Chapter 378 No Mercy!

Name:The Supreme Satanic System Author:
Chapter 378 No Mercy!

"Listen up! His next technique is like an explosive bomb. Just use the technique and finish him already... Don't you just wait?" Damien uttered, projecting his voice.

"Yes, master!" Zokaka then started chanting a spell in an ancient tongue as he learned from Damien while making a series of hand seals. Then, raising his hand in the air, he yelled, "Purple Lightning Vajra, activate!" The next thing was a thick purple lightning bolt in the shape of a short spear.

Among eight Dwarf Kingdoms, only the Lavagbane Royal family of the Lavabane Dwarf Kingdom had purple lightning bloodlines.

"Ah, that's my purple lightning." Caprio shrieked, feeling thunderstruck. "How is that even possible?"

"Oh really. I've to thank you for this. I got this from your Purple Thunderbird." Prince Zokaka responded cheekily.

Yes, a moment ago, when the Thunderbird crashed into the arena, Zokaka dashed and touched its head and absorbed the pure lightning Chi from it. Just like that, he further purified by operating three-cycle breathing of the Lightning Cannon formula and stored all of it in his dantian.

"I think there is no point in explaining, right? Time to end this match," he added.

Caprio also finally ended his preparation. His red broadsword was now covered with a thin purple hue of electricity, sparking from time to time. "Yeah, I'll end this now." He leaped into the air and started spinning with his heavy sword parallel to the ground. "Hiya!" Putting everything, he tossed his heavy broadsword. It darted lightning fast. The purple lightning bolt around the blade sizzled, breaking it into multiple shards along the throw.

Before his line of sight, Zokaka saw hundreds of iron shards attached to the purple electric cobweb, incoming toward him like an inescapable net. There was no fear in him as he stood confidently. With a thought, within a minuscule fraction of a second, a large amount of Lightning-based chi surged in both his legs and he muttered under his breath, "Lightning Step, Activate!" In the next instant, he moved even faster than the incoming iron shards, along with the purple electricity zapping from time to time. For some unknown reason, because of his current instantaneous speed, the surroundings seemed to slow down. As he hopped from one point to another, an afterimage of his remains which he turned to see penetrated by the shards and exploded, turning into a Purple Lightning bolt and disappearing without a trace.

It happened so fast that other than Damien and some other masters; the crowd saw twenty of Prince Zokaka appearing at multiple spots at the same time. Next comes the popping, and the explosion sounds of his afterimages. Bang! Bang! Bang!...

Successfully dodging all of them, Prince Zokaka appeared standing in front of the already exhausted, pale-looking Caprio. "No-no-no, how can you have dodged my...?" he screamed, feeling perplexed. Losing his strength, he plopped down on his knees.

There was still the purple lightning vajra in Prince Zokaka's right hand, in the shape of a short spear. Waiting, he turned around and looked at Queen Kudini.

"Ah-no! He's going to kill my nephew." Queen Kudini stood up and requested. "Your Majesty, please stop him!"

"Eh, that's up to him. Remember, I must not interfere with such things. That's your words. Why don't you try convincing him instead?" King Ragnar responded slyly. The under-lining meaning behind his words was more like.? 'It's your mess, so why bother me? Clean it yourself.'

Gathering all her strength and confidence, Queen Lavabane glanced down at the seventh arena and voiced out: "Listen, Seventh Prince! You're the winner of this match. There is no point in harming the prince of another kingdom and causing conflict because of this stupid competition. Let him go." There was a stern, ordering tone in her last statement as it chimed all around the stadium, reflecting from one direction to another. And complete tranquility transpired across the large stadium, as everyone was expectant, anticipating his decision. After all, it was his stage. So, the decision is all his.

Prince Zokaka turned to Damien and remembered his earlier words. "Master, what should I do?" he asked telepathically.

"Do what you have to do," Damien answered.

Prince Zokaka turned his attention to the queen once again and shouted, "Your Highness, the queen, I have a question for you." He continued. "Where are you? When your dearest nephew here used your Lavabane Royal family's forbidden technique to kill me?"

"T-that is not important. See! You're still fine. Just don't make any hasty decisions... There is no point in anger at the Lavabane Dwarf Kingdom because of this stupid competition," Queen Kudini replied with a servile tone.

"Hahaha! Stupid competition?" Prince Zokaka turned to the crowd and continued. "Do you hear her, everyone? She considered the Crown Prince selection as just a mere stupid competition. That too coming out from our queen. Huh, forget it. Here is my decision," Then he abruptly struck the vajra into Caprio's head. It exploded and burnt all of his brain matter and only the missing head with the scorched black corpse remained.

After a few seconds of surprise, the Queen cried in horror, "No!... How dare ya kill my nephew? You, bloody devil, spawn." Amidst her wailing, she continued swearing at Zokaka.

"Watch your attitude, woman! Ah, for god's sake, don't forget you're the queen of this kingdom." King Ragnar thundered, making her stop her constant blabbering.

Then raising the vajra, and tossing it in the sky, Prince Zokaka shouted: "You've all seen it too... I'm not afraid of provoking the Lavabane Dwarf Kingdom. What about you?"

"We're not afraid!" The crowd clamored, thundering in the same tone. Then they all stood up and started singing a song.

"Och, Prince Zokaka, he's a braw and mighty dwarf

Wi' his purple lightning vajra spear, he smote his foe

Caprio, Prince o' Lavabane, he fought wi' all his might

But against Zokaka's strength and skill, he fell in the fight"

After the first verse, the chorus came!

"Sing ho, Mountain Smashing Dwarf Kingdom, sing ho

Our Prince Zokaka has won the day, sing ho

No fear have we of Lavabane, our foes we will provoke

For Zokaka's power and courage, we'll forever invoke"

"Wi' a shout and a roar, Zokaka charged into the fray

His spear flashing bright, he struck Caprio down that day

The Lavabane dwarves did tremble, their courage fell away

For they knew that Zokaka's strength, they could not sway"

"Sing ho, Mountain Smashing Dwarf Kingdom, sing ho

Our Prince Zokaka has won the day, sing ho

No fear have we of Lavabane, our foes we will provoke

For Zokaka's power and courage, we'll forever invoke"

"So let us raise a cheer for Zokaka, our victorious Prince

Wi' his purple lightning vajra spear, he made his foes wince

And let us show our enemies that we are not afraid

For with Zokaka leading us, we have a champion unswayed"

"Sing ho, Mountain Smashing Dwarf Kingdom, sing ho

Our Prince Zokaka has won the day, sing ho

No fear have we of Lavabane, our foes we will provoke

For Zokaka's power and courage, we'll forever invoke"

The song ended in the thick of applause and whistles!

As soon as the clamor boiled down, Prince Zokaka announced: "For the later competition, there is no point in fighting one at a time. All of my eleven brothers can come at me all at once!"