"In this world, fist is the only reason! The builders of basic martial arts are far from your limit. When your strength rises to a stronger level, you will see a bigger world. At that time, only others will respect you

Li Yifan's words made everyone excited.

"Xiaoqiang, we will continue to recruit more people in the future. Rende company will continue to expand in the future and need more people. Your present strength is far from enough. However, when you recruit people, you must remember that people with ulterior motives and bad intentions can't be accepted even if they have good talent! Do you hear me? "

"I understand! I'll take care of it

Without Li Yifan's warning, sun Qiang also knows that he needs to keep a good guard. Besides Li Yifan, Rende martial arts school has the biggest voice. He is responsible for the security of the whole company, but he is really one person below ten thousand people above.

Even for the sake of his position, he can't recruit some people with improper intentions. After all, it's him who will be affected in the end.

"Besides, I'm going to Beijing in two days, and I may not be able to come back for at least a month. At that time, you will be responsible for the safety of the company! " Li Yifan's words changed and he began to talk.

"What?" Everyone was stunned, "brother Yifan, what are you doing in the capital?"

"A little private, I'll take care of it. As long as you are responsible for your own affairs, remember to call me if you can't solve the problem! " Li Yifan said in a deep voice.

"I see," said Sun Qiang. Although he didn't understand what he was going to do, it was not convenient for him to ask more.

After a few simple instructions, Li Yifan left the Rende martial arts school.

Under his initial guidance, the current Rende martial arts school has begun to take shape. After several months of development, it has gained considerable strength.

There are more than 30 basic martial arts practitioners and six Qi martial arts practitioners.

This power in Luzhou city is enough to be proud of others, and it is not too much to say that it is the largest power in Luzhou city.

However, in Li Yifan's view, their strength is still too weak, and they are not vulnerable to the real masters.

Now Rende martial arts school is not enough to be independent, and it needs his protection.

If one day a golden elixir master comes out of the school, it can be said that he is really full-fledged and does not need to be protected by anyone. The foundation period, in the final analysis, can only have the strength of self-protection, from the full wings, in the end, it is far from it!

Of course, Li Yifan believes that he can become a teacher of heaven. As long as sun Qiang and others strictly follow his training methods and practice hard, he will become a teacher of heaven sooner or later.

How difficult it is for others to be a teacher of heaven, but he doesn't think so.

The road is made by man, and the master of heaven is also made by man. The method is very important.

With such a good guide as him, plus his powerful martial arts and cultivation methods, even a fool can achieve extraordinary accomplishments.

He has absolute confidence to make sun Qiang and others into a team full of elixirs!

After leaving the martial arts school, Li Yifan is going to call Wang Xiaozhi and his wife.

It's been a long time since he met them. Although it's only a few months, he feels that it's as long as several centuries.

Now Wang Xiaozhi, after several months of hard work, has made up the progress of his study, ranking in the top of the class.

Wang cuifen found a new job near her home because of the special care of sun Qiang and others.

Wang cuifen received a call from Li Yifan at the beginning. She was also a little surprised. She told each other that she was safe. After chatting for a long time, she reluctantly hung up.

Drop by drop.

The phone just hung up and rang again.

Li Yifan Leng for a while, a look at the caller ID is a strange number, can not help but frown, "who ah?"

He pressed the answer button and said, "hello? Who is calling, please

"Oh, I've been calling you so many times just now. I always remind you that I'm on the phone. I hate it. Where are you now? " The man on the other end of the line complained bitterly.

Li Yifan frowned, "who are you?"

"No? You forgot all about me? " The man at that end was stunned.

"Which one are you? I don't know you, "Psycho, a strange number, where does he know who it is?

"Wipe! You're not interesting enough. You've just forgotten me for a few days! Break up The man at the other end was gnashing his teeth.

"Nerve, if you don't say who it is, I'll hang up!" Li Yifan couldn't help rolling his eyes.

"Hey, no!" The man at that end cried out, "I've lost to you. I'm Shen Shaokun! Shen Shaokun, who met you in the doctor's qualification examination in the hospital of traditional Chinese medicine a while ago, how long have you forgotten me? Are you too ruthless? "

Shen Shaokun?

Li Yifan was stunned, and an indecent image immediately appeared in his mind.

Suddenly realized, "it's you this wretched bastard, you didn't say earlier, I didn't save your phone number."He remembered that when he was in the hospital of traditional Chinese medicine for the qualification examination of traditional Chinese medicine, he met a well-informed, especially familiar guy, Shen Shaokun.

"Hey, what's wrong with me? Make it clear! I am so handsome that you slander me Shen Shaokun is not happy to hear that. Where is he obscene? He's a man of virtue, a gentleman, who is loved by everyone. He can't get along with the obscene?

"Cut!" Li Yifan rolled his eyes and said, "it's true. I know what you are."

Shen Shaokun was speechless. He was something. Naturally, he was forced to count.

But even if it's true, he can't admit it. What a shame.

"Where are you now?" Shen Shaokun immediately changed the subject.

"Why are you going to come to me?" Li Yifan thought in his heart, what tricks does this guy want to play.

"You guessed right, I have something to ask you! I'm in the center of the city. Where are you? Come on! Don't dally Shen Shaokun's tone is a little urgent.

Li Yifan looked at the time on his mobile phone and thought that he really had nothing to do at the moment, so he said, "I'm on the side of health road. Please wait for me at the gate of Yangchun garden."

He found that he was not far from Yangchun Garden community, so he simply asked Shen Shaokun to come to Yangchun garden to find him, which was more convenient.

"Good! I'll be right here! " Shen Shaokun hung up in a hurry.

Li Yifan frowned and murmured in a low voice: "strange, how can this guy suddenly come to me? Did something big happen? No, he's such a fool. What's the big deal? I must have thought too much. "