After waiting for a while, they saw the Taoist nun wake up.

After opening his eyes, he immediately got up and bowed to Zeng Xiaoyu Yingying with gratitude on his face and said, "thank you very much for saving your life."

Zeng Xiaoyu quickly helped up some weak Taoist nun and said, "you are welcome, abbess."

Zhuang Xiruo saw the process of the Taoist nun's treatment. Her face was full of joy, and she said happily: "I can't believe that the little fish is not only highly skilled, but also the blood on her body, which is a precious antidote!

If not for the arrival of Xiaoyu this time, I'm afraid that my younger martial sister and I, as well as all my disciples, would be buried in the hands of the demon sect! "

Zhuang Xiruo's words just fell, which made the eyes of all the Taoist nuns around him brighten up.

Zeng Xiaoyu's scalp felt numb.

Zeng Xiaoyu's blood, in people's eyes, that is Tang Monk meat!

A drop can detoxify a hundred poisons! Who doesn't want such a holy drug?

However, because of the situation, no one made a complaint.

Just as the eyes of the Taoist temple brightened, Zhuang Xiruo suddenly said in a solemn voice: "although the thieves of the demon sect have retreated, it is not suitable to stay here for a long time!

We'll leave immediately. We'll go to Qinglan Valley to see my elder martial sister Aoxue!

My elder martial sister is the cultivation of Yuanying period. The people of Black Sun sect dare not mess around! "

When people heard this, they all nodded and said yes.

However, at this time, someone suddenly yelled: "they haven't left yet! Chase

At the same time, there are four golden elixirs who are more powerful than Qizhuang Xiruo. In the later period, dun Guang of the later stage of the Jindan killed them!

Behind them were a group of 3400 Black Sun disciples!

The appearance of this group of people made the faces of the moon watchers all changed greatly, and their faces showed the color of despair.

Such a large group of people, once they fall into their encirclement circle, even if Zeng Xiaoyu's strength is stronger, I'm afraid that they can only take care of one and lose the other.

Zeng Xiaoyu's face changed, and he said in a loud voice, "Lord, you go! I'll hold them off first

"But you are alone! How can you deal with so many of them? "

Zhuang Xiruo showed hesitation and intolerance.

"Let me stay! The rest of you run away to Qinglan Valley, please protect you

Unexpectedly, Zeng Xiaoyu turned back and said with a smile: "master, please don't worry about taking my disciples to retreat. I'm enough alone!"

Zeng Xiaoyu smiles mysteriously and suddenly jumps high.

In the middle of the air, the body is growing higher and higher.

Finally, he became an eight Zhang giant ape with a huge stick in his hand, and with an invincible spirit, he stormed down toward the four black sun cult masters in the later stage of the golden elixir.

At the same time, there was a fish about ten feet in size beside him!

No, to be precise, it should be a young Kun.

As soon as the Kun appeared, he immediately opened his mouth and swallowed it. A terrible attraction immediately caused a hurricane in front of him.

The Black Sun cult disciples who were pursuing them were shocked. Some people were even more unstable and were swallowed up by the terrible attraction of shark carving.

Take a look at the four masters in the later stage of the golden elixir. When they face Zeng Xiaoyu's startling stick, they are afraid to confront Zeng Xiaoyu head-on.

"Back off!"

Four masters in the later stage of the golden elixir chose to retreat.

For a moment, the Black Sun sect was totally defeated!

This scene, can see the bright moon Temple behind the Taoist eyes of brilliant.

"I can't believe that he has the blood of the great ape of the real spirit mountain!

And what's the fish next to him? My God? Is this the legendary Kun? "

All the people in Mingyue temple were shocked.

"It turns out that this is his dependence!

It's extraordinary!

Cher, you have a good eye! "

Zhuang Xiruo looked at the mountain giant ape eight feet high in front of her, and her eyes were shining.

Looking at her own daughter, she found that her eyes had already twinkled with infatuation.

Zhuang Xiruo said with a smile in his eyes.

Jiang Qianxue was so said by her mother, suddenly his face turned red, shyly bowed his head, some wryly angry strange way: "Niang, what do you say?"

"You can't hide your mind! Like his words, rest assured to pursue your happiness! My mother won't object

Zhuang Xiruo smiles gently.

Jiang Qianxue said more embarrassed.


At this time, Zeng Xiaoyu was carrying a shark carving to kill the group of people who were taught by the black sun to flee in panic.

In a short time, it is difficult for these people to organize people to hunt them down.

Therefore, Zhuang Xiruo also put down his heart and said in a loud voice to a group of Taoist nuns who fell into dementia: "the little fish has blocked the strong enemy for us! When will it be better if we don't leave at this time? "Hearing this, the nuns woke up in shock.

Later, they all followed Zhuang Xiruo and flew to the sky in the direction of Qinglan valley.

Zeng Xiaoyu with the transformation of mountain giant ape, and shark carving together, taught the black sun to kill a surprise.

However, Zeng Xiaoyu knew that he could not hold the group of people for a long time with one person and shark carving.

Once they've calmed them down, they're going to organize a counterattack against him.

Especially when they form an array to fight back against him, Zeng Xiaoyu will have some problems.

Therefore, Zeng Xiaoyu only held the group of people for a while.

People who estimated that the Moon Temple had gone far away, so they collected the shark carving.

The whole person changed and became human again.

Then two red suns suddenly appeared under his feet, which turned into two red lights and ran forward.

The speed is so fast that even four masters in the later stage of the golden elixir can't catch up.

The surviving elders and disciples of heiri sect in Jindan period looked at Zeng Xiaoyu, who had gone away. They all looked at each other.

"Where on earth did this boy come from?

Not only can transform into mountain giant ape, but also has a Kun!

What is more puzzling is that he also has a very powerful and powerful escape method!

Moreover, it seems that there are some similarities between this method and the black sun round method in my black sun sect! "

"The boy is very strange! Next time you meet this person, you must let the students pay attention to it! "

"Well, this son is strange and powerful. It's better to kill him, or once you let him grow up, it will become a big problem in my teaching!"

A group of golden elixir experts stood in the air, looking ugly to discuss the way.

Then he turned around and returned with the remaining disciples.

After getting rid of the followers of the Black Sun cult, Zeng Xiaoyu chased after Zhuang Xiruo and others.

The Black Sun cult sent so many experts to pursue Mingyue temple. It's hard to avoid the attack of the Black Sun cult.

The strength of the disciples of Mingyue temple is generally not high.

It is necessary for Zeng Xiaoyu to escort them to a safe place, and then leave by himself, which is called having a beginning and ending. , the fastest update of the webnovel!