Chapter 475: :Assassination

In order to ensure the secrecy of the mission, the helicopter is ten kilometers away from the town of Nightingale, which means that it needs to be reached here on foot or a quick march.

Then fly into Kinshasa at low altitude and snipe the target.

The reason why special missions can be called classics is because they try their best to embarrass the combatants from any angle. If they succeed, they will be famous forever. If they fail, they will be infamous for thousands of years.

It's like someone said that competitive sports don't distinguish between winning and losing, but only care about participation, so how about a fart game? Let's play mahjong, why don't we go to a restaurant?

Special tasks, only success and failure!

There were only three combat teams, about 15 people, who carried out the "Operation Bird Slaughter", fully armed and well-equipped, and the GAU19 aviation machine gun was installed on the helicopter gunship. On the one with the blue light, Tang Dao specially bought about Seven sticks, used to equip several female deer, this kind of lethal weapon, even Tang Dao is reluctant to sell.

3:45 am!

After marching for about an hour and a half, the combat team arrived at the destination, an oasis ten kilometers away in the town of Nightingale, where two Hinds were already waiting quietly.

The commander of this mission was commanded by the former deputy captain of the Arctic Fox, David Coster, nicknamed "Doctor". The team, all of them, resist beating.

Instructing them to get on the helicopter, David took off his mask, walked to the back of the driver's seat, glanced at the pilot, who was an unfamiliar person, and shrugged.

"Dude, you didn't have a drink?"

The driver was a middle-aged man with a beard. Hearing David's words, he took out his necklace from his clothes with his right hand, a silver cross.

"I am a devout believer, God will guide me to the right way, and he will bless us."

David curled his lips, and replied casually, "God bless." After finishing speaking, he sat back in his seat and rested with his eyes closed. The others also knew how to regain their strength. There was a silence in the helicopter, only the sound of the helicopter propeller.

This silence lasted for about forty minutes.

At around 4:40.

This is the most sleepy time for the human body. Because of the electricity, only a few places in Kinshasa can see the lights. There must be no street lights or other infrastructure. Moreover, who will turn on the lights at this point? As a result, the whole city was plunged into darkness.

In order not to startle the enemy and plan well, when Tang Dao pushed them to the "God's Gate", they had already collected information and studied the nearest route, trying to resolve the battle within half an hour, and the longest time would not be delayed to 45 minutes.

Under the cover of the night sky, three helicopters flew low from the northwest.

There are also people who heard the movement at this time, but raised their heads, only to see a "huge bird" flying over. For many niges, they didn't know what it was, but they must be afraid. Back to The room was busy sleeping with my head in my arms.

Their landing point was an open space 300 meters away from the official residence. This was originally a factory building, but it was blown into ruins during a battle, and it was just right for a cable drop.

David turned on the night vision goggles, grabbed the rope and slid down, looked around vigilantly, and waited for the team members behind to come down, waved his hand, and headed towards the destination under cover of the night.

boom boom boom...

The alarm clock on the wall rang five times in a row. Tang Dao was sitting on the sofa, playing with a walnut in his right hand. He found that it was very interesting. People in Africa want to come to visit the wharf to make a living. It’s too vulgar to give money, so they loose two walnuts for fun, and the price is not cheap.

Tang Dao likes to play him if he has nothing to do.

"Any news?" He looked at Mister and asked.

Mister also shook his head with a wry smile. The boss has asked this question three times in one night. Although he looked calm, he was obviously nervous.

Mobutu's life and death are related to the savior's unraveling plan.

The tributaries of the Zaire River and its tributaries, the Ubangi River, include the Sanga River and the Likouala River, and the Kuylu River flows into the sea alone. The strategic significance is very important. If the sub-base is opened in that place, Central Africa is also under control. Moreover, Mobutu's strongman attributes make it impossible to agree to the Savior Company to contract those energy sources, so he can only be sent to death. up.

For these energy mines, who are behind them?

Bill Clemens from South Africa, several big families in Boston, chaebols, and even the military!

To put it bluntly, Tang Dao is just a poor eater. He can only get about 20% of it, and the rest will be distributed by those interested. He intends to put the production line in Zaire. Compared with Somalia, this country is much safer and has a large enough area. Most of the neighboring countries are also relatively easy to "get along with" (easy to bully).

Moreover, a large piece of land was bought in Boston to build a factory.

The Savior Company's own R&D center and production base are about to be implemented, and the money involved will be 500 million U.S. dollars, and there will be more money to be spent in the future. Now the African market must be firmly grasped.

"Boss, don't worry, I understand David's ability, he can complete this task."

"As long as it succeeds, send them a message in Uganda. I will tell Basil to let him keep the mixed first division in Somalia. Tonight is the moment for us to change the history of Africa." Tang Dao said that he is still very happy Excited.

Mist also didn't want to interrupt the boss's excitement, all he could do now was pray, and they couldn't watch it remotely, but they heard that the company was experimenting, and when the time came, they might be able to give advice to the frontline combat troops as soon as possible.

The mansion is looser than David imagined!

These Zaireans never expected that a special team would come to kill them The guard at the gate was useless, and they rushed inside, where they finally encountered resistance.

A servant who got up to pee saw it! just scream...

Seeing that he was discovered, David gave the order to face up.

A shooter following David took out an anti-armour-piercing grenade from his pocket, put it into the launcher, raised the angle, pulled the trigger to fire, and hit the corridor of the mansion, directly blowing up the baffle. It flew, the glass shattered all over the place, the maid's scream was cut off, and everyone disappeared.

More than a dozen heavily armed elites rushed in. There were guards living in the room below. The machine gunner went in and fired at the inside. What each room does and how many people are usually in the information, only work Do it well to prevent emergencies.

David led the people straight to the third floor, where Mobutu lived!

Just in time to see Mobutu coming out in his pajamas, he raised his hand and shot a shuttle!