After that, Zhen de Shuai drove Lamborghini poison with a unique speed and extremely noble posture on the highway like lightning.

"Hehe, these days..."

Zhen de Shuai enjoyed the feeling of surpassing the wind very much, but he still shook his head again and again when he recalled what happened before, and then he continued to drive.

Today, the weather is very strange, dark clouds cover the sky, the wind is constantly howling, and there are few vehicles on the highway.

However, Zhen de Shuai also can't care so much, in order to complete the task or have to go to the East whoring city.

Then, suddenly, the wind behind Zhen Desai's body roared faster, as if there was a force driving them.

The speed was almost as fast as the gale of his poison.

"Well? What happened? Is there anyone else who wants to race with me? "

Zhen de Shuai hesitated for a moment. He noticed something was wrong and hastened to speed up my own driving.

Then, a red figure, like a sharp arrow off the string, quickly caught up with his car.

The car that caught up with him was still a motorcycle type locomotive, and even scraped the head of his noble poison car with its body in a short moment.

"Lying trough!"

In the moment that the locomotive hit him, Zhen Desai could not help but exclaimed.

What's more, the owner of that locomotive actually raised his middle finger.


Then, he continued to run away as fast as possible like a red thunder.

"Damn it, you want to run away after scraping Laozi's poison?"

Zhen de Shuai immediately scolded, but after leaving the cruel words, his foot's accelerator was stepped on the bottom.


Zhen de Shuai used his chariot like technology, and once again used the speed of ghosts to control the noble poison, and roared forward with a king like attitude.

Soon, Zhen Desai in the car through the front windshield to see the former figure.

"Hum, spicy chicken stuff!"

Zhen de Shuai then smile, cold hum a roar to catch up again.

In an instant, Zhen Desai rushed to the side of the former locomotive.

Then, while driving the car, Zhen de Shuai was distracted and rolled down the window, sneering and sneering:

"ha ha, young man, you still want to go after scraping my car?"

"Dang Congratulations on the success of the host shock installation, and reward 85 points of force value! "

The former heard the speech and immediately turned to see Zhen Desai catching up with him so quickly in a short period of time. He was also shocked.

However, immediately the former is still not satisfied with the performance, and then in a "boom", more to improve their own speed forward.

After all, Zhen de Shuai is driving a super run. It is not very difficult to surpass him in a short period of time.


However, Zhen de Shuai is not an ordinary person. Seeing that the former was not satisfied, he continued to step on the accelerator to the end and rushed out.

After a while, Zhen de Shuai again caught up with the former Red locomotive.

"Short oil, young man, not bad, you still have oil?"

Zhen de Shuai once again rolled down the window, facing the former is a burst of sarcasm.

"Dang, congratulations on the success of the host installation. Reward 75 points of forced grid value!"

The former looks back and is shocked again!

Damn it, I'm the fastest. Can you catch up?

You're going against the weather!!

However, the former did not say these words, but continued to rush forward at the fastest speed.


After a while, the motorcycle driven by the former was caught up by Zhen Deshao's poison again

Are you kidding, can the world's top Lamborghini be slow?

"Sao Nian, don't waste oil. Get out of the car and pay for the money. Maybe I'll let you go. But if you really want py to trade, I'll certainly have no problem!"

Zhen de Shuai when even if it is a bad smile, mouth brimming with a smile slightly mixed with a trace of lewdness.

"Dang Congratulations on the success of the host's hard installation and reward 80 points of forced grid value! "

"Dang Congratulations on the success of continuous attack and critical hit. An additional 110 points of force value will be awarded! "

"I r you MMP!"

Immediately, the former is also because of Zhen de Shuai's sarcasm a little bit angry, and then a foul word blurted out.

Now the two people are also in a very fast speed in each other deadlock, who will not let who.

But obviously in terms of speed, Zhen de Shuai's super run is still more advanced, so Zhen de Shuai is also very relaxed.

"Ha ha, give up! But you are real skin! "

Zhen de Shuai immediately to the former is a cold sarcasm.However, soon, when Zhen's words blurted out, they came to an extremely narrow corner, and there was nothing else except some simple measures.

Next to the corner is a cliff.

"Lying trough!"

"Horizontal trough, horizontal trough!"

Wearing a red motorcycle suit and driving a red motorcycle, the former also turned back to fight Zhen Desai.

However, two people to turn around, one after another to see the high difficulty of the narrow corner after a jump, suddenly exclaimed.

"It's time for the show to be really technical again!"

Zhen de Shuai then relaxed, did not show a bit of panic, and then the corner of his mouth crazily raised, laughing.

Because he learned the method and skill of this emergency drift from the driving secret book of the famous mountain god of autumn.

Now, that kind of method and skill is engraved in his mind like a brand. Instead of being nervous, he looks forward to it more.

Immediately, Zhen de Shuai follows the familiar but slightly strange method in his mind.

First slow down their own speed, and then slam the clutch, brake directly one foot to the end.

Then Zhen de Shuai waved his big hand and turned the steering wheel 180 degrees fiercely.


Zhen de Shuai in an instant is extremely handsome, neatly completed a high difficulty limit drift, smoothly drove through that narrow curve.

"Hehe, Fujiwara, a famous mountain god of autumn, has excellent top-notch car skills."

"Racing with me? I'm afraid you're still a hundred and eight thousand miles short of you! "

After finishing the extreme drift, Zhen stopped the car abruptly, rolled down the window, pointed out his head, and sneered at him.

Looking back, the owner of the motorcycle was not so lucky when he made the ultimate drift in a narrow curve.

Now, even the car and people ignored the fence on the highway and directly hit the side of the mountain.

Now the dust is all over the place. It's too dusty to see what's going on there!

"Oh, spicy chicken is spicy chicken!"