"What's the matter, man? Is there any difficulty in saying a name? " When people saw that he was hesitating, they couldn't help wondering.

Li Yifan is trying to find a reason to prevaricate in the past, just at this time, several people rushed over quickly.

"Little Doctor Li!"

When they heard the cry, they immediately turned around and saw Fang Bo, Dong Xueming, Zhao Huaming, and several directors of the medical university running over.

"Why are they here?" Seeing the visitor, Li Yifan frowned slightly. The first reaction in his heart was disgust. He turned his head and was ready to leave.

"Doctor Li, please stay!" Fang Bo quickly stopped him, "stop!"

Li Yifan frowned deeper and stopped. It seems that he has to face these people this time.

"Yifan, you really make it easy for us to find it!" Zhao Huaming ran to him and wiped the sweat on his forehead. He was a little out of breath.

"What can I do for you?" Li Yifan's face was expressionless and his voice was cold and stiff.

"Yifan, little miracle Doctor Li, I know you have resentment in your heart and don't want to see us, but this time we really have something to ask for!" Zhao Huaming sighed.

Li Yifan?

Hearing Zhao Huaming's address, the students around exclaimed.

"My God, is He Li Yifan?"

"Is he the Li Yifan who made a lot of trouble in the city? It turned out to be him. I said, "how can there be such a skilled and young doctor?"

"Sure enough, it's the same as what's said in the rumor. I'm good at medicine when I'm young!"

In addition to exclamation, there were many praises. The medical skills Li Yifan had just displayed could open their eyes.

Li Yifan looked at Zhao Huaming and said coldly, "what can I do for you? If you're right, I'll forgive you for what you've done, right? "

He thought with his knees and could guess why several people came to him.

Zhao Huaming's face was slightly embarrassed, but it was important, so he had to face down. "Yifan, I know that medical university and people's hospital had gone too far before, but it was all in the past..."

"In the past?" Li Yifan interrupted him coldly, "what a cold joke!"

He hopes that the past can really pass, but it's just a luxury.

He had lost those, has long been unable to come back, even if he is now unjust, so what? Some things happen, will always leave traces, even if the wound is good, will also leave scars.

Zhao Huaming's attentive face froze in an instant, and his smile disappeared. He could feel the coldness and chill in Li Yifan's tone, "I..."

"Shut up The corner of Li Yifan's mouth raised the arc of sarcasm, "you'd better die this heart! Now I am not a student of Medical University, not to mention an intern of people's hospital. You want to treat me as mud and dream about it! Before I lose my temper, disappear from my eyes at once

As soon as the words came out, all the students around held their breath, thinking that Li Yifan was as arrogant as he was said in the rumor.

However, they did not think that there was a problem with Li Yifan's practice. After all, he was once a victim, and the Medical University and people's Hospital owed him an explanation.

Fang Bo's face was so stiff that he couldn't help but say angrily, "Medical University is also your alma mater. After five years, don't you have any feelings?"

"Feelings?" Li Yifan sneered, "that feeling, when you colluded with Qi Huasheng to expel me, I went to the school board, the academic affairs office, the hospital of traditional Chinese medicine again and again, and after I found all the leaders, I was told that I was to blame myself, and I was looking for death, it no longer existed!"

Everyone can feel the chill in his words, but everyone can imagine how desperate he was at that time.

Fang Bo's anger dissipated in an instant. He knew that the decision they made at that time was too stupid, and he regretted it. But now the medical university is in a critical moment of life and death, he had to pull down his face and plead: "Li Yifan, I know that the Medical University owes you, but I couldn't help myself at that time..."


Li Yifan raised his hand and clapped. Fang Bo was stunned. "What do you mean?"

"Applaud for your shamelessness! Your shamelessness really broke my cognitive limit! " Anyway, his face was torn. Li Yifan had no worries when he spoke, "can't help it? What's the problem? Easy to say! Anyway, you do it for a reason and right! I deserve to be expelled by you. You've made me helpless. I almost committed suicide. I've been struggling to prove my innocence. Do I have to be considerate of your hard work? I can't afford such kindness! "

Anyway, what he did was wrong. In Fang Bo's eyes, he almost committed suicide and had no way out. It was all his failure. The Medical University was so kind to him that he should kneel down and express his gratitude!

Shameless logic!

Fang Bo and other people's faces turned pale, and Li Yifan's words killed their hearts, but they couldn't find any words to refute them, because what he said was true.From the beginning to the end, Li Yifan did not apologize to the Medical University, nor did he do anything wrong to anyone.

"Yifan, don't do that. I understand your grievances..." Zhao Huaming tries his best to control his tone and make his attitude soft.

"Understand your mother's fart!" Li Yifan coldly interrupted his words, standing there full of arrogance, "don't talk to yourself here, say the last time, immediately disappear from my eyes! Don't try to challenge my patience

Understand his grievances?

What a joke!

At the beginning, when he was fired, his girlfriend broke up, his friends left him, and his work was too extravagant to talk about, and he was bullied by all kinds of dogs and cats.

At that time, desperate, he even had the idea of suicide. Now, if he really died, his grandfather in the countryside might not be able to live.

His grandfather has only one family member. He is going to die. He can't imagine how his grandfather will suffer. He is afraid that he will commit suicide in despair. Even if the grandfather survived, how painful will the lonely grandfather be in the future?

These people don't know that their own decision will lead to two lives.

To understand his grievance is just a joke to himself!

It's not that he is lucky, that he is strong enough to hold on to today, that he does everything to prove his innocence, that today these people come to beg his forgiveness? If he doesn't prove his innocence, will these people wake up? Are you aware of your mistakes?


This life, next life, life after life will never be far away!

Therefore, it is absolutely impossible for him to forgive these people!

Never, never!

They do not deserve to be forgiven, they should be nailed to the stigma column, and be forever reviled by the world!