Chapter 87 Getting Closer [Part 2]

"Good training, huh?" said Aiden laughing a little as she looked completely out of energy.

"No, but seriously though when am I going to actually do something else. I can kind of guess why you are asking me to do such an exercise, but it's hard you know," she complained as she showed that both her arms didn't have the strength to move anymore.

"Didn't you say that you would do what I say? You'll see. I think that in a week from now, we could probably go onto the next step," announced Aiden to give some type of goal for her to accomplish.

"Alright I guess, and by the way, I think that you should try moving while shooting as it will help you in the future because when you are in a fight it will be hard to be completely still when shooting," said Emma completely changing the topic of the conversation.

"Hmm, I'll alright I'll try that, but I think I'll take a little break from training the bow, I need to concentrate on learning the technique of your family."

"Sure, do as you want, but you will still oversee what I'm doing right?" she asked not wanting him to completely abandon her.

She wanted to get stronger and practicing her close-range fighting was simply her best option.

"Oh, and Aiden, I know that most of the time I can appear arrogant and all of that, but please believe me that it's just a facade to make myself feel more confident," she said, finally telling the obvious truth to Aiden. 'It's not like your mother hadn't already told me this,' thought Aiden preparing to act surprised as best as he could.

"Really?! It's all just a facade," said Aiden, sarcastically.

"Did you really not notice? Even I don't think I hide my real personality that well," she said, surprised that Aiden hadn't noticed that she was acting most of the time only trying to show her superiority.

"Yeah, you're a good actor," said Aiden as he just couldn't change his answer anymore.

'If I could have known that before I could have said the truth,' said Aiden to himself.

"Well, thank you I guess," she said as she blushed a little getting complimented by Aiden.

Then, the both of them went into their respective beds completely silent.

After five minutes of silence, Emma once again started talking.

"And Aiden?"

"Yes?" said Aiden not sure what she wanted to say.

"You know that you can tell me if something isn't going well in your life, right?" she said remembering his aura when he was about to show one of his dagger techniques to Emma.

The aura that felt like death itself. 

Ever since she had seen it, she kept questioning herself over how Aiden attained such a thing but she never had the guts to ask.

"Thank you, but everything is great," said Aiden confused as to why she would ask such a thing.

"Alright, just keep that in mind," she said as the silence in the room once again took over.

'Does she know something about me?' thought Aiden as he just couldn't grasp why she would ask those questions.

They just came out of absolutely nowhere.

However, he quickly dismissed those thoughts as he never spoke to anyone about his past.

"Goodnight," said Emma as she prepared herself to go to sleep.I think you should take a look at

She only responded with silence as Aiden also prepared himself to go to sleep.

The next day, a new routine installed itself as Aiden stayed in his room practicing the steps needed to succeed in the technique.

Emma, on the other hand, continued with Aiden's training but she didn't leave for the training grounds and simply stayed with Aiden as they could sometimes talk if things were getting too boring.

Well, the discussion was mostly for Emma as Aiden didn't care whether they talked or not.

"Aiden, what was your life like in the Slums?"

His past had become her main interest as only asked questions about it and nothing else.

"Hard and dirty," said Aiden keeping it short just like all his previous answers.

"Did you always live alone? What about your parents?"

"Don't know them, I was probably abandoned," lied Aiden nonchalantly.

"And you don't want to find them?" asked Emma shocked that Aiden didn't seem to care about where he came from.

"Why would I? They abandoned me, there's probably a good reason for it," said Aiden once again not showing any emotions when talking as if all this didn't even matter to him.

Getting tired of answering questions about his false origin, Aiden went up to Emma.

"Emma, can you please stop with the questioning it's annoying," said Aiden as he put his hand on her shoulder activating his skill [Gentle Touch] wanting to calm whatever was going on inside of her mind.

"O-ok, I'll stop sorry."

'It's the same sensation as when he first touched me,' she thought feeling her emotions leaving her body.

'Can he really control my emotions? What type of skill even is that, and how did I never hear of it?' said Emma to herself not reacting as violently as before.

'Good, she seems to calm down I think it should be fine now,' he said releasing her from his grasp and observing her reaction.

He didn't want to explode again like last time so he waited to see what would happen.

But this time, everything was fine as she didn't even seem to mind it at all.

'He smells so good,' thought Emma unknowingly getting closer and closer to Aiden.

"Emma? Are you okay, why are you hugging me?" asked Aiden getting squeezed by Emma's arms.

"Don't move, let me do what I want please..." said Emma as her eyes seemed to change as if Aiden had become an obsession that she absolutely needed.

Her mind seemed to become fuzzy as she wasn't acting anything like her previous self.

Aiden didn't mind her hugging him as he simply let her do what she wanted not moving a single inch, not wanting to upset her as she seemed to have lost her mind.

Author's Note: The next chapters will be r-18 and you can skip if you don't like it as it will not have an impact on the story.