Chapter 54: Rumor has it that Han Zimo and Su's parents are a pair

"Unexpectedly, Su Yingdi and Miss Xia are senior brothers and sisters?" Han Zimo really didn't expect that the little girl had a lot of origin.

Su Jingting readily admitted, "We are all artists of Huanya."

Although this statement even Xia Yishan feels far-fetched, it can be regarded as embarrassing for her actor's boyfriend to come up with such a statement for the sake of being justified.

Han Zimo was also convinced by Su Jingting's brazen remarks, "That's it, the two are so related..."

"Of course, Han always intends to invite Yishan to act in the lower part of the film and television drama?" Su Jingting gave people the feeling that you want to ask my junior sister to act through me first.

"With this idea, I just don't know if Miss Xia is willing."

"It just so happens that my schedule is empty, so why not be with me and the younger sister."

Xia Yishan "..." Please, play with the Su Actor again?

She really feels, feels, pressure, and force

Han Zimo confronted Su Jingting, "The price of King Su is too high, and investors must consider it."

"I have always valued the sincerity of Chinese investors." It means that if you don't ask me, I still have to see your sincerity. I have to pay no less.

Xia Yishan looked at the two of them, and didn't know how this hostile atmosphere without gunpowder battlefield came from.

Actor Su seems to be more cheeky than she thought...

She had never thought that Emperor Su could be so dragged. But the actor is big, are you such a routine investor really good?

No matter how awesome the actor is, is there an investor father who is awesome?

Xia Yishan handed the sleeves of King Su, "Emperor Su..."

Her eyes motioned to him that more and more people gathered in the lobby of the Capital Hotel, and many people excitedly called King Su.

The influence of public figures is great. Fortunately, the security of the Capital Hotel is still good. The lobby is full of customers.

There was another rush of footsteps, and Director Sun hurried over with the producer.

"President Han! King Su! Why are you standing in the living room? Go to the box for a drink!"

"Mr. Han, it's an honor to be here in your busy schedule!"

The two were greeted into the box.

The eyes of Bai Qiuman, who had been ignored, were not very good, and gritted his teeth to keep up.

Liang Qiaoen was so excited that she was going to faint, pulling Xia Yishan to whisper. Sure enough, it was worth it to bring Xia Yishan out. Such a wandering around can actually grow a face in front of the gold master's father. The wife is perfect.

Behind the King Su, there is a powerful fan group, which is simply a cash cow. He nodded, and the best resources came to him.

Han Zimo is also the president of the Han Group. He is next to the F Group, and is also known as the Capital Chaebol with the F Group. He stomped his feet and the whole capital shook.

Someone joked that if the F group and the Han group joined forces, there would be nothing else for the other group.

Rumor has it that Hanzi is silent, gentleman, and he is unpredictable at the age of thirty. His portraits are rare in major newspapers, and he is only seen in a black suit, the president of thousands of girls fantasizing.

On the contrary, the son of Su, the president of Group F, never shows up or exposes his face. No one knows what he looks like. He only knows that he is the person in charge of the Su family.

There are even more rumors that the reason why Han Zimo and Su's parents are single is because the two people are a pair, and the heights they reach are beyond the reach of others.

Live the two people into gods, live in the human world, suffer and suffer, and see all the things in the world.