Chapter 93: Xia Banxian, how do you know

Xia Yishan took two steamed buns and a carton of milk to Yin Yibai for breakfast, "With limited resources, it will be done."

Yin Yibai took it without disdain, "Just eat something."

"How was your sleep last night?"

"Fortunately, the bed is hard o(╥﹏╥)o"

Xia Yishan saw that Yin Yibai was still very carefree, and forced herself to adapt to the mountain life she hadn't adapted to, "Let's talk about it, why are you coming with me."

Yin Yibai ate the steamed buns and was confused, "Experiencing life."

Xia Yishan put on a look of "I believe you a ghost", "To be honest."

Yin Yibai drank another sip of milk after eating a steamed bun before taking over Xia Yishan's topic, "Hidden."

"Chu Teng?"

"Damn, how do you know Xia Banxian?"

"He pursued you?"

"..." Yin Yibai gave her a thumbs up to prove that she was right.

Ever since Xia Yishan saw Chu Teng rescue Yin Yibai, she always felt that Chu Teng was very familiar, so she checked Chu Teng and remembered that he had seen reports about Chu Teng in his previous life. He had been interviewed on TV and revealed himself. There was a woman she loved so much that her love journey was rough, but she did not expect that the woman Chu Teng loved was Yin Yibai.

Xia Yishan's influence on Chu Teng was nothing more than a glance at the TV interview program, and the rest was really unknown.

"It's a good thing to be pursued by someone, so why don't you think about hiding."

Yin Yibai looked into the distance and choked, "My native family is very rubbish, there is no mother in my memory, there are always women outside my father, and there are half sisters, I..."

Xia Yishan patted Yin Yibai on the shoulder, "Don't be sad, the Yin Yibai I know is arrogant, proud and confident, and not afraid of emotions."

Yin Yibai broke her hand and said far-fetched, "I'm just not accustomed to someone chasing me like this. I want to change the environment and think about it. By the way, I can experience this life┓('?`)┏"

"Yes." Xia Yishan nodded, "Very well. By the way, I didn't have time to tell you yesterday that we are going to send books, books, bags, running shoes and sportswear to the children in mountain schools today. The mountain roads are not easy to walk, so we have to work hard to move over. , Hurry up and eat and start off..."

Yin Yibai snarled, "...Oh, it's a mess, my feet were blistering yesterday!!"

Xia Yishan waved her hand, "I treat everyone the same, and all work hard."

Yin Yi pretended to be dead.

According to the plan, Xia Yishan and his party distributed the prepared materials to the children in the mountainous area one by one, and personally communicated with the only teacher in the mountainous area.

Xia Yishan taught Chinese and mathematics, Yin Yibai volunteered to teach English. Even the assistant Xiaoying was infected by the enthusiasm of children in the mountains. When Xia Yishan saw it, she asked Xiaoying not to take care of her life, but to let her help the children with homework.

She was also pleasantly surprised to find that there was a large bag of colorful handmade candies in the gift that Su Jingting prepared, which was not very heavy, but enough to send to every child in the mountainous area.

The public welfare activities that lasted for a week soon ended. The children made a lot of handicrafts for them. Yin Yibai and Xiaoying were crying, even Xia Yishan was in tears, and the group waved goodbye to the children one by one. .

Xia Yishan looked at the small village far away behind her, secretly scolding herself in her previous life for dying and living for a man. How could she not expect to devote herself to public welfare, not for merit, but only for the immature faces.

Since then, Xia Yishan has sponsored children in mountainous areas every year.