

"Damn it, by the way, you boy has done so much harm to me, and I haven't settled with you yet!

Although those things have withered, they are still my own aura. Now that you have dug so much, you will naturally be weak to this point. Otherwise, it will not be like this. How do you repay me? "

Xiao Wuji immediately recalled the previous scene, or showed a painful color, forced Zhen de Shuai to ask.

"It's impossible to pay back. It's impossible to repay in this lifetime. I don't think you care about it, master."

Zhen de Shuai didn't panic at all when he saw this. He still laughed and passed.

"Well, if it wasn't for your extensive destruction that you destroyed the secret forest, otherwise nothing could be done but kill the monks below the later stage of the golden elixir!"

Xiao Wuji shakes his head and sighs again. He is helpless and disappointed.

At this time, Zhen de Shuai can't help feeling guilty. After all, he has become his master now. The weaker he is, the more disadvantageous it will be for him!

"Well, well, master, you'd better give me the building base pill quickly."

Zhen de Shuai immediately put on a smiling face, smiling to reply.

"Well, that's it, that's it!"

Xiao Wu snorted coldly, and immediately turned his right hand, and immediately there appeared two blue elixirs that were transparent and like water stop!

"Thank you very much, master."

Zhen de Shuai slightly thanks, and immediately took the pill and stored it in the system space.

"Forget it, forget it. It's all about the past. It's better to leave here first."

Xiao Wuji immediately frowned and showed a sad color, but he looked at his own body which was still sealed and suppressed, and his face was full of reluctance.

"Little guy, over time, if you can reach the baby change period, then maybe you will have the opportunity to save the body as a teacher..."

Xiao Wuji sighed slightly and sighed a little.

"Infantile phase? I will try my best to force the immortal to do his best. After all, this is not a realm that everyone can reach at will! "

"Ha ha ha, that's it. Let's go out first."

Xiao Wuji hears the speech, but he laughs loudly. He also knows that these things are not urgent at all. If he is eager for success, he will easily become self defeating. It seems that everything can only go with the fate!

Immediately, Xiao Wuji sends out a burst of white clouds and smoke, making a burst of green and soft green real yuan force, which turns into a green mirror, and immediately takes Zhen Desai to step into it.


………………… On hearing this, the blissful Lord sighed with melancholy on his face, and said:

"I am the demon king of the generation, and my life is Xiao Wuji! Unexpectedly, he was humiliated by nitang a thousand years ago It's just, it's just that I can escape from the spirit now

Xiao Wuji said at this time, but he shook his head. His face was not willing. He obviously regretted that he could not escape from the array together with the body!

"Well, since you and I have such a fate, it must be the will of God. In this case, I will try my best to accept you as a registered disciple. After that, you can call me master!"

Zhen de Shuai was ecstatic when he heard the speech. The blissful devil had already become his bodyguard. Now he is the best disciple.

In this way, after their own installation forced to repair the immortal road or what will naturally be more unimpeded!

At this time, the blissful devil roared with a smile and said:

"don't think that I don't know what you think in your heart. I tell you, my spirit is not completely the spirit in the peak period, but now it is extremely weak!"

"The ultimate strength that can be exerted now can only help you wipe out the people below the later stage of the golden elixir."

"If you have a chance in the future, maybe you can return to the peak state, and then I have to rely on you, boy!"

Smell speech, Zhen de Shuai is also some helpless, really want to go what or not so easy.

According to his conjecture, ran Jianfeng, the great elder of Maoshan, must also be a terror strong man in Jindan period!

If ran Jianfeng underestimated the enemy at the beginning, Zhen de Shuai was lucky, otherwise Zhen de Shuai would no longer exist at this time!

"Damn it, by the way, you boy has done so much harm to me, and I haven't settled with you yet!

Even though those things have withered, I still have my own aura. Now that you have dug so many holes, you will naturally be weak to this point. Otherwise, it will not be so. Let's say, how do you repay me? "..."

"Well, since you and I have such a fate, it must be the will of God. In this case, I will try my best to accept you as a registered disciple. After that, you can call me master!"

Zhen de Shuai was ecstatic when he heard the speech. The blissful devil had already become his bodyguard. Now he is the best disciple.In this way, after their own installation forced to repair the immortal road or what will naturally be more unimpeded!

At this time, the blissful devil roared with a smile and said:

"don't think that I don't know what you think in your heart. I tell you, my spirit is not completely the spirit in the peak period, but now it is extremely weak!"

"The ultimate strength that can be exerted now can only help you wipe out the people below the later stage of the golden elixir."

"If you have a chance in the future, maybe you can return to the peak state, and then I have to rely on you, boy!"

Smell speech, Zhen de Shuai is also some helpless, really want to go what or not so easy.

According to his conjecture, ran Jianfeng, the great elder of Maoshan, must also be a terror strong man in Jindan period!

If ran Jianfeng underestimated the enemy at the beginning, Zhen de Shuai was lucky, otherwise Zhen de Shuai would no longer exist at this time!

"Damn it, by the way, you boy has done so much harm to me, and I haven't settled with you yet!

Although those things have withered, I still have my own aura. Now that you have dug so many holes, you will naturally be weak to this point. Otherwise, it will not be like this. How do you repay me??

If you have a chance in the future, maybe you can return to the peak state, and then I will have to rely on you

Smell speech, Zhen de Shuai is also some helpless, really want to go what or not so easy.

According to his conjecture, ran Jianfeng, the great elder of Maoshan, must also be a terror strong man in Jindan period!

Damn it, by the way, you little boy has done so much harm to me. I haven't settled with you yet!

Although those are already withered, they are still
