At this time, under the observation of Zeng xiaoyudao's eye, all things in the world are not just the things on the surface, but composed of different energy!

They are running orderly according to certain rules.

Zeng Xiaoyu even saw that countless black energy was flowing at a very fast speed.

Zeng Xiaoyu knows that these energies should be the power of thunder and lightning.

In the Sancai environment, Zeng Xiaoyu had no body at this time.

Therefore, these black energies have no effect on Zeng Xiaoyu who is in the Taoist state.

As long as Zeng Xiaoyu has been maintained in this state, no matter how strong the thunder robbery, he can not cause any damage.

But Zeng Xiaoyu knows that this kind of realm is hard to find for thousands of years, and it is also very short-lived.

He needs to settle down the thunder and lightning power before he quits Sancai area, so that they will no longer harm Zeng Xiaoyu's body.

Suddenly, Zeng Xiaoyu's current jump out of a green and a gold two kinds of energy.

These two kinds of energy have been familiar with each other. It seems that they once devoured a Golden Toad and a green worm in their early years.

Then the Golden Toad and the green insect became two kinds of energy, one gold and one green, which had been hidden in Zeng Xiaoyu's body.

But now they, in the eyes of Zeng Xiaoyu, have no escape.

"San Cai Jing stands for firmness! If I want to subdue the thunder robbery, maybe I can...

a glimmer of enlightenment comes from Zeng Xiaoyu's heart, which makes Zeng Xiaoyu's mind move.

The surrounding black energy began to compress rapidly according to Zeng Xiaoyu's wishes.

It doesn't stop until it's compressed into a black crystal.

Then, Zeng Xiaoyu thought again, that green one gold two energy, was also compressed into crystal by Zeng Xiaoyu.

After that, Zeng Xiaoyu used his idea to make the three crystals close together, which immediately turned the three crystals into a triangular tricolor crystal.

After completing this series of actions, Zeng Xiaoyu finally withdrew from the Sancai environment.

At this time, Zeng Xiaoyu was sitting on the ground with a solemn appearance.

The force of thunder robbery, which had been rampant everywhere, has all disappeared.

Instead, the sky cast the auspicious light, shine on Zeng Xiaoyu whole body warm.

Strong vitality makes Zeng Xiaoyu recover from all injuries.

After this life and death training, Zeng Xiaoyu's body has become more powerful!

Even the physical body's recovery ability has improved a lot.

A breath of golden elixir from Zeng Xiaoyu's body.

This breath is not what a monk who has just entered the golden elixir period should have. It is like the breath from a monk who has practiced for hundreds of years!

This proves that Zeng Xiaoyu's magic power is much higher than that of the general golden elixir in the early days!

What's more, Zeng Xiaoyu's body also has a kind of road charm that other golden elixir monks don't have.

One hundred years of practice is better than one day of enlightenment!

The state of enlightenment can be met but not sought, only meaning but not words.

Some monks, who have been sitting for thousands of years, may not be able to understand the Tao.

Some monks can also understand the Tao when they are raising their eyebrows and blinking their eyes.

It's a matter of chance, and it's also a matter of understanding. You can't force it!

"Is it because I have cultivated the Sanhuang Sutra at the same time that I have been able to enter the rare Sancai state?"

Zeng Xiaoyu, who retreats from the state of enlightenment, still yearns for the mysterious realm.

When Zeng Xiaoyu used the three skills at the same time again, he found that he could not enter the Sancai realm again in any case.

Zeng Xiaoyu can only give up.

"It seems that to understand Tao depends on chance!

As soon as the opportunity comes, it's natural! If it is forced, I am afraid it will be further and further away! "

Zeng Xiaoyu put down the persistence in his heart and began to explore the changes of his body.

Under a check, Zeng Xiaoyu can't help but gape!

"Am I still in the early days of the golden elixir? I'm afraid if I said that I was in the middle of golden elixir, would some people believe it?

This is probably the reward given to the robbers after the disaster? "

Zeng Xiaoyu's heart secretly happy, long body up, a wave of his hand, will be suspended on the head of the lightning umbrella to put into the storage bracelet.

At this time, Zeng Xiaoyu, with all his actions and actions, reveals the prestige of a golden elixir master.

The strength is ten times higher than before.

However, with Zeng Xiaoyu's current cultivation, he still can't activate the magic weapon of the lightning umbrella.

It can only rely on its automatic protection function to block thunder for itself.

Even if only this, Zeng Xiaoyu has been satisfied.

With a look of movement, Zeng Xiaoyu released his spiritual consciousness and carefully searched around the body fragments of Qiu Beifeng.

However, after investigation, Zeng Xiaoyu found that Qiu Beifeng's treasure had been broken after being bombarded by thunder.The treasures in the original storage magic weapons have been scattered in the unknown void, and there is no way to find them.

Only one spirit weapon flying sword, which was robbed by thunder, has survived.

Zeng Xiaoyu put the broken flying sword into the storage bracelet and sighed: "you can't be greedy! My harvest this time, already enough!

I have a long fortune, not those who get rich overnight.

As long as you are willing to work hard, there will be skills and treasures! "

At this time, the forbidden pagoda disappeared.

Zeng Xiaoyu no longer stays, but starts to walk down the ninth tower.


outside the tower, the dark clouds had already dissipated and replaced by a piece of auspicious clouds hanging on the top of the tower.

The comfortable color light shines down, which makes the onlookers feel comfortable.

"Which one survived the disaster?"

"Looking at this posture, I think it should be Qiu Beifeng, the national teacher?

After all, his cultivation is the highest. What can be compared with the cultivation of Yuanying in the early days of Yuanying

"I guess it's the great ape master named Zeng Xiaoyu! True spirit blood, that's not covered


people around him began to talk.

All kinds of comments should not be taken as one.

Although shuoyu, JUNHE and Huang's three great apes' injuries have been stabilized, they still look miserable with blood on their chest.

However, the three great apes seem to forget the pain and stare at the pagoda nervously.

I want to see who can walk out of the pagoda in the end.

"Don't worry. My second brother has many means and is very smart. He will be OK!"

Robin Hood has a kind of blind confidence for Zeng Xiaoyu, and has been making a voice to comfort the three great apes.

"Ancestors bless my children to come out safely!"

"Ancestors bless my king's safe return!"

Shuoyu, Jun and Huang are praying in silence.

"I hope Zeng Daoyou can come out safely!"

Lu Wenmo and other Lu family members are praying silently.

Zeng Xiaoyu's coming out is a good thing for Lu family.

If Qiu Beifeng comes out, it will be a disaster for the Lu family!

In the face of good things and disasters, the Lu family will naturally choose good things.

Just as they were looking forward to seeing who had survived the disaster, Zeng Xiaoyu drifted out of the gate of the pagoda.

The strong aura of golden elixir on his body made all the people present awe stricken.

"I knew my second brother would not die so easily."

Robin Hood clapped his hands and laughed happily. , the fastest update of the webnovel!