Chapter 317: :courage

Ukraine, Kyiv!

Ermao, who is in the midst of disintegration, is now wearing a bandage and drinking laundry detergent. As for vodka, Da Mao is now borrowing money and paying off debts before the whole world asks his grandpa to sue his grandma. This little life can no longer survive.

On the streets, displaced refugees can be seen everywhere.

And in the city's busiest Kreshchak Street, there are very few people, which means "cross-shaped" in Russian. Kreshak Street was restored after World War II according to the pre-war model. Ukraine plans to build a so-called "Independence Square" where the street crosses.

The company's branch is on this street, and it's the highest floor. It was originally the seat of a multinational group, but because of the economic collapse, many large companies will burp quickly if they don't go the right way. The building was leased by Cherkovso for $100,000 for five years.

And a lease is 20 years!

There are 11 floors in total.

Of course he won't waste it, Tang Dao has given him a lot of power, and he is currently the master of the half-baked business in Northern Europe and the whole of Europe.

This is already a lot of trust, and Cherkovso relied on his contacts to **** several national treasure-level experts from the Ukrainian Equipment Department, and use professionals to guide the profession!

There are hundreds of people in the whole company, including the security department, and they are organized in an orderly manner.

An Audi car with the number plate Ermao parked slowly at the entrance of the building. The bodyguard sitting in the co-driver got out of the car and opened the rear door. Cherkovso in a suit came down with a cigar in his mouth. In the previous embarrassment, the Swiss watch Balgo on his left hand cost him 7,000 US dollars, and the pair of leather shoes were also custom-made from Italy.

Simply put, money got him all this.

The spirit and appearance are different. He walked into the office building with his head held high. The blond receptionist smiled and said hello. Cherkovso nodded gently. He took the elevator to the top floor, where his office Own one floor.

"Dekersky, would you like something to drink?"

After entering the office, Cherkovso threw the key on the coffee table, looked at his bodyguard and asked.

"Thank you, no need, Boss." The other party's face was stiff, as if he couldn't smile, and his own words made people feel cold, but the former was used to it, shrugged, and poured himself a cup of coffee.

This bodyguard is actually his soldier, belonging to the 10th special unit of the "A" group of the 7th bureau of the KGB. This is a special force formed by Er Maozi himself. C" group of special forces, and soon incorporated into the Ukrainian Security Bureau.

The 10th special unit has few chances to perform on stage due to historical reasons.

But people who are familiar with him prefer to call him: "воин" translates to: "warrior".

Because the first requirement of this team is to have participated in the war!

To create warriors who belong to war.

Cherkovso is mainly in charge, and Dekersky is the squad commander of the special unit and has participated in "Operation Onyx".

The reason this doesn't laugh is because the shrapnel hurt the facial nerve...

After Ermaozi separated, he was hired to serve as Cherkovso's security secretary. Talent should not be wasted. He likes to make coffee by himself. It's not a hobby, it's just a habit. , the coffee in the cup was rippling, sitting comfortably on the sofa, taking a sip, the temperature was right.

"Dekerski, have your wife and the others made arrangements?" He raised his head and asked.

As soon as he talked about his family, the other party's cold face finally appeared a little... twitching, his facial nerves were a little seriously injured, and this was the only movement, but there was a gentle nod in his eyes, he was not good at words, "They are already here Germany, I found a nurse to take care of them."

His only daughter is suffering from blood cancer, that is, leukemia. The medical conditions in Ukraine are not good, and the operation fee in a developed country is at least 100,000 US dollars, which is completely unaffordable for ordinary people. I haven't paid my salary for a month, and when I have nowhere to go, I thought about robbery!

At that time, when Cherkovso came to him, this guy was holding a shotgun...

After he understood the situation, he only said one sentence, "Follow me, for yourself and for your daughter, give up honor and accept reality."

The annual salary for him is 170,000 U.S. dollars, without other expenses. Of course, this is through the company account.

Moreover, Cherkovsuo also communicated with Tang Dao, and some things really need to be done by his own people.

"Well, don't worry, Linerva will be fine, and you can go to Germany to see them in a few days."

"Let's talk about it later," Dekerski refused.

Cherkovso wanted to say a few words, but the phone on the table suddenly remembered, he retracted what he was about to say, stood up, walked over, leaned against the table, "Hi, hello. "

"Boss, I have a call for you." The front desk said.


"He said he was your friend and didn't tell me his name."

Cherkovso pondered for a moment, "Okay, let's take it in."


I heard a very heavy male voice from the opposite side, "Hello, General Cherkovso, this is the management department of the Bay Area. Do you have two freighters under your name that are going to be transported to Barnama?"

The company has a transfer station there, and a batch of goods has just been delivered. There are 5,000 firearms of various types, and more than 30 artillery pieces, including self-propelled artillery pieces, which are intended to fill the warehouse in Somalia.

This batch of goods is worth tens of millions of dollars, so nothing can happen!

"Is there a problem?"

"There are procedures here that need you to go through, and you need to come in person."

"Okay, I'll go right away."

After Cherkovso hung up the phone, his face drooped, "Idiot!" Then he looked at Dekersky, "You prepare twenty people and drive other cars behind me, I want to see , What kind of monster is thisWhat kind of person would call him directly?

Didn't Andreyev get through the relationship with such a trivial matter?

In this phone...

Obviously heard the noise, is the government department so noisy?

Damn it!

Do you really think I'm an idiot? Or is there some thieves eyeing him?

"Do you want to bring a bazooka?" Dekerski asked suddenly, "There are still landmines in the arsenal under the company."

On the right side of Kyiv Square, there is a telephone booth.

An Asian came out of the house. His clothes were not expensive, but they were clean. His eyes were fierce, and he didn't seem like a kind person.

He looked left and right, and found that the homeless people gathered in the distance were looking at him, ready to move, the corner of his mouth raised, then raised his middle finger, and cursed, "Fake!"

Turn around and run!

Those homeless men were taken aback when they saw this, and then rushed over, swearing, nothing more than some useless words, trying to catch him and beat him up, but when they chased him, the man disappeared.

"damn it!"

"The next time I see him, I will punch his large intestine with my fist."

The tramps were out of breath, their teeth itching with hatred.

However, the fast-running Asian found it very exciting.

These are savages who only use brute force.

Humming a ditty, he walked around four or five streets and walked into an abandoned factory. There were more than 20 people sitting in it. There were all races, but most of them were Asian.

"Goutou Liu, how are you doing?"