Lee Yifann looked at him, as if he had already expected that he would ask such a question, and immediately replied without hesitation: "Two hundred and fifty grams of honeysuckle, ten bowls of water, fry it into two bowls, and after adding a hundred grams, cook it into one bowl, and after drinking it in one go, the effects will be apparent!"

"Alright!" Cang Xuande patted on the chair handle hard, and suddenly jumped up, his face revealed an expression of praise: "Not bad, not bad! You really put in a lot of effort! "

Just now, the medicinal formula Lee Yifann answered was recorded in the [Medical Record], which is also the method of the [Heavenly Passage's Arcanum].

To be able to remember this kind of rarely seen medicinal formula, it could be seen that Lee Yifann's basics were extremely profound.

Lee Yifann laughed indifferently, he had actually learned this kind of small medicinal formula long ago from his grandfather, and had kept it in his heart long ago. Not to mention that in the few years he spent in university, he had forgotten to eat and sleep while researching medical books.

Of course, he wouldn't say any of this, as it wasn't anything to brag about in his eyes.

Seeing that he was not happy, Cang Xuande secretly praised him. The young being neither arrogant nor impatient, this at least suited him well. He turned and looked at Bao Zhiming and the other three: "All of you, you all have truly disappointed me this time! To waste a few years of reading medical books? Learn from him! "

"Yes …" They lowered their heads, their eyes filled with hatred.

To them, this was not a good thing, especially when Cang Xuande praised Lee Yifann. When those words landed in their ears, they felt that it was especially ear-piercing.

Damn... This time, the limelight had been stolen by Lee Yifann!

Cang Xuande's gaze turned back to Lee Yifann, "Lee Yifann, your performance today was pretty good. Let me think about it. I'll give you a new medical book to read tomorrow. "

With that, he turned around and walked into the inner hall. He seemed to be in a good mood.

Lee Yifann looked at the figure of his back as he walked in, and felt that it was a pity. Just now, when Cang Xuande had checked the pulse of the Old Madame Chen, he was able to immediately tell that the patient's disease was carbuncle. Although he was able to peek at the panther in the pipe and see the tip of Cang Xuande's superb medical skills, he felt that it was not very satisfying. He wanted to experience Cang Xuande's superior medical skills, especially in the field of orthopaedics.

Forget it, there will be opportunities in the future anyway. There's no rush.

Lee Yifann turned his head and greeted Bao Zhiming and the others, "Bao..."

However, the moment he opened his mouth, the four of them acted as if they had agreed on something. They tacitly turned their heads away with an expression as if they didn't want to pay any attention to him. This made him a bit embarrassed.

He frowned slightly and closed his mouth quietly. Since they did not want to talk to him, then there was no need for him to think too much about it. He thought for a while, then sat down on a chair near the door and started to reflect on his previous diagnosis of the Old Madame Chen.


After work, Kuang Ziming and the other three left the infirmary. On the way, they thought back to what happened in the afternoon and were all furious.

"Damn it!" That kid is really lucky to be able to diagnose carbuncle disease! " Yan Zhou was furious. He should have been the one to diagnose the carbuncle disease, he did not think deeply about the staphylococcal infection. Otherwise, he would have been able to make the correct diagnosis.

"What's the use of saying this now, behind the scenes!" Bao Zhiming glanced at him in disdain, feeling extremely resentful in his heart. Why didn't he diagnose carbuncle at that time, otherwise the person who would be praised by Cang Xuande would be him.

"Hmph, isn't it all because of our effort that he was able to diagnose it? Without our diagnosis, how could he diagnose it? The next time we encounter such a disease, I will definitely be able to diagnose it before he does! " Yan Zhou did not want to accept it from the bottom of his heart, but Lee Yifann had completely diagnosed the carbuncle of the Old Madame Chen based on his own strength.

If they were to admit it, wouldn't it be equivalent to admitting that they were inferior to Lee Yifann?


A newcomer was not qualified to ride on their head!

He wasn't worthy!

"Too late!" Mao Hai's face was filled with irritation. When he thought of how Cang Xuande had praised Lee Yifann and even used Lee Yifann to beat them up, he felt especially uncomfortable in his heart.

Wasn't he just a rookie? What was there to be proud of!

"You guys are deliberately opposing me, aren't you?" Yan Zhou was angry, he was in a terrible mood, but the two kept on speaking harsh words.

"Stop arguing!" What are you guys arguing about? Do you think there's too little trouble? " Kuang Ziming frowned, at this time, if they were to go against each other, it would result in internal strife.

The three of them harrumphed and turned their heads away with displeasure on their faces.

Bao Zhiming clenched his teeth, "That brat is too evil, we have to think of a way to drive him away."

Mao Hai looked at Yan Zhou, and asked with a gloomy face: "Kid, you have a lot of clever ideas, did you think of a good idea?"

"It's not that easy to think of a solution," Yan Zhou said as he rolled his eyes and snorted.

"Seriously, I'll let you think of a solution at a crucial moment, but it won't work!" Mao Hai revealed a look of disdain.

Just as the two were about to argue again, Kuang Ziming suddenly thought: "Stop fighting! I have an idea! "

Hearing that, the three of them hurriedly asked: "What way? Hurry up and tell me! "

Immediately, Kuang Ziming lowered his voice, went up to the three of them and said a few words in a low voice. The few of them were confused at first, but after hearing his explanation, their eyes lit up, revealing a strong sense of joy.

"This is a good idea!" Yan Zhou was overjoyed.

Mao Hai hurriedly nodded his head, unable to contain his joy: "Your brain is still the best, this method is brilliant enough!"

Bao Zhiming took a deep breath, and laughed coldly: "Very good, that brat cannot escape, he is dead for sure!"

Kuang Ziming's mouth twitched, his face revealing a look of satisfaction, "Doesn't he like to show off? Then let him show off enough! "

He sneered in his heart. Lee Yifann, oh Lee Yifann, don't think that no one knows about your background. No matter how well you conceal yourself, there is no wall in this world that doesn't let the wind escape.

The three of them revealed an impatient look on their faces. They had even started to look forward to the miserable ending of getting kicked out of the house after Lee Yifann fell into their trap.


On the other hand, Lee Yifann returned to his room in the courtyard, dropped the things in his hands and started cultivating.

Previously, when he had successfully forged the Divine Cauldron into the Meditation Stage, it had brought him many benefits. For example, the growth of his strength, his photographic memory, and even after his brain had cleared up, his thinking had become much clearer and more organized than before.

However, Lee Yifann felt that the benefits from the Medical Saint Scripture should not be limited to just these. It was very possible that there were some benefits that one had to observe carefully to discover.

He picked up the Medical Saint Scripture and started to study it. When he started to read more about bone injuries and spine, he felt troubled.

He frowned as he was at a loss. He realized that he could not understand a single thing.

"I still can't do it. With my current level, I have too little understanding of bone injuries. I can treat some simple bone injuries, but I can't cure any bone injuries on my spine." Lee Yifann was a little agitated. Seems like he couldn't just rely on his own research, he had to seek advice from Cang Xuande.