Chapter 20: Genius should not be buried

After Xia Yishan returned to the apartment, she carefully washed Su Jingting's shirt and hung it up. She prayed sincerely.

While there are still free days, Xia Yishan came to Xiacheng from memory. If she hadn't remembered, a person close to genius would appear in Xiacheng these days.

This person in the previous life was met by Tan Xiaoling.

Tan Xiaoling was able to gain a foothold in the upper class, largely because of him.

Perhaps her rebirth produced a butterfly effect and changed the trajectory of her life.

However, every genius should not be buried.

Xia Yishan came to live in Xiacheng tourist attraction with the mentality of trying it out.

For three days, Xia Yishan walked all over the streets of Xiacheng's scenic spots and did not meet anyone she met. She couldn't help but feel a little lost.

An exquisite dessert shop on the street attracted her attention, and she happened to be a little tired from walking, so she turned around and went to the dessert shop.

Although the store is small, the decoration inside is very warm. After asking the clerk, Xia Yishan ordered the signature handmade yogurt and cake.

WeChat news bombarded.

Su Yujie: Sister Shan, Sister Shan, call Sister Shan

Su Yujie: Sister Shan, have you considered it? Sign up? What are the conditions?

Xia Yishan: Anytime

Su Yujie: Great sister Shan! It's a good vision for you to choose us!

Su Yujie completely forgot that in fact, Huanya Entertainment came to Xia Yishan...

Xia Yishan: Jie Shao wants to sign me, is it because of an acquaintance?

Su Yujie seemed to smell something: There was an introduction factor, but the company looked at your art test results and was very satisfied before deciding to sign you. It was because Sister Shan's beauty and strength coexisted.

Xia Yishan:...

Su Yujie: I sent 4 what I said is true! Find a time to sign? By the way, you meet with your agent?

Xia Yishan: Let me consider again

Su Yujie:...

Xia Yishan always feels that Su Yujie is like a middle-two boy.

A quarrel came from behind, Xia Yishan turned around, her eyes brightened.

A woman stood up angrily, and slammed a stack of paper on the face of the opposite man, "You live with these **** papers forever!"

The woman ran out, and the man ignored everyone's gaze, bent down and picked it up one by one.

A white hand suddenly appeared, and he picked it up quickly.

"Thank you……"

The girl who caught the eye was delicate and beautiful, like a ray of sunlight shining into the darkness, he hadn't thought that someone would help him pick up drawings.

"Is it your design work?"

"Even the people I care about most say it's rubbish, it's rotten paper."

Xia Yishan hung her hair behind her ears, "Do you think it is a design work is a design work, why do you deny yourself because of a word from others."

"Heh..." The man drank the white water on the table, "No one knows how to appreciate them."

The man wanted to tear up the work, but he couldn't get it off.

"A successful person does not experience bitterness and suffering behind it."

"You don't need to comfort me."

"I don't think you need comfort. If you trust me, I can show you a way. It's up to you where you can go."

The man's eyes looked at Xia Yishan with light.

"By the way, what's your name?"

"Ren Qi."

"My name is Xia Yishan."

At this moment, Ren Qi himself didn't understand why he believed the little girl in front of him, she obviously looked younger than herself.

But her eyes do not seem to be lying, more like the precipitation after experiencing the vicissitudes of life, and she can see through the deeper meaning of his works at a glance.