Bang! Bang! Bang!

For a moment, there were three clear sounds in succession.

Yu Zhibo's big slap is constantly slapping on keyin's buttocks.

He didn't leave any hands. He used all his strength and left the mark of blood red palm.

"Or not! Bang! Or not! Bang


"You dare to scold me! Bang! Call you to scold! PA still scold not scold! Bang

"I, I, I will kill you!"

"Kill me! Bang! Kill or not! Bang! Kill or not! Bang

At the moment, the weak keyinli is under the palm of Yuzhi Bodong. His weak body is crumbling. There is a feeling of being killed alive.

This sense of humiliation and pain made him hate and fear.

For him, after all, he is just a child, although he was raised since childhood and has experienced many trials and tribulations.

But in the face of this method, I still can't bear it.

"Hey hey, let's try the strongest move in China, my mother's love!"

Bang! Bang! Bang!

Yuzhi Bodong seems to be addicted to the general, slapping simply can not stop.

Now he finally understands why the Chinese people like to fight here.

The original pleasure

"China When he heard Yuzhi Bodong's words, he immediately became confused.

It was the first time that he heard the name of China, but from then on, his heart had a strong shadow on China.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

"Stop fighting! I don't want it! "

In this way, in the constant beating of Yuzhi Bodong, Yingli finally couldn't bear it. His face was flushed with anger, but he murmured for mercy.

He could not resist the attack.

"That's good!"


Hearing his words, Yu Zhi Bodong seemed to have made up his mind. He attacked again and took back the red palm.

"Hoo hoo, this is really a physical work." Then, gasping for breath, he muttered to himself.

But his method, obviously effective, now keyinly, curled up his body, cocked up his hips, and crept up in an extremely awkward position.

Then he walked slowly towards the distance without looking at Yu Zhibo Dong.

Now, he has only one idea in his heart, that is, the devil Yuzhi Bodong.

In the face of this scene, Yuzhi Bodong did not stop him, but looked at keyinli with a smile.

He knew that after this time, the other party would not dare to find his own trouble.

He was deeply aware of this fear. West West novel network

In this way, yuzhibo left keyinli.

He seemed very satisfied with the result, and then he ignored it and ran to Muye village.

On the other side, he crept along, dragging the heavy body of keyinli at a very slow speed.

He wanted to find someone to treat him. If he had not undergone physical training since childhood, he might have died under the palm of Yuzhi Bodong.

"Asshole! I will kill you But different from Yuzhi Bodong's expectation, at this time, keyinli kept swearing while walking.

It is obvious that his hatred of Yuzhi Bodong is in deep water.

He secretly vowed that he would take revenge on Yu zhibodong, as if this matter was more important than his mission in Muye.


however, just at this moment, in the dark of a tall branch, a man with a strange mask suddenly appeared in front of keyin.

He was so motionless that he couldn't even feel his breath.

"You, you are!" However, it was the appearance of this man that made him look angry. His face suddenly changed.

At the moment, his face is full of incomparable fear, which is much stronger than when facing Yuzhi Bodong. It seems that he has seen a super terror.

All of a sudden, at this moment, the man in front of him, at an amazing speed, passed by his side.

In his hand, he suddenly grasped a very common bitterness.

"Dark part"

at the next moment, his eyes widened and his face was unbelievable. He said softly with his last strength in his mouth, and then he immediately fell to the ground with a pool of blood on the ground.

It turns out that because of the identity of the inside, people in the wood leaf have long been paying attention to, so a secret surveillance.

Until just now, Yuzhi Bodong exposed this fact, so that people hiding in the dark immediately affirmed this fact.

However, due to the forehead protection on Yuzhi Bodong's head, he mistakenly thought that Lin Dong was a Muye ninja, so he did not immediately take action.After all, the less people know, the better.

But he did not know the true identity of Yuzhi Bodong. Otherwise, he would kill him together.

What's more, the person who made the move is not actually the secret part that can be thought of in keyin.

His real identity is the "root" of tuangzang!

Only Tuan Zang, a man with a single mind for Muye, but extremely cautious, would care so much about the movements of the people in Muye village.

At the moment, the member of the root organization lifted up the body of keyinli, and then looked at the direction of Yu zhibodong's departure. His eyes were blurred and he didn't know what he was thinking.

Then, he seemed to shake his head, and disappeared with the body in the keyin.

On the other side, Yuzhi Bodong has come to Muye village.

At this time, he was in a very happy mood. He got two new skills and passed the customs task. He had not killed the child. It was a long-term pleasure.

"Do a good job, do not leave a name, I am the fire shadow small Lei Feng!" Happily, Yu Zhibo even hummed a little tune in his mouth.

In his heart, he had done his best to keyinli.

But don't think that Yuzhi Bodong is a kind-hearted person. He just has a little pity for children.

If the task asked him to kill a slightly older man, he would not hesitate to kill him decisively.

Growth kills Tibet, the fittest survives, this truth, needless to say, he is very clear.