedom Army, which can be regarded as a great contribution to the expulsion of the British gentlemen.

But later he saw that the Americans were powerful, so he approached the Americans. Relatively speaking, he was a North American force.

The most tragic and inhumane thing was that when he started his career, he went home to visit his relatives and found that his parents had been dead for a long time. This made him burn down the whole village in a fit of anger! Moreover, including the rampant and active pirates in the Gulf of Aden—the Somali sailors, he also led them alone, so this guy is very rich!

The investment in piracy activities is very small, only small boats and other equipment such as guns and communications are required, which is out of proportion to the huge profits brought by hijacking. The owner of the hijacked ship would rather pay a high ransom than protect the lives of the crew.

Pirates can get an average of US$1 million to US$2 million for each ship hijacked. After hijacking the "Stella Maris", they demanded a ransom of US$3 million. Globally, $25 billion is lost each year.

The huge ransom made the piracy more rampant. If such a hijacking is successful, they can become rich overnight, buy famous cars, build villas, marry wives and concubines, and live away from poverty. Thereby enticing more people to take risks and participate in piracy activities. Through piracy, smuggling, drugs, arms trading and smuggling can also be used to make money, maximizing the benefits of piracy.

It is conservatively estimated that Hassan's assets are as high as 200 million US dollars!

Most people seldom encounter pirates in their lifetime. Therefore, when mentioning pirates, the images that come to mind are probably movies or literary works: full of oil, smell of wine, stepping on a wooden prosthetic leg, full of foul language, temper Violent, old sailors with gunpowder dust in their beards and smoking.

They are extremely aggressive, but they pay great attention to the rules. If you give them money, they will let you go.

But it must be peeled off by people, so this has caused the price of marine insurance business to soar, and ordinary small insurance companies may not be able to afford it.

"Mr. Nicholas, I am also very happy to meet you. In Somalia, every warlord is proud to see you." Hassan spoke English with a strong local flavor, as if he had a hot dog in his mouth, but Barely audible.

Tang Dao laughed loudly when he heard the other party's flattery. He held the other party with both hands and waved, "I'm just an ordinary businessman."

"Is there anyone in Somalia or even North Africa who doesn't know about the Somali Eagle? A little bit of Mr. Nicholas' hand can satisfy those warlords." Hassan's personality is much smoother than Aidid's.

Although everyone knows that this is a bridal sedan chair, they like to be carried by others.

Who doesn't like to hear a good word?

Do you think it would be nice to have someone beside you who keeps pouring cold water on you?

"Come Let's get in the car first, I have a lot of things I want to tell you." Hassan patted Tang Dao's arm affectionately and invited to get in the car. His car was a The bulletproof Audi, custom-made, cost 6 million U.S. dollars. It really means that the rich are getting richer, and the poor are getting poorer.

Those who went bankrupt just didn't memorize the theory of capital, or they were too slick in micromanagement, and they killed themselves. Generally, rich people seldom become poor, and rare people can make news.

A group of people, including Tang Dao's bodyguards, picked up a total of 15 cars and drove towards Hassan's "official residence" neatly.

These include three personnel carriers, which are fully loaded with "heavily armed" guards. The weapons are better than Aidid. A small amount of American equipment has appeared, such as the "robbers' favorite" Ingram light submachine gun.

From the looks of it, Ying Jiang's power has a big influence here.