Chapter 132: Siege

Chapter 132: Siege

September 9, 1110. The troops of the four churches breached the Callie Valley, securing their path to Trier, the City of the Sun.

Under the divine miracle of the sun, the forces of the sun and its allies were forced to retreat from the valley to the city of Trier.

The church of steam began carpet bombing using steam planes that blitzed through the skies of the Tudor Empire, unhindered due to the God of the Sky's protection. nove(l)bi(n.)com

The sudden untied assault nearly razed major cities and towns around the city of sun to the ground, while armies of four churches began to march towards Trier, bringing destruction and death.

Meanwhile, the battle between Diana and Ouroboros ended in a tie, with neither side having the upper hand. They were also compelled to retreat to their sides. They did not, however, leave the battlefield, but instead joined the war.

Diana Knight took command of her side after gaining the approval of the sun, earth, and twilight. While Ouroboros remained at war solely to restrain Diana.

September 10, 1110. Under Diana's leadership, drastic actions and measures were implemented in the armies.

The defences were constructed from the Sun City to the Andal Mountains, a massive wall built from pure information. It was quite long, nearly 100 kilometres in length. And, it was erected in one go by Diana Knight using the hermit uniqueness.

Diana then performed a literal miracle by visualising a Nobel Phantasm of Gilgamesh - King's signal cannon, from a tale she heard from her lord. She fortified the walls with the golden cannons, connecting them to the Sun City. All of this, however, eventually drained her and forced her to temporary slumber.

September 11th, 1110. The armies of four churches finally arrived at Trier's massive walls, and the long siege began...


31 November, 1100. Trier, Tudor Empire.

Blaise Larson stood atop the weathered and cracked bell tower, looking down at the hellscape, which was drenched in blood and fire. The air smelled strongly of anxiety and fear.

The golden cannons on his sides continued to fire golden beams of energy, heading for their enemies. However, it was obstructed by illusory curtains woven with esoteric symbols that shrouded their adversaries.

The sky was filled with dark and white clouds, with occasional lightning and light flashes. From the other side, there were also continuous attacks on the colossal walls. Some collided with the wall, while others were obstructed by dimming protective layer.

Blaise looked at it all with dull eyes while manipulating his marionettes to gain information from the other side. However, his efforts were not always fruitful. The angels of knowledge have far too keen eyes for any slight anomaly.

But he didn't give up, creating new and strange marionettes to get around their perception.

Diana and Ouroboros. They were still restraining each other in the war while also overseeing it.

Though, in terms of actual war, they were still holding fast to Diana's defence. The winds of war were not in anyone's favour. However, the church of steam was deploying many of their new inventions at them in an attempt to break a deadlock.

Blaise even saw a massive metal puppet. The angels of steam, on the other hand, dubbed it Gundam. To put it mildly, it was terrifying. They only won by fully activating the king's signal cannon. Nonetheless, their losses were astronomical.

To be honest, the war between the churches didn't really matter anymore.

Blaise could now actually feel it in the air. The faint sense of calm and serenity in the background of disorder and chaos. The type that existed prior to the arrival of the cataclysmic storm.

He witnessed their people's dwindling hope. Their hearts were gradually consumed by the darkness of despair. Their bright eyes are gradually losing their radiance in the face of the unchanging war. The armies led by the storm and night conquered their lands.

Everything was gradually falling apart. The world was turning grey, with not a speck of light in sight.

'They did it...' Blaise suddenly realised, his perception becoming clearer than ever. 'They actually did it...'

There was a rumbling in the substratum of reality. It was faint and distorted, but he could hear it clearly. The resounding rumble caused his heart to quiver and his bones to rattle.

"No." He muttered in agony.

The anchors of their lord were shaking!


The rumbling became increasingly loud, forcing him to his knees in an instant. The ground beneath his feet was also trembling, as if the rumble had begun to affect reality itself.

Ignoring the searing pain, Blaise looked up at the sky. His blurry gaze witnessed the rise of a colossal tree, only to be immediately followed by a gigantic white tower.

The war of the gods has begun!


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