Li Yifan's face sneered when he saw that people wanted to escape. "Now I know I want to escape? Don't you think it's too late? "

This man just takes him as the air and runs away if he wants to?

It depends on whether you can escape!


Li Yifan's right foot on the ground, with the help of a moment of explosive force, the body is like a shell straight up, swept shangguanhong.

Between breathing, people have come to shangguanhong.

"What?" Shangguan Hong was shocked and looked at Li Yifan in front of him. He couldn't believe that Li Yifan's speed could be so fast.

Is that still human speed?

"You want to escape, have you asked me what I mean?" Li Yifan, with a sneer of disdain at the corner of his mouth, immediately jumped up more than two meters in the same place and kicked shangguanhong's chest with a flying posture.


The speed was very fast. Shangguan Honggen couldn't dodge. In panic, he immediately turned Qi and crossed his hands to block.

There was only a dull sound, and a firm kick on shangguanhong's arms.


Shangguan Hong's mouth was stuffy and his throat was sweet. He felt that his whole body was engulfed by a big wave. His body was like a kite with broken line. He flew upside down and fell on the ground.


Shangguanhong pressed his hand on the ground, supporting his body. He felt that his body was under that foot, as if he would be scattered, and his whole body was in pain.

Li Yifan landed steadily and looked at him with a smile. "I don't believe that's the only move you have. If there is no other way, you will die here today!"

This completely angered Shangguan Hong. He was ferocious and roared: "boy, you want to die!"

The next second, shangguanhong stood up from the ground, and his eyes were burning with anger.

"Arrogant boy, you have made me angry! Today, I want you to die! "

"Even if it's my life, I'll let you die without a place to die!"

Shangguan Hongche was completely infuriated. At this moment, he was like an angry lion. His body was full of terrible fury, which made people dare not look directly at him.

"Black evil spirit fire!"

There was a deafening roar, and a thick black smoke suddenly emerged from shangguanhong's body. When you look at it carefully, it turned out to be a black flame, pure as blood, with a dark and cold smell.

As soon as the flame appeared, the temperature around it dropped several degrees.

"Today, I'll sacrifice you to my black spirit fire!"

Shangguanhong's voice is crazy and cold, but he has a feeling of pride. This move is his way to press the bottom of the box. It costs a lot to perform. It takes at least a few months to recover every time.

However, the power of Heisha spirit fire is huge. No less than four or five people died under his move!

This is the capital that shangguanhong is proud of!

Originally, he did not intend to use this card, but Li Yifan's strength was beyond his expectation, and he refused to let him go. He really had no choice but to sacrifice this move to kill Li Yifan!


When Shangguan Hong thought about it, the flame flew out and swept towards Li Yifan.

The overwhelming flames engulfed Li Yifan in an instant.

"Ha ha ha! Boy, you're dead! " Seeing this, Shangguan Hong laughed wildly and said, "there are several heavenly masters who have died under the fire of my black evil spirit! Even if the three of them come, I can kill them. Boy, it's your honor to die under my demon fire

In his view, Li Yifan was engulfed by the Black Ghost fire, and the end was death.

Even though Li Yifan's strength is amazing, this black evil spirit fire can even kill the Heavenly Master, not to mention just a warrior in the late period of creating a valley?

Shangguan Hong believes that Li Yifan will die!

"Yes? A special martial arts, you want my life? Who gives you confidence? " At this time, Li Yifan's scornful sarcasm came out of the black flame.


Shangguan Hong's complacent laughter stopped suddenly, and his face solidified instantly.


With a dull sound, a golden light rippled in the black flame. Soon, the golden light flourished, just like the sun breaking through the darkness, dispersing the flame, revealing Li Yifan's young figure.

He was covered in a layer of gold shield, his clothes were neat, and there was no sign of embarrassment.

When seeing this scene, Shangguan Hong's pupil suddenly shrinks, "how is this possible?! How can you be ok? "


Li Yifan dismissed the shield and sneered coldly, "is this the way you press the bottom of the box? It seems that your ability is no more than that. "

Just now, the black flame came over, and Li Yifan judged that the black flame was a special kind of earth level martial arts.

To tell you the truth, it's the first time he's seen someone who can control such advanced martial arts.Martial arts are very precious. Most martial arts practitioners are lucky to learn the lowest level of huangjie martial arts. Xuanjie martial arts is a treasure that can be met but not sought. Some Jindan heavenly masters may not have practiced xuanjie martial arts.

As for the local level martial arts, it is enough to become the treasure of a family or even a sect.

The martial arts of the earth level are extremely precious and naturally powerful.

In general, the martial arts of Xuan level can enable the martial arts below the master of heaven to have the ability to surpass the level and kill the opponent.

And the local level martial arts, which is able to let the martial arts above the master of heaven, can jump the level, or even cross the level to kill the opponent.

Under normal circumstances, shangguanhong would not be his opponent if he used to use his local level martial arts. Not to mention Li Yifan, who has the same level of cultivation as him, he will not be an opponent.

However, Li Yifan found that the power of the black flame was not as powerful as he thought, at least not as powerful as the earth level martial arts.

He guessed that Shangguan Hong had not fully mastered the martial arts.

In addition, Heisha spirit fire is a kind of yin and evil martial arts. It's extremely Yin and evil. When you meet a martial arts person who has practiced the powerful and powerful martial arts and has the noble and righteous martial arts, your power will be greatly reduced.

Li Yifan inherits the tradition of medical sage, and has a noble and upright spirit. The power of general Yin and evil martial arts will be weakened against him. Not to mention, although his cultivation was only in the later period of Bigu, his actual combat effectiveness was no less than that of the Heavenly Master.

Naturally, shangguanhong's attack did not hurt him, which is reasonable.

"Damn..." Seeing that Li Yifan was not hurt at all, Shangguan Hong was surprised and angry.

At this time, Li Yifan sneered, "it seems that you have no other means, in this case, then you go to die!"

As soon as the words fell, his eyes were full of murders, and the sword at his waist was cut out in the air, as fast as the wind.


Shangguan Hong was so shocked that he stepped back and wanted to run.


You must escape!

He wants to run back and report the news to all the members of Shangguan family. Let them be careful!

However, as soon as he stepped out, a gust of wind came, and the light of the sword raged to his throat.


The blood light splashed, Shangguan Hong's body suddenly froze, his expression frozen, his mouth uttered a shrill scream, his eyes darkened, and his body fell down