Chapter 392 God's Test

Lathel wanted to return to his body to help the tribesmen; however, he suddenly changed his mind.

'I can't take care of and protect them forever. This is just the first bit of difficulty; hopefully they can survive and solve this problem themselves.'

'Or at least, they need to hold out until I get back; otherwise... I have no way of helping them if they only rely on me.'

'The road they need to take in the future will be very long; for them to be independent, this is the best way.'

In fact, Lathel really wanted to help these people; however, he knows one principle: instead of giving them fish, he had to give them fishing rods so they could fish for themselves.

Only then can they appreciate what they have and solve all their difficulties.

Lathel sighed, then flew away, not wanting to pay attention anymore. for new novels

Doro now walked to the statue of Lathel, kneeling on the ground: "God, what should I do?"

He bowed his head very respectfully, but the statue remained silent, making him despair.

Doro continued to kneel; he knelt from morning until night, until his knees were in so much pain that he could no longer kneel and fell to the ground.

"Village chief!"

"Chief Doro!"

The people around quickly rushed to help Doro up, unable to bow their heads, asking permission from Lathel's statue to let them take Doro away.

When Doro was kneeling, they also stood far away and watched, hoping for a miracle that God would help them.

However, until Doro fell to the ground, they could not see any miracle happen.

In a simple house, that was enough to protect people from the wind, rain, and sun. Doro was placed on a pile of dry leaves. Everyone around looked at each other, then looked back at him without saying a word.

"Do you think God has left us?" Suddenly, a woman spoke up.

"I think so too. Anyway, God has turned to stone; I think God has left us."

"Don't think too much. God cannot always be with us; he is busy with many things."

"But... we are facing death; doesn't God care about us?"


"You also know that the water is about to run out; there is only enough to last 2 to 3 more days."

"That's right, there's not much food. If we include dried meat, it will only last us 5 days."

"Don't talk about food; water is the most important issue. The water is only enough for the next 2 to 3 days; what should we do if we can't go out now?

"A bunch of cowards!" Suddenly, a young man shouted, causing everyone to pay attention to him.

"Diora, what the hell are you talking about?"

"That's right. Who are you calling a coward?"

Dorack was a tall man who was over 180 cm tall, his body as big as a bear.

He was the survivor of the hunter group that brought a seriously injured person back to the village.

"Their gods are both bloodthirsty and greedy, demanding countless sacrifices, even fresh human blood. What do their gods give them?"

"We can't get out, but those people can't get in either. We have enough time to prepare, and this place has a lot of resources for us to resist them."

"Dorack, how many people are there outside?"

Dorack quickly replied: "About 20 people."

"Hahahaha..." Doro suddenly laughed loudly: "Do you realise... how weak and cowardly you are?"

"Just 20 people have scared you to this extent, it seems... This is really just a small challenge brought to us by God."

Hearing that, everyone agreed. After all, this tribe has about 500 people, of which the number of men who can fight accounts for about one-tenth of the residents here.

There are only 20 people outside; what are they afraid of?

"But..." At this time, another person spoke up: "Village chief, I'm afraid we can't use numbers to guarantee our win."

"Listening to what Dorack said... it seems they have a weapon similar to a bow, but the preparation is faster than a bow, and the speed and damage are also much higher."

"Huh! So what?" Dorack shouted: "Don't use your cowardice to make people afraid."

"Even if their weapons..."

"Alright." Doro raised his hand, blocking Dorack's words. Doro looked towards the person who spoke, nodded, and replied: "You're right, they have strange weapons, however, we have knowledge."

"I don't believe that the knowledge God gave us will become useless."

"How many weapons do we have left?"

"Village chief." Another person raised his head and said: "We only have a few weapons left made from stone and wood. Only three swords were obtained from the battlefield of the gods."

"No problem." Doro frowned and said: "No matter how fast an arrow is, it cannot penetrate a thick wooden board."

Dorack now realised something and happily said: "That's right. The village chief is right, we can't avoid the arrow, so we can block it."

"Hahahaha... village chief, you are really smart."

"Hmm?!" Doro glanced at Dorack in annoyance.

Dorack knew he was a bit too happy, so he bowed his head, not daring to say anything more.

Doro looked at everyone, then shouted: "I order you, within two days, to find a way to stop the arrow."

"If you can't do it in these two days, then wait for death."

"But..." Another person spoke up: "Village chief, two days is too little."

"That's right, we don't think two days is enough for us to find a way to stop the arrow."

"Even though the village chief suggested it, how can we carry a thick wooden board on our bodies?"

"That's right."

"Village chief, please give us more time."

Hearing that, Doro felt extremely uncomfortable. He was about to say something, but Dorack smiled and said.

"No need! I have found a way to solve this problem." Dorack looked towards Doro, smiled, and said very confidently: "Village chief, within a day, I will give you the answer."