Chapter 107 Sixth Sense [Part 3]


'Your skill, [Sixth Sense], is a passive skill that you have created. Its functions are quite simple, with it you will have some sort of indication of incoming unknown threats toward you,' said the System as it stopped speaking not adding any more details.

Aiden wasn't happy with the answer from the system as he didn't even know the grade of this new skill of his.

And then, he realized that he had created a skill, again...

Aiden had been told by the System in person that creating skills was something that was rare, so why did he always manage to create new ones?

This, once again, made him think about how weird this System was as if a real person was behind it.

And for unknown reasons, this person who was behind the system was awarding Aiden with rewards that he shouldn't be receiving.

With a quick thought, he remembered all the weird things related to the system. 

The main ones were that he had no class. 

That he got the opportunity to learn Class-Related Skills.

That the trial had been through was different from what the other awakeners would have to go through as no one had done a trial alone before.

There were many more, but those were the things that Aiden focused on the most.

Especially, the one where he didn't have a class.

Why was his awakening unique?

Why was he the only one who got such a thing?

But, he knew that he couldn't answer those questions even if he thought of them all day.

"Aiden? Why are you ignoring me?" complained Emma seeing that Aiden was once again not paying any attention to her.

Not wanting her to continue to pester him, he kept looking in the same direction as to not give any indications that he could hear her.

He knew that she would ask him all types of questions just like he had done the past month where he had done exactly the same as he was currently acting.

Ignoring her, as if she didn't exist.


The next day, Aiden accompanied by Emma was on his way toward the Ravenwood Pavillon with their VIP Entries in their hands.

"Excited? Who knows what we might buy there?" she said as if trying to draw Aiden's attention who was still ignoring her with his usual 'yes' and 'no' answers.

Seeing him not respond, she pouted, sad that Aiden was still ignoring her even after all this time.

'Just what happened to you?' she asked herself, just as she had done for the past month.

For someone's personality to change that much, there had to be something massive that happened to him.

This change started when he received his rewards from Maelis, but this was what confused Emma the most.

Weren't rewards a good thing to have?

What sort of rewards could make him react in such a way?

But then as she kept thinking about it without making any way forward, she dismissed those thoughts.

What would she even achieve thinking about it all day, she knew nothing of what happened after all.

Even when she had asked her mother, she hadn't obtained any type of answers that could direct her to the right decision.

Then, as she lifted her head dismissing her thoughts. 

They were right in front of a massive tower, they were in front of the Ravenwood Pavillon.

Then, an idea came to her mind.

'Maybe I could buy him something? Would that work?'

As Emma was pondering how she could get closer to Aiden, their footsteps drew them nearer to the magnificent Ravenwood Pavillon. The grand structure loomed before them, its towering presence captivating their attention.

As they walked toward it, they started to perceive a small person, which was obviously a dwarf who seemed to be guarding the entrance to the Pavillon.

Aiden had seen the Ravenwood Pavillon from far away, but being so close to it was quite mindblowing as when he raised his head, he could barely see the top.

'To think that they were able to build something like that, maybe there's a class for builders or something,' he thought, creating hypotheses in his head as to how they had managed such a thing.

Then, while Aiden was thinking about how they had built such a thing, the dwarf who was at the entrance walked up to them.

"Are you here for the auction?" asked the dwarf, who still had quite a load of muscles on him.

Aiden was about to answer, but the energetic Emma who was right beside him beat it to it.

"Yes, of course, and here," she said as she handed him the two VIP Entries that they had gained in the challenge which Aiden had won.I think you should take a look at

The dwarf wasn't prepared to have someone handing him something as he got defensive.

But realizing that there was no harm in the movements portrayed by Emma, he simply took them into his hands, analyzing them.

"VIPs, both of you?" asked the dwarf looking up and down Emma and Aiden.

But he didn't look a long time at Emma, the one who seemed to be the problem at the moment wasn't her, but Aiden.

It seemed his simplistic style didn't fit such a fancy place.

"Is there a problem?" inquired Emma seeing the weird looks Aiden was receiving.

However, the dwarf indicated that there wasn't a problem as he looked back up.

Sure, Aiden was not well dressed but what could he even do about it?

He hadn't brought any clothes that could remotely be called fancy.

He simply had this black leather armor on him, which he had worn for the past month.

The armor was honestly quite decent as Aiden had liked looking at the description given by the system.

[Black Panther]

[Description: An armor that has been crafted to be as discreet as possible. The crafter was also under a lot of pressure while crafting it which caused the final result to be even better as he gave his everything, making sure that the person that ordered this would be content with him.]

The description was quite interesting as it even gave details on its creator and the process that he had gone through while doing it.

Nonetheless, what really interested Aiden when he had received it was whether or not there would be a skill attached and the answer was... no.

There was no skill attached to it, but there was something else.

The armor which he was currently wearing gave him, stats points. 

It actually gave him two stats points of agility which meant that his current stats would be the ones of someone two levels higher than he currently was.

"There's no problem, someone would soon arrive to escort both of you," said the dwarf as he stepped to the side showing that they could advance.

Then, as they entered the Ravenwood Pavillon, Aiden was amazed as he looked around.

There were so many seats, but that wasn't all as he raised his head trying to understand why an Auction House would be built vertically and not horizontally.

Even if he thought really hard about it, it simply didn't make sense at all.

Raising his head, he still didn't understand why they built it in such a way as there was literally nothing up there, well... except four balconies.

As Aiden kept looking around, Emma quickly gave hit him in the ribs as a person was approaching.

'Why does she keep doing this?' he thought to himself but still didn't say anything about his behavior.

In fact, even if he wanted to say something about that behavior of hers, he wouldn't do it in front of someone else.

"Hello dears, I will be the one guiding you toward the suites where you will be spending the rest of your day," she said politely while bowing toward the two of them.

While she was bowing, Aiden took this opportunity to see what she looked like as he was quite surprised that this person wasn't a dwarf.

Actually, even after getting a good look at her, Aiden had no idea what race she came from.

She wasn't an elf and a dwarf, that she was sure but he had no idea if she was a human or some type of different race.

Emma, who noticed Aiden looking at the person with a look that was quite weird, once again hit him in his ribs.

'What did I even do this time?' thought Aiden as he really didn't like this behavior that was coming more and more frequently out of Emma.

"Please follow me," said the girl as she stopped bowing toward them.

Then, they started to follow right behind just like they had been instructed for a few minutes.

It seemed that the place to which they were going wasn't close.

In fact, they weren't walking anymore, they were climbing.

Climbing damn stairs once again.

'What is it with the Ravenwood and their stairs,' said Aiden to himself frustrated that he had to go upstairs once again.

This time, he wasn't hurting or anything as his body had become quite a bit stronger due to his second trial and his training.

But as Aiden was starting to get really annoyed, their guide spoke up.

"We have arrived," she said as a big entrance could be seen in front of Aiden, it was only two steps away from him.

Even with some distance from it, he started hearing voices from various people.

And from what he could hear, most people in the VIP Suite seemed to hold quite an egotistical personality.