When they entered the house, the old man closed the door very carefully. At the same time, he attached his ear to the door. After listening for a long time, he made sure that there was no one else. Then he turned around with ease.

"Mr. Su is very careful!" Ye Ziyun said with a smile.

"Ha ha," the elder Su touched his beard and gave out a kind of hoarse and old laugh. "If I hadn't been careful for so many years, I would have been eaten out of bones."

"What the hostess said is very true," Ye Ziyun nodded gently, "but the hostess can rest assured that the private rooms here will never be equipped with monitoring, and the rooms are also completely soundproof, so there is no need to worry about the walls having ears. But similarly, anyone who talks business here has to abide by the rules here. Once there is a conflict, there is no way to leave, and it is impossible to leave secretly. "

Smell speech, Li Yifan raised his head to scan a circle of the house, this just found that there are no windows in the private room, the lights are the kind embedded in the wall. As for the wall, I don't think he needs to touch it. I'm afraid it's made of special materials. Ordinary martial arts can't break it.

No wonder Ye Ziyun will choose the trading place here. It's really safe here.

"No more gossip. What do we want?" Li Yifan spoke faintly.

"Don't worry," sushi slowly sat down, and then took out a red brocade box. As soon as the box was opened, a scorching breath immediately diffused.

Li Yifan and ye Ziyun craned their necks and found that there was a fiery red plant inside, which looked like a lotus.

Li Yifan could not help nodding, "yes, it's a volcanic holy lotus. It's well preserved and almost perfect. In addition, the lava stone is specially used to make a brocade box for placing, which can ensure that the medicinal power of the holy lotus will not volatilize to the greatest extent. You have a heart

Hearing this, ye Ziyun showed joy, "great!"

Previously, Li Yifan gave her Dan Fang, and she had collected all the other medicinal materials, except the volcano Saint lotus.

Once you get the last medicine and refine the traceless pill, you can repair her life elixir, so that she can continue to practice!

"You have seen a lot, sir!" Su Lao was a little surprised. "But I also accidentally got this elixir in the volcanic area a few days ago. I found that it had a peculiar shape and attractive appearance, so I collected it specially. It didn't come in handy all the time. I heard that director Ye needed it, so I came to trade it. What's the use of this thing? "

He stared at Li Yifan with bright eyes, as if he wanted to see through the details of Li Yifan. In the heart is the thought myriad, thought Li Yifan is alchemist?

Generally speaking, this rare elixir is the most suitable for alchemy.

But he could not believe that such a young boy would be an alchemist.

Of course, Li Yifan knew that this man was trying to find out his own details. He said, "we are just collecting elixirs. It's just fun."


Ye Ziyun was surprised and had a feeling of being unable to laugh or cry.

This guy really dares to make it up. He's obviously using it for alchemy, but he can't even blush and open his eyes to tell lies. Is he too cheeky?

However, she also knew that at this time, she could not admit the real use of the volcano Saint lotus, otherwise it would only lead to trouble. She also said to her silly: "yes, yes! We have been collecting rare herbs. As the elder knows, I am the director of lingyao hall. My favorite is these precious herbs. It can be sold at a high price! "

Two people sing a harmony, acting realistic.

The old man was stunned. He couldn't help frowning. "You want to buy this volcano lotus, just to sell it at a high price?"

He doesn't believe this kind of nonsense, and he's not stupid. They are obviously fooling him.

"Of course, I'm a businessman!" Ye Ziyun has a natural expression on her face.

Li Yifan smiles but says nothing. His expression seems to be saying: don't try to inquire about things that shouldn't be inquired about, otherwise it will only lead to death!

Sulao frowned more deeply, and he stared at them, "Ye Lishi, you don't have to treat me as someone who hasn't seen the world. You want this volcano holy lotus for alchemy, right? Ha ha, yes. How can you admit such an important thing? Let's talk about the price! "

"Easy to say!" Li Yifan thinks that the old man is very intelligent. At least he knows what to ask and what not to ask. When he encounters questions that shouldn't be asked, he quickly flinches. Unlike some people he met before, he clearly realizes that he has asked the wrong question, and he still has to go to the bottom.

Su Lao looks at Li Yifan and thinks that this young boy can't see through.

That calm temperament is extraordinary.

Ye Ziyun asked with a smile, "how much is it?"

Sulao thought for a while, "in view of the fact that this volcano holy lotus should be a very precious elixir, then 50 million!"

"What?" Ye Ziyun immediately jumped up, staring at Su Lao's angry expression, "are you too much? The price we said before was 10 million, but you suddenly went up to 50 million? You can start from the ground! "Obviously, ye Ziyun is right.

At first, he didn't know what the holy lotus of volcano was for. In addition, the holy lotus of volcano was not as precious as the ice lotus of millennium and Ganoderma lucidum of millennium. Ten million was a reasonable price.

Just now, when Su Lao saw Li Yifan talking about it, he obviously knew the usage of volcano holy lotus very well. It seemed that he was still an alchemist. Naturally, he had the idea of setting the price temporarily and made a bad mistake.

"Hehe, business is all about you and me," sushi was not shy at all, and his eyes rolled. "If this little brother can refine a pill like Zhuji pill and Kaiguang pill for me, I can sell the volcano holy lotus to you at the price of 10 million!"

So crafty, angry Ye Ziyun white eyes straight, "shameless!"

"As I said, it's your wish to talk about business." "I think it's not difficult for this little brother to make pills like Zhuji pill since he is an alchemist," he said

In fact, he said casually that in ancient times, Zhuji Dan was not a precious pill, and ordinary alchemists could make it. In addition, most of the warriors can also make pills themselves, so Zhuji pills are common pills.

But later, with the decline of the overall strength of the martial arts, the decline of alchemy and the passing down of generations, few people can alchemy now. Even Zhuji pill, which was not uncommon before, is now a very precious pill.

Without a certain level of alchemy, it is absolutely impossible to make it.

So, sulao, it's not as simple as sitting on the ground and starting the price. It's just a lion's big mouth!