Chapter 38: Bow at ninety degrees

Xia Yishan came to the set with a frustrated heart, struggling along the way how to face Su Jingting, who became her boyfriend and couldn't make it public.

But after Liang Qiaoen led her to meet the director Sun Zhengting, she didn't see Su Jingting at all.

"Sorry, Xiao Xia, the actor Su is half an hour late for an accident, so I have to trouble you to wait." The director found Xia Yishan again and said politely.

"It's all right, I'll just wait." Xia Yishan stayed in the rest area arranged by the crew, Liang Qiaoen went to see the producer, and assistant Xiaoying gave her a glass of warm water.

"Sister Xia, I just saw the leading actor." Xiaoying is a newcomer who has just turned into a good job. She doesn't have much contact with the crew on-site, so she will still be very excited to see the star.

"Then do you know who the second male is?" Su Jingting is better than the male coach even if he plays the second male.

Xiaoying nodded excitedly, "It's King Su, I am his loyal fan."

"Keep your cry and wait for him to come."

"Sister Xia is wise!"

There was a noise coming from behind, and Xiao Ying flashed in the next second, and she was still calling Actor Su in her mouth.

Xia Yishan knew that Su Jingting was here.

She turned around and saw--

Su Jingting got off the business car. Unlike the previous black suits, he wears a casual outfit from the school era. His hairstyle is slightly curled, and his forehead hangs straight down. A pair of gold-framed glasses framed on the bridge of his nose, resembling an eighteenth. Year old teenager.

Xia Yishan was dumbfounded.

This is the first time she has seen Su Jingting like this in her two lifetimes. She is simply a little milk dog!

Look down again at the little white dress and white shoes on her body, her cute hairstyle, immature makeup, and the same feeling as King Su.

Su Jingting walked directly towards Xia Yishan, with Assistant Sun and Ye Xin beside him.

Xia Yishan was a little at a loss to see that he couldn't avoid it.

He didn’t want to expose her...

Assistant Sun knew the relationship between the two and rushed to speak, "Mr. Su, Manager Ye, this is the artist we just signed, Xia Yishan."

Su Jingting has always had his own investment that Assistant Sun is taking care of. He called him President Su in person, and Xia Yishan didn't feel wrong.

Assistant Sun had already introduced it carefully, and Xia Yishan nodded to the two of them, "Hello, King Su, good Manager Ye..."

"Hello." Ye Xin gave a standard smile.

But Su Jingting looked at her for a few seconds, "Well. Huanya who just signed, is that my junior sister?"

Su Jingting's words were shocking, and he really shocked Assistant Sun and Ye Xin.

Assistant Sun responded very quickly and pleased him, "Yes, Miss Xia is your junior and sister, and you are also a guest of your first love in the play..."

Su Jingting nodded, "Work hard."

Xia Yishan immediately bowed ninety degrees, "Thank you, actor~"

Su Jingting went to the queen dressing room, and Ye Xin looked at her more before leaving.

Assistant Sun secretly complained, and his face was stinky for half an hour after being delayed by official business. It was not like a spring breeze until the set, and he didn't come to the set when he was busy before.

What kind of elder brother and younger sister, it is not to say a few words to Miss Xia, who is not ignored by the entertainment industry girls who have been with him before.

King Su has been in the entertainment circle like a thousand flowers.

Feng Shui turns around and now hangs on a tree.

Su Jingting knocked on the dressing table three times and ordered, "Go and arrange. I will invite everyone to dinner at noon and provide refreshments in the afternoon."

In the past, this kind of thing didn't need to be instructed by King Su himself, it was clearly prepared for Xia Yishan, Assistant Sun went to do it immediately...