Chapter 407 Grenoss

Hearing that, Dorack did not show any emotion; his face was indifferent, as if there was no connection between him and Doik's family.

"Good!" Dorack nodded and replied: "The village chief can bear witness to this. I hope you can keep your promise."

"Good! I will return in six days, bringing with me seven days of food to pay Doba. After that, you and I will no longer owe each other anything."

Doba laughed contemptuously: "Six days... hahahaha... Do you think you have a choice?"

"Three days at most, after three days... If you don't bring seven days of food to pay me, then... Doba said while glancing at Doro: "You will be kicked out of the village."

Hearing that, Dorack was not afraid at all. He nodded and said: "Good, I will come back after three days."

After he finished speaking, he left the cave. Doba, Doik, and Doro looked at his back, each with their own thoughts.

Doro felt something was wrong, but he didn't know what he had done wrong. Even though he thought about it carefully, he still didn't feel like he did anything wrong.

'Dorack relies on being given great strength by God, so he threatens weaker people; that's normal.'

'That's why I have to protect other people and restrain Dorack.'

Doro sighed. He really thought that he was doing the right thing; he felt that the person who was in the wrong was Dorack.

Finally, he looked towards Doik and Doba and said tiredly: "Next time, don't cause trouble with him. You don't know how strong he is."

Doba frowned and said: "How strong is he? No matter how strong he is, he is just an ordinary hunter. How can he resist the attacks of many other hunters?

Doro shook his head, sighed, and said: "You don't understand. Dorack is no longer the same as before. I saw him lift a rock with my own eyes that even 10 people like you can't lift."

"What?!" Doba was startled; his face carried an incredulous look as he spoke, "Village chief, don't scare me. Do you know what the hell you're talking about?"

Doro shook his head as he replied: "It's up to you whether you believe it or not. Now that Dorack has become God's servant and God has given him extremely great power, we cannot cause trouble with him."

"God?! Impossible..." Doba muttered, his face showing jealousy and disbelief.

Doro didn't need Doba's or Doik's trust; he just sighed and left.

Seeing that Doro did not explain further, Doba frowned, feeling so angry and jealous that his face turned red as if he had eaten 100 chili peppers.

"Damn it! Why was he given great power by God? Why wasn't it me?" Doba said, anger and jealousy rushing into his mind like a flood.

"No..." Doba suddenly thought of something; he shook his head and said: "No matter how strong he is, he cannot resist the arrow."

"Hahahaha... If he gets hit by an arrow, he will die like a normal person."

Doik was startled when he heard that: "What... what are you planning to do?"

"Hm?! Do you want to stop me?" Doba looked at Doik coldly.

"I... I..."

"You should remember... You still owe me five days of food. If Dorack escapes, the consequences you will suffer will be terrible, understand?"

Doik was scared... and he nodded as he slightly trembled.

"Huh!" Doba glanced at Doik contemptuously, then left.

The bear stood still inside the tornado, staring at the wolf. The alpha wolf also stared at the bear.

Then, the alpha wolf suddenly howled.


What happened next made Dorack extremely surprised. The wolf suddenly turned around and left; the tornado also disappeared; and the two surviving wolves also followed the leader wolf.

The bear saw the wolf leave and turned around, walking in the opposite direction.

Dorack frowned, not understanding what was going on, and went to the place where the bear and the wolves had just fought.

On the ground, there were only a few traces left after the battle, and the body of the dead wolf was in the distance.

He walked closer to the wolf's body, bowed his head, and saw something strange in the wolf's neck.

In its neck, the cut caused by the bear's claws was so deep that Dorack could see the wolf's neck bone.

On the neck bone, one bone had a strange pattern and a jewel-

like thing in the middle of it.

Dorack found a sharp rock, then tried to dig out that bone. At this moment, he looked closely and saw that the bone had a strange symbol surrounding it, and in the middle was a small pearl the size of a pea.

He slowly took out the pearl because he was afraid that if he used too much force, he would break the pearl.

After a while, he finally took out the pearl. It was blue like a leaf, emitting a faint aura as if it were about to disappear.

"Eat it!"

"Hmm?!" Suddenly, Dorack was startled when he heard a voice in his head. That voice seemed to be urging him to eat the pearl he was holding in his hand.

"Who?! Who is speaking!"

"It's me!" That voice rang out again.

Dorack looked around and saw the wolf leader from before. He was startled and retreated: "You..."

"Don't be afraid, I have no intention of harming you." That wolf said; however, the wolf's voice echoed in his head.

"You... a wolf can talk?" Dorack frowned and said.

"Wolf?! Ah, that's what you call me." The wolf said: "Let me introduce myself; my name is... Grenoss."

"Grenoss? What do you want from me?"

"No, I just want to cooperate with you because... I can see your destiny." "That destiny is telling me... you can become a god," Grenoss said.

"Are you joking?" Dorack frowned, not feeling happy at all. On the contrary, he became even more wary: "Do you think I will believe what you say?"

"It's okay if you don't believe me. After all, I don't think you'll completely trust me in just the first meeting." Grenoss quickly moved in front of Dorack.

Grenoss's eyes looked at Dorack with curiosity and confusion: "It's strange; I feel like you can become a god, but... your destiny depends entirely on someone else."

"That person... is the main factor that can help you become a god."