"What are you up to?" Li Yifan blinked.

"Curious! Anyway, it's boring. I'm free. Do you know who he is? I know, "said Ruan Qingqing with a smile.

Li Yifan said nothing, "I don't want to!"

There was only one person he wanted to inquire about, the night soul of the ninth Hall of jiuxuanmen. He didn't care about the others.

Besides, the information sent by Wen Tiren was complete. In fact, he recognized the old man early.

Yan Dingyi.

The top 33 in Tiangang list.

Next to the little girl is his granddaughter, called Yanling.

Both of them are members of the Yan family, and they are also members sent by the Yan family to attend the martial arts conference.

Their words fell on the ears of the people around them, which made many people frown. Yan Dingyi also looked at them. He wanted to know whether the boy was really arrogant or pretended to be like this all the time.

"Grandfather, are you confident this time?" Yan Ling asked with a smile.

Yan Dingyi opened his eyes and looked at his granddaughter. "In fact, you want to ask about Nie Weiying this time, right?"

"I can't hide it from you," Yan Ling said.

"The Nie family is really good. This Nie Weiying is quite good, but if your brother's words, there should be a possibility to beat him."

"Just the possibility of winning?" Yan Ling seems not very satisfied.

"Girl, the victory and defeat in the challenge arena are in a moment's time. It's hard to know what's going on in the world. No one dares to say that he will definitely win. Unless there is a big gap in strength, but your brother and Nie Weiying's accomplishments are not up and down, and when each other is the biggest competitor, so it's possible for anyone to win. " Yan Dingyi said that she hoped that she would understand that she would not have too high expectations, so that when she lost, she would not be too ugly.

Martial Arts all the way, a win or lose simply does not mean anything, whether it is Yan Yidao or Nie Weiying are genius.

As long as they don't die suddenly on the road of growth, they will be able to occupy a place in the Disha list, even the Tiangang list, and become the pillar level experts in the family.

"Well, that's right." Yan Ling nodded, "I heard that there are several players in the third gear this time."

"Although there are few people who can reach the Heavenly Master before the age of 25, there are still some. However, even if we break through the Heavenly Master at this age, it does not necessarily mean that we can grow up. There are too many changes along the way in martial arts. The potential of a moment can't represent forever, "Yan Dingyi said after touching his beard.

Yan Ling nodded again, "how sure are you to deal with Yu Hai this time?"

Mention this person, Yan Dingyi's face suddenly sink down, "Yu Qing hurt your sister before, let her become a lifetime waste, this account anyway also have to find them Yu family to calculate clearly. Master heiming is dead, but they sent Yu Hai this time. I'm sure I'll kill him soon! "

When Li Qiankun killed the top ten experts in Tiangang list, his scandal was exposed.

Among them, the scandal of Yu Qing, the heiming master, is that he poisoned Yan's daughter, Yanyu, the elder sister of Yanling.

Mention elder sister, Yan Ling eyes show a strong resentment, "all blame their group of animals, elder sister has committed suicide. They must pay for their lives

In this case, the passengers in the car finally speculated their identities.

"It turns out that the elder is yandingyi of the Yan Family!"

"Meet Master Yan!"

They all come from some small families. They are not comparable with the Yan family.

At this time, Li Yifan suddenly laughed.

Ruan Qingqing was curious, "Why are you smiling?"

She was at a loss, but she felt uneasy when he laughed. What might happen?

At this moment, Yanling had a good chat with his grandfather. When he saw that someone was killing the scenery, his face suddenly sank, "boy, did you mean it?"

Li Yifan's eyes swept indifferently in the past, "I just feel funny for a moment. You probably think that you are sure to win and you can kill your opponent. In fact, it's just death."

"What did you say?" Yan Ling was angry all of a sudden.

Yan Dingyi disdains to stop his granddaughter and stares at him with a smile. "It seems that little gentleman has a good idea? Let's talk about it. "

Li Yifan looked at him and said, "there's nothing to say. Just look at your expression and you'll know what you're thinking."

Yan Ling angrily took out a panacea, "don't you want to deceive people? OK, the bet is for you. Just say it! If you're right, it's yours. If you're wrong, you'll give me a panacea! "


For the elixir, Li Yifan has never refused.

Yan Dingyi narrowed his eyes slightly and looked at him. He thought that the boy would spend all day talking nonsense and bewitch them.

Of course, he is an old man. He has met many people. He will not let his granddaughter be deceived. He must intervene.However, he did not expect that Li Yifan's words would make him stand on the spot.

"If you fight Yu Hai, he will easily defeat you, and if you provoke him, he will kill you, and..."

Li Yifan also wants to continue to say, but Yan Dingyi coldly interrupted, "a bunch of nonsense! What a yellow mouthed child! Opening your mouth is nonsense. I'll see you for the first time. I disdain to see you in the same light. When you lose, I'll take the gamble immediately. Otherwise, don't blame me for being impolite! "

Li Yifan expected that the other side would react like this, because in the Tiangang list, Yan Dingyi was ranked 33, while Yu Hai was only ranked 36.

Under normal circumstances, whether it is Tiangang list, Disha list, or Tianshi list, those who are at the bottom of the list can't beat those who are at the top.

This is the general cognition of the whole martial arts world. The authority of tianjimen lies here, and there are few mistakes.

Most of the mistakes are due to the fact that an expert on the list disappeared after he became a member of the public. It's like the world has evaporated, and there is no next activity. Therefore, tianjimen can't continue to track and update his strength, so the ranking is naturally a little careless.

Good die not die, Yu Hai is such a situation.

Li Yifan has read the information provided by Wen Tiren before. There are two experts sent by the Yu family this time. One is Yu Hai, and the other is Yu Shun, ranking 23rd in the Tiangang list.

In fact, Yu Shun's data is the same thing, but Yu Hai is much more complicated.

This person rarely appears, about three years ago into the Tiangang list, but since then has been closed.

Now it happens that this time I'm going out of the gate to compete on behalf of my family.

Yu Qing, the most important top ten player in the Tiangang list, was damaged by the Yu family. Yu Shun was obviously far away from him, but Yu Hai could be the main player of the Yu family.

Anyone with a heart can realize what this action means.

Of course, Li Yifan didn't bother to tell Yan Dingyi about this kind of information. Anyway, he didn't believe it. He said faintly: "I know you will be like this. Since you are so confident, you will know it on the field."