Chapter 79 Family Technique

'Should I use that?' she thought still debating whether or not to flee with her skill.

'Yeah, if I can't beat him using this then what else can I even do.'

As she was thinking that, she was still sending a lot of attacks toward Aiden who was calmly defending them as he was a lot more experimented than her.

His dagger was moving exactly to the spot where her attacks would be deflected by only a little. 

If someone was watching this scene, they would simply be amazed by the talent proposed by those two.

Then, realizing that she had no other choice but to use that, she turned around and started running with her skill activated which rendered her mana capacity to a complete zero.

She wouldn't be able to use any skill that used mana.

But she already knew all of that, so why did she still decide to go ahead and run away from Aiden?

What could she possibly do to defeat him?

After gaining some distance because of her movement skill, she looked right behind her to see how much time she had.

Looking at the distance between the two of them, Emma seemed to have at least 30 seconds before Aiden caught up to her.

Knowing that time was of the essence, she closed her eyes making sure she remembered everything correctly.

"I draw my bow, then I use the energy that surrounds me, then..." she whispered in a weak tone.

Telling herself the steps to pull this off made her find some confidence.

She then applied everything that she had just thought of.

She started by drawing her bow without an arrow inside of it, only the string was pulled back.

She then closed her eyes which instantly caused a shift in the environment.

He had such a huge effect that even Aiden who was quite far away from her felt it.

'Why is the wind going in that direction,' he thought feeling the wind coursing through him.

Her hair started to fly around because of the sudden arrival of the wind that surrounded them.

But that wasn't all, water and rocks also started to be pulled around condensing around the area where the string was pulled.

All those things started to form an arrow which wasn't solid constantly moving around as making it completely solid was really considering where the elements came from.

But the best thing about what she had just used was that this arrow had more power than anything she could even imagine to muster.

And the funny part.

Well, it didn't even consume mana to use.

However, the reason why hadn't used it yet is because of its complexity.

It might have seen easy from the point of view of someone on the outside, but the concentration needed to pull this off wasn't a joke.

The more concentrated you are, the more the elements you are attracted to you which in a result creates an even bigger attack.I think you should take a look at

What she had just done wasn't something random that she created on the spot, it was the technique of the Everheart family.

A technique that she had taken years to learn even with her talent.

A technique that would be able to defeat Aiden.

Seeing the amount of energy her bow was amassing she continued and continued to gather it making sure that there would simply be no way for Aiden to dodge or protect himself.

When Aiden was close enough, she released the string of her bow, and a massive boom sound was heard.


This sound came from the wind that she gathered.

But that wasn't all.

The rocks which were also mixed with wind, started to move at a fast pace toward Aiden, and not only that but they were everywhere.

There was literally no way for Aiden to dodge that attack.

Even if he hid behind a tree than it wouldn't do anything as the wind with the rocks would simply go through it.

'Am I really going to lose?' thought Aiden having no idea of what to do.

Even with the movement technique that he had developed in his past life, he simply couldn't do anything to even survive this attack.

He could feel it, this was dangerous and if he didn't dodge then he would die and lose this fight owing a favor to Emma.

'Then, I guess that's it. I wonder how death will feel this time,' Aiden thought knowing that there wasn't any danger of dying inside this place just like Emma had said earlier.

The rock and the wind started going through his body not even slowing down as they simply went through him not even losing any momentum.

The pain was felt by Aiden but he wasn't much compared to when he had last died at the hands of Jack.

Then, a single rock penetrated the forehead of Aiden killing him on the spot.

For a split second, he felt devoid of anything as if he was the definition of useless.

'What did I even do in both of my life?' he thought as questions kept popping up in his head questioning his very existence.

This split second might have been short but it had been an eternity for Aiden.

But his mind immediately went back to the situation at hand when he heard Emma's voice.

"Seems like you lost to me after all," she said smiling proudly.

"Congrats, but I have a question, what the hell was that final attack of yours?" said Aiden intrigued as her last attack was the only reason why he had lost to her.

"Oh that, well the Everheart technique," she said as if it was common knowledge.

"You don't know of it? Weird I thought for sure, that Mom would have given access to you," she said confused by the development of the conversation.

"Don't worry she promised me that she would show it to me. I guess she just wants to give my rewards all at the same time."