Act 2. Don’t Touch My Brother

A few days passed.

Even after a while, Schulva was still in a very uncomfortable state because of Rosie’s engagement.

‘Will… Will it be all right?’

Actually, Julian had given a firm order in the past.

“If it’s our Rosie Rosie, listen to it without question.”

Which was why even when Rosie asked for the seal, he handed it over right away. But… Julian also said this.

“We have to kill all those who get entangled with our Rosie Rosie.”

Schulva let out a moan of anguish.

‘What beat should I dance to?’

‘And, Lady Rosie has no ties to the Duke of Diefenril at all.’

As far as he knew, Rosie had no contact with any noble family.

‘Then… no way!’

Schulva made his own reasoning.

Please make a bracelet out of shells on your way back.

‘This sentence is just for attention, then the next sentence is what’s really important.’

No matter how you price it, I’ve prepared something that you’ll be satisfied with at once.

With this, Rosie could give Caliburn something great.

‘Yes. This marriage is to strengthen her position within the family and protect Julian.’

Caliburn had only one granddaughter, and that was Rosie.

The remaining children here, Murloc, Felide, and Monica, each had only one son.

Joining with the Duchy of Diefenril.

If it worked out, it would of course be a hand that Caliburn would covet.

‘Because not all nobles are the same…’

The County of Noart, which had a short history, differed greatly from the Duchy of Diefenril, which had a prestigious long history. They were in different classes.

In particular, because of his rampaging magical power, the young family head was tethering between the line of sanity and insanity.

Then, according to the internal family law of the Diefenril duchy, which gave great authority to the fiancée’s family, the fiancée’s family could hold and shake the Diefenril duchy.

‘Additionally, the family head is now 11-years-old. So Count Noart can enter the Great Noble Council as a proxy.’

The highest title that could be bought with money was a count.

Caliburn was eager to enter the Great Nobility Council, but in principle, only the four ducal families could attend.

If this marriage was concluded, it would be able to fill that limit to some extent.

‘And even if the marriage discussion does not take place, Lady Rosie has let the count know that she is useful as a tool for an arranged marriage! She wants to be noticed as soon as he arrives!’

“Wait and see, Schulva. When my grandfather comes back, I will definitely be in his eyes.”

Something stirred in his heart.

‘…A 12-year-old made such an extreme choice for Julian….’

Meanwhile, Rosie came to eat lunch and dinner every day.

“Hey little one. Aren’t you really interested in appearances? People should be full inside, inside.”

And Julian gave really bad advice.

“The dress and accessories are different from a few hours ago. Are you doing a fashion show, huh?”

“Hey, are you studying?”


Julian’s crumpled face straightened in an instant.

“Little one, I think I am a genius. I can understand everything even if I just flip through the pages.”

Julian smirked, even raising his chin.

“I didn’t know I had this talent, so I did not study when I was young. Little one, if you don’t know anything, ask this genius.”

It was exactly the 17-year-old Julian Cato that Schulva remembered.

Really… He was too annoying.

In fact, in the past, Julian, who only started studying at the age of 19, was learning really fast. But back then, he wasn’t so annoying.

“And Peter says that my recovery speed is no joke?”

Julian, who was in a good mood, raised a fork and boasted.

Peter was Julian’s personal doctor, and he was also a friend from his old village.

Julian went through a lot of hardships when he came to the county when he was 19-years-old. So after that, his closest associates were made up of trusted neighborhood friends.

“If I do well, I might be able to sit in a wheelchair today. I heard that my recovery speed is so fast that I want to ask the Magic Tower if I could be a test subject, hahaha!”


“I heard that I’m strong enough to be at the level of the commander of the Holy Knights. I guess my hopes for the future weren’t futile.”


Rosie’s eyes widened in surprise.

“I would never have thought that Brother’s childhood hope, which you always kept secret from me, was to be a test subject of the Magic Tower… I will always support my brother’s self-sacrificing dream.”

“…Don’t you think it’s being the commander of the Holy Knights?”

Schulva laughed without realizing it.

One thing was certain.

These days, Julian has been secretly waiting for Rosie to come to him.

‘Well, they eat together every day. It’s hard to not feel attached.’

Suddenly, he remembered the old days.

Even though he was very busy, Julian of the old days would have tea time with Rosie. That was his happiness.

“Brother, would you like to eat this?”

“Did you see? Did you see? Did you see our Rosie Rosie handing out cookies to me? Huh? God, I’m so impressed. Oh my god. Come see, everyone. Rosie Rosie gave me this cookie. Everyone, look at this cookie’s brilliance. Isn’t it great, huh?”

If Julian found his memory, he would cry for a whole month thinking of Rosie serving him meals.

And slowly, the day of the monthly meeting was approaching, day by day.

To Schulva, there was something unpleasant..

‘Why the hell is there no contact from the count? I’m sure he arrived in Solom, but I haven’t heard from him since.’

After Solom, Caliburn lost contact.

Usually, whenever he stopped by a big city, he would inform him of his location through a communication port.

‘I am prepared for him to not be able to come to the monthly meeting, but… What if it’s too late?’

Caliburn was Julian’s only support. Therefore, Schulva had no choice but to eagerly wait for him.


And when dinner was over, Rosie got up to go back to her room.

“Come to my room for a while later tonight. I have a favor to ask of you.”

Rosie stepped up to Schulva and whispered in his ear.

“I’ll send Heidi. Please come in secret then.”


“Now is the time to move the 137 billion gold.”

´⛧ ⛧ ⛧ ´

That night.

After having dinner and returning to my room, I had to meet a bunch of people waiting for me again.

Invest here, invest there, sign here, sign there… They kept making a fuss.

‘Everyone is really agitated ahead of the monthly meeting.’

I repeated the same thing.

“I don’t know… I’m trying to invest in one place… What my brother said before…”

And after sending them all away like that.

“Heidi, tell Schulva to come now.”


Heidi nodded and left the room.

I sighed as I slowly removed the large ruby earrings. These were the earrings I picked out for dinner tonight.

Of course, Julian said, ‘I’m not surprised anymore. Do you change your earrings every hour?’

I muttered as I looked down at the ruby earrings.

“…This is useless.”

These ruby earrings were picked by Julian himself from a jeweler who came to the county.

Which was why I thought he might recall something.

“This is the hairpin that Lord Julian gave as a gift on your last birthday. Seeing this, he might suddenly remember you.”

After Heidi said that casually in passing, I continued to wear different accessories and dresses to meet Julian.

All of them were what Julian had bought for me, and it was a pity that they did not work well.

I wanted to cling to even that small hope.

I didn’t show it because I was afraid it would be a burden. But I really wanted Julian to find his memories.

“You and I really don’t have parental happiness. So let us be a blessing to each other.”

The words that Julian once said while hugging me were still vivid in my ears.

“Let’s not live like our parents. We will cherish and take care of each other. In this world, we are the only ones on each other’s side.”

In the end, tears fell on the ruby earrings I was holding in my hands.