Chapter 50: 3rd Week Duel Battles (5)

Name:The Support Ate it All Author:
Chapter 50: 3rd Week Duel Battles (5)

When the match was about to start, Wang Pil and Jang Sam each drew an iron sword.

By sizing them up at a glance and comparing them with Go Hyeon-woo,

A two-on-one battle would be good.

This was of course assuming they werent showing their true abilities.

If it came down to a serious fight, even one-on-one would be difficult.

For Go Hyeon-woo, they were formidable opponents unlikely to be easily bested, but isnt it said that a warrior grows through battles with such strong adversaries?

My task this time was to make Wang Pil and Jang Sam, who were carefully concealing their true abilities, reveal their true skills.

To do that, I first needed to prove to Go Hyeon-woo that it was worth the effort.

I repeated the same words I had said when I was about to engage in a two-on-two with Seo Ye-in.

Try to handle it on your own first. If it seems too dangerous, Ill step in to help.

All right.





Go Hyeon-woo advanced with his sword hanging low at a pace that was neither slow nor fast.

Wang Pil and Jang Sam seemed to understand my intention for them to take on Go Hyeon-woo two against one as they completely ignored me and targeted him instead.

As they closed in, they split to either side; Wang Pil aimed for a downward strike while Jang Sam went for a horizontal slash.

Go Hyeon-woo didnt retreat; instead, he stepped forward and drew his sword in one swift motion.


The swords of Wang Pil and Jang Sam were simultaneously deflected.

After deflecting their swords, Go Hyeon-woo stepped back for a moment and then lunged forward again.

Go Hyeon-woos movements were as natural as flowing water and he was swinging his sword without hesitation even while fighting two people at the same time.

He parried, blocked, and sometimes even counterattacked against the iron swords coming at him from left, right, front, and back.

The three iron swords collided dozens of times in rapid succession.

Clang, clang, clang!

The swordsmanship displayed by Wang Pil and Jang Sam was very familiar to me.

Their technique consisted solely of basic slashes and thrusts.

They were the fundamental moves that every swordsman learns at some point.

The Three Movements Sword Technique

(TN: It is a clich low-tier martial arts technique that often appears in martial arts novels. The three movements are hacking, slashing, and thrusting.)

From their ordinary appearance to their names, their swords, and even the Three Movements Sword Technique,

It was clear they had gone to great lengths to appear as ordinary as possible.

It felt like they tried so hard to look ordinary that it had the opposite effect.

Couldnt they have chosen a more common sword technique instead?

However, rather than simply being used to hide their true strength, the Three Movements Sword Technique was used surprisingly well.

Wang Pil scored 460 points, while Jang Sam scored 689 points.

This meant that despite adhering to the Three Movements Sword Technique with an iron sword, they managed to secure several victories within their respective score ranges.

Jang Sam, in particular, scored higher than Ilgong whom I had faced in the previous match.

Should they reveal their true abilities

They would be considered promising students.

I always have good luck in my matchups.

[Kim Ho 100% Go Hyeon-woo 99%]


[Wang Pil 97% Jang Sam 94%]

Clang! Clang!

Go Hyeon-woo seemed to quickly adapt to the two-against-one situation and was actively continuing his offensive.

He effortlessly deflected Wang Pils attacks and poured all his remaining energy into pressuring Jang Sam.

Each time Jang Sams defense was breached, his health was slightly reduced.

As I observed this, I sensed that the time was right.

This should be enough.

It would be laughable to tell them to show their true skills when we still couldnt even best their Three Movements Sword Technique.

Thats why Go Hyeon-woo was the first to face a two-versus-one situation, and they proved they had the right to not show their full abilities.

The next move was mine.

I intervened in the midst of their fierce exchange.

Hold on, everyone stop for a moment.



At my command, Go Hyeon-woo willingly withdrew his iron sword and stepped back.

Wang Pil and Jang Sam also halted in their tracks and cast wary glances my way.

Cant we have a proper match?

We are in the midst of one.

Jang Sam answered with a puzzled expression on his face.

Even if they denied it, the evidence was crystal clear.

I spoke with assertive certainty.

Thats not true. It seems like theres much more youre hiding.The source of this content nov(el)bi((n))

I dont see on what basis youre making such claims.

The evidence, if asked for, was plentiful.

I pointed at the stationary Wang Pils hand.

Isnt he originally left-handed?


A giant palm engulfed Wang Pil,


He shot out like a comet as he left a trail behind him.

Wang Pils speed as he flew away seemed even faster than Jang Sams charge at Go Hyeon-woo.

Maintaining the same speed, Wang Pil disappeared into the unseen distance.

[Kim Ho 100% Go Hyeon-woo 74%]


[Wang Pil % Jang Sam 93%]



Go Hyeon-woo and Jang Sam looked at me with dumbfounded expressions.

They might have recognized the [Great Hand Seal] skill but witnessing someone being catapulted like a cannonball was surely a first for them.

As they struggled to find the right words, I politely extended my hand.

Please, continue with what you were doing.

So thats why you suggested a private match.

Didnt see this coming?

The suggestion for a private match was indeed meant to coax out their true skills, but it also allowed me to revel in my abilities without the worry of people seeing my replay.

Normally, I tend to use [Amplification] and [Wind Force] sparingly or as discreetly as possible but in a private setting, I was free from those constraints.

I could even resort to [Inferno Fist] in a truly critical situation.

Of course, since the original intent was to observe the one-on-one between Go Hyeon-woo and Jang Sam, I planned not to intervene any further.

I assured Jang Sam who was wary of my involvement with a clear tone.

Dont worry. Ill just be watching from now on.

The two were seriously engaged in a one-on-one fight, and it was clear that if Go Hyeon-woo was defeated, then the decision to engage or not would arise.

Jang Sam still wore a skeptical expression on his face and he asked,

Is it really your goal for us to compete with our true skills?

. It is.


Jang Sam glanced at Go Hyeon-woo and he seemed to gather his thoughts for a moment.

Then as if he had made up his mind, he put away the black awl and drew his iron sword once more.

Very well. Ill do as you wish.

It seemed he might return to the Three Movements Sword Technique, but the stance he assumed was quite different.

The killing intent emanating from him was intensely thick.

It appeared he was about to demonstrate his assassination skills with the iron sword and likely reveal his true unique martial arts.


Go Hyeon-woo also took a deep breath, inhaling and exhaling slowly as he prepared himself.

He replaced his broken iron sword and readjusted his stance.

The wind that blew from somewhere wrapped around him.

And then they confirmed with each other that they were both ready.

Jang Sams figure started to blur from the legs up.

In a single breath, he seemed to condense the space around him and drew his iron sword forward as if to pierce through the air.

A swift and tremendous sword thrust aimed directly at Go Hyeon-woos heart.


Compared to that, Go Hyeon-woos reaction was a half-beat slower.

He barely managed to deflect the incoming iron sword,


Because he couldnt fully protect himself, a long wound stretched across his arm.

[Go Hyeon-woo 74%]

[Go Hyeon-woo 65%]

Go Hyeon-woo and Jang Sam readjusted their stances with an air of nonchalance.

This time, Jang Sam moved first and attacked with the same thrusting motion.

Before swinging his iron sword, Go Hyeon-woo manipulated the wind enveloping him to pressurize the area in front of him.

Jang Sams speed seemed to decrease slightly but he disregarded it and pierced through the wind.

The iron swords clashed together.


[Go Hyeon-woo 52%]

This time, he allowed a sword strike to his side.

His complexion turned pale and he looked as though he might collapse with the slightest touch.

A trickle of blood ran down from the corner of his mouth.

Yet Go Hyeon-woo nonchalantly swallowed the rising blood and wiped his mouth.

He naturally replaced his half-broken iron sword with a new one and took his stance again.

Jang Sam silently fixed his gaze on Go Hyeon-woo.

Even though both parties had finished their preparations, neither could easily make the first move and they took a moment longer to observe one another.

This was likely because Jang Sam noticed the change in Go Hyeon-woos momentum.

Jang Sam asked,

Is this the end?

It is.

I would like to know the name of the technique in advance.

One of them might fall in this final exchange.

Go Hyeon-woo nodded his head before replying,

Rapid Current.