Li Yifan didn't have any reaction on his face. He just watched the old ghost perform.

Mo Tianqing was a little worried. He lowered his posture and said, "don't worry about your benefactor. I promised before that, who can solve the side effects of the elixir of immortality, I will marry moshaqian, the most outstanding daughter of Mohism. Now that your benefactor has won a great victory, I will certainly keep my promise. In the future, this great Mohist school will be your benefactor. "

Compared with the price proposed at the beginning, he temporarily increased it.

Originally, there was a lot of room for operation under his price. No matter who solved the problem, the elixir of immortality will be under the control of Mo Tianqing and Mohism will also be under his control. He can completely empty the power of the solver in Mohism.

In the final analysis, he will not lose money in any case.

But now, Mo Tianqing is flustered. He thinks that if he doesn't show his sincerity, Li Qiankun won't buy it at all.

"The old man is really calculating."

People around listen, but only think that Mo Tianqing is very cunning.

To this point, he is still trying to hold unrealistic fantasy, want to use Mosha Qian to woo Li Qiankun?

Is he dreaming?

I don't see that Li Qiankun already has a girlfriend, and he is also a master of the golden elixir period. This alone is much better than Mosha Qian.

Mo Tianqing is sure that Li Yifan will like Mo Shaqian?

Are you kidding?

Even if Li Yifan is really a romantic person and a good girl, he can find long Wanyu and dantai to pity them. These people are not necessarily inferior to Mozart.

At this moment, Mo Huade, Mo cangqi and others behind Mo Tianqing are all silent and dare not say a word.

As for the use of Mosha Qian, the expression is a bit complex, but do not know what to say.

Originally, in her imagination, her husband should be one of those people, not to mention the powerful, but also the top talent in a certain industry.

She has been working so hard, although she has realized that Mo Tianqing attaches so much importance to her in order to sell her at a higher price. She knows that she has no choice but to accept her life, and she is willing to accept her life.

Now, Mo Tianqing betrothed her to a man who already had a woman, and let her be the third party.

Under normal circumstances, she is absolutely willing to let her marry such a man. After all, this man is Li Qiankun, who is famous all over the world.

But now, she is used as the price to save the family by Mo Tianqing under the condition of being forced to do so, and she is still a little uncomfortable in her heart.

It's just, what about discomfort?

She still has no choice.

At this moment, Mo Xueqin in the crowd has a look of envy. In her opinion, only by sacrificing one of Mo Shaqian, the family can be saved. The deal is really a good deal.

Besides, just now everyone has seen Li Qiankun's extraordinary strength. I'm afraid we don't know how many women want to marry him. It's a great honor for me to be with such a man.

If it's Mo Xueqin, I'd like to throw myself in my arms right now.

In the face of Mo Tianqing's abacus, the bigwigs turn their heads and look at Li Qiankun.

Now Mo Tianqing is using beauty and power. It can be said that he has used 200 points of sincerity. He has even taken out all the prices he can take out.

Not to mention anything else, it's just Mosha Qian.

This woman is not only very powerful in Mohism, but also very outstanding in appearance. There has always been no lack of pursuers.

Secondly, she is not a woman with empty appearance. Although she is not as good at business, she is also a famous talented woman, and many business celebrities are not as good as her. Her experience is also first-class. She has been following Mo Tianqing for many years and has seen many important people, so she is first-class both in the city and in her eyesight.

In private, there are many rich families who want their sons to marry her. In this way, the family will certainly take a step further in the economic field.

To give her to Li Qiankun without any conditions is also a great sacrifice for Mo Tianqing. Under normal circumstances, he must ask her future husband to give a big price.

However, at the moment, Mo Tianqing really has no choice.

If he doesn't, it's impossible to calm Li Qiankun's anger.

In addition, he also handed over the power of his family to Li Qiankun, which means that once Li Qiankun married moza Qian, he became the master of Mohism, and the whole huge Mohism was his own.

Such a rich price also made some big men present very excited.

If it was their own, I'm afraid they would agree without even thinking about it.

Unfortunately, they had no idea what kind of person li Qiankun was standing in front of them.

Li Yifan sneered, showing disdain, "do you think the value of the things you take out is very high? To be honest, it's just rubbish! "All the people at the scene were shocked on the spot.

"Isn't he crazy? He doesn't want beauty, power and countless wealth? "

"I think he's crazy."

Many people are talking about it. They think that the reason for Li Yifan's refusal is that he does not know what these concepts are.

Mo Tianqing's eyes flashed a trace of anger. He felt quite shameless when he was rejected, but he was afraid of Li Yifan's strength, so he could only endure the anger and said politely, "is the price I've offered too low?"

"Not too low, but to me, worthless!"

Li Yifan's cold eyes glared at him, "it's only because you are too ignorant. If you investigate my details a little bit, you can't be so stupid from the beginning and choose to be my enemy!"


This surprised many people on the spot. Could it be that everything Li Yifan had was more terrible than Mo Tianqing?


At this time, elder Taihua coughed for a moment and said slowly: "Mr. Mo, I have already reminded you to investigate Li Shao's identity as much as possible before making a decision, but you didn't take my words seriously."

Mo Tianqing's face was stunned.

"Alas Taihua elder sighed, "if you don't know, you can forget it. Isn't it clear that the water god Association and the gold God association? How many times did you fight with Li shaozuo? How many elders died? The top ten experts in Tiangang list were all killed by Li Shao overnight. Have you forgotten the nightmares of that night? Li Shao killed the king of Dan at the Dandao meeting. He has already annexed Wuchen Pavilion and integrated the Li family. In addition, Xuanyi has many hot things, such as Lingquan water, Lingquan dew, lingyao wine and so on. He is also the master of array, artifact, Shendan, lingfu and mechanism. Whatever you can think of, he has reached the peak. As far as power is concerned, I'm far from being able to achieve it. It's almost the same if you let the Kunlun ancestor come and talk to him. "