
They are not fools. The first time they met, they knew the root of Li Yifan, and it was obvious that someone had provided information to those gangsters. As for the providers, who will be there besides Yan Ning?

Yan Ning's face turned white and red. He was so embarrassed that he wanted to find a way to get in. He realized that his plot had been exposed, but he could not admit it. Once he admits that it is bound to be the target of public criticism, he must deny it.

"Well! Whatever you say, don't think that if you pour dirty water on me like this, you can make others believe you! " Yan Ning asserted that it was slander.

"Oh? Looks like you're going to default? " Li Yifan looked down upon him more and more. He was worthy of the same virtue as Yan Zhou's family.

"To your mother! I haven't done it at all Yan Ning is very arrogant to scold, arrogant attitude to the extreme, "you think you intimidate me a few words, I will be afraid of you? Can you show me the evidence? If you can't prove it, you can't say it! "

Everyone's face became very ugly. Everyone could see that Yan Ning was making trouble. It was dirty enough to find someone to block the way and teach people. Who would leave evidence? Besides, it's hard to find evidence for this kind of thing.

"I didn't expect you to be such a person, shameless!"

"Bah! The next three abuse! Dare to do it or not! "

Some of the students have issued scornful curses and accused one after another. Most of them are good-natured. They can't do this kind of insidious revenge.

In the face of the criticism from his classmates, Yan Ning's face flashed a trace of shame and anger. Instead, he became more furious and hummed: "get out! Get out of here! You are slandering. If you can't produce evidence, you are slandering! Who knows if he set me up on purpose? Don't be fooled by him

He was very presumptuous. He pointed to Li Yifan's nose and yelled: "hum! Why are you staring at me? Don't you agree? If you don't want to beat me, what can you do to me? Cut, a bunch of cowards

As soon as the words fell, Li Yifan rushed up with an arrow, swung his hand and pulled it out.

Bang Dang!

Yan Ning's whole person flew up directly, flying seven or eight meters away, crashing on the wall, which shocked the whole classroom!


There was another clear slap in the face. Mao Qing flew upside down and smashed the table not far away.

The huge classroom suddenly quieted down. Everyone's eyes were shocked and looked at the scene in front of them. It seemed that the brain could not bend around for a moment.


The next second, everyone gasped for air, and looked at the two people who couldn't get up with vomiting blood on the ground. They were so shocked that they couldn't control it. How much strength does it take to pull people away?

Li Yifan's expression was light, and there was a strong irony in the corner of his mouth, "since you want to smoke so much, I have to help you naturally. Don't thank me! "

"Good fight!"

"People like him just don't clean up and deserve to be beaten!"

"Look at his arrogance just now. He should not be as shameless as they are!"

After the silence, everyone gave Li Yifan a thumbs up and praised him for his good work. Originally, they were against violence and didn't support beating people. However, Yan Ning's arrogant appearance just now was really disgusting. Li Yifan slapped people away, which made them feel very happy and angry!

"But why even Mao Qing? Is he involved? " The students were confused again.

"Since Yifan has moved his hand, it proves that Mao Qing must have been involved. He deserves it!"

They have no sympathy for Yanning and Maoqing being beaten. They just feel that they are to blame and deserve to be beaten.

"Cough!" Yan Ning got up from the ground, covered his swollen cheek, peered at Li Yifan, and yelled: "son of a bitch How dare you hit me! Do you know who I am? "

"I'm not interested in who you are," Li said sarcastically. "The slap just now is a warning to both of you. If you dare to play these little tricks next time, I don't mind killing you!"

The words are very plain, but people feel a strange pressure. Yan Ning and Mao Qing shiver coldly. They feel an unprecedented chill in their hearts. The words they wanted to blurt out are stuck in their throats.

Under the different eyes of the people, Li Yifan turned and left.

In the next few days, everything is OK. It seems that Yan Ning and Mao Qing are honest because Li Yifan taught them too much, and they dare not trouble Li Yifan any more.

Soon to the final exam, most of the subjects for Li Yifan are very easy, he almost took less than 20 minutes to complete the paper. These topics are too simple for him today.

Only when he was in Professor Du's subject, Li Yifan encountered a little bit of difficulty. It took him a few more minutes, but he also passed the exam without danger.

A few days later, the results of the subjects were announced one after another, and Li Yifan's results became the focus of everyone's attention.

"Pharmacology, 100%!"

"Acupuncture and moxibustion of traditional Chinese medicine, 100 points? What's wrong with the troughs? ""Chinese medicine, 100%? Another 100, I must be blind! "

"One hundred, one hundred, many hundred Is this still human? "

When the students saw Li Yifan's terrible grades, they were shocked. As students in the Department of traditional Chinese medicine, they knew very well that if they could get 80 points in a general course, they would get a very high score, and few of them could get 90 points. Most of the students are between 60 and 70 points, and there will be a few students who fail in every course every semester.

Under normal circumstances, to get 90 points depends on whether the teacher is good or not, and on whether the students work hard or not. Even if they are at the Xueba level, they can't guarantee that they will get 90 points. But like Li Yifan, the scores are all above 90, and there are a lot of full marks, which can frighten people to death.

Did the teacher do it on purpose?

Some students think that Li Yifan is a relative. The teacher shows his partiality and deliberately gives him a high score, so they protest. Then the teachers directly take out Li Yifan's final exam paper, and the students immediately don't say a word when they see the paper. Especially after seeing the answer papers and scores of the theory course of traditional Chinese medicine, he was silent.

"The theory of traditional Chinese Medicine Full marks

"Professor Du can get full marks in his class, animals!"

"Monster! Pervert

The students are dizzy. Professor Du is a famous Iron Rooster in the Department of traditional Chinese medicine. Few of them can get 70 points in his class. Those who can get 80 points are monsters. Full marks Maybe mars hit the earth to get such a score.

Yan Ning and Mao Qing are silent after seeing the score. Looking at their just passed score, they just feel that they are not good at it at all. In particular, Li Yifan's full score paper made them feel feverish.

What is genius?

This is it!