Chapter 95: Let's roll around

Xia Yishan rolled up her long hair casually, grabbed a handful of dust in the small black room, and let it go when the door opened.

She shot quickly, and went up to be beaten.

No greeting, no skill, just beating.

One punch, one kick and one kick, the five people who beat him had no room to fight back.

Xia Yishan's strength is not particularly strong, but the position of the punch is very precise. After a punch, the opponent's whole body is numb, and the reaction becomes dull.

Dare to stun her!

Dare to close her little black house!

Dare Xiao miss her!

Isn't it a beating!


Ten minutes later, all five gangsters with tall horses were beaten to the ground. Xia Yishan stepped on one of the backs and looked at the five people in front of him condescendingly, "Say, why are you looking for me?"

Five of you, look at me, I look at you, without saying a word, they have been beaten with a bruised nose and swollen face, do you want them to say they kidnapped her specifically? Wouldn't it be beaten to death?

When thinking of Xia Yishan's fists, the five people's hairs straightened up, and the one lying at Xia Yishan's feet directly pretended to be dead, mumbling Can't see I can't see me.

"Not to mention, I'm eating all my fists!" Xia Yishan was eager to punch someone.

One of the big beards was staring at the other four words, and he had no choice but to whisper, "We... we just took the order from the road... the order asked us to sell you, and..."

"What else?"

"Also let us pay close attention to you, let you sell to any man and give birth to a baby for a lifetime, leaving remote areas and not going out of City C. This list is relatively demanding, and we would not dare to take it if it weren't for the good pay ..."

"Who placed the order?" Xia Yishan had heard their conversation before, and asked again just to see if she could ask anything more.

"Sister, ah no, grandma, we don't know who the employer is, the orders on the road are transferred to us by a special intermediary..."

Xia Yishan stepped on the gangster's feet hard, and could almost hear the screaming of people under her feet, "Really?"

"Really, I sent a 4!!!" The beard was scared, weak and weak, "Woo, we are also asking for life, can grandma let us roll?"

As he said, several people moved carefully to the door.

Xia Yishan moved her feet away from the man's back and hit the ground with dust. "I let you go?"

"Dare not dare, what else does grandma have to order?"

"Where is this?"

"C City!" The talking gangster was beaten by Xia Yishan.

"Nonsense, I don't know this is City C? You have to beat me if you don't answer!"

A witty gangster immediately said, "No. 876, Chengbei Road, City C is a workshop for exhaust gas from an old factory. Do you need me to take you back to the airport?"

Xia Yishan glanced at the witty gangster, "Lead the way!"


Five gangsters rushed to lead Xia Yishan.

As long as the big Buddha is invited away, they are willing to do anything.


Before stepping out of the small black room, he heard a lot of movement. Before Xia Yishan and the five punks could see what happened, a group of people in black rushed in.

Man in black holding a gun

——Don’t move!

The five people are all on the road, and they usually take orders to bully the weak, and at most they carry knives and daggers with them. Unexpectedly, they encountered a gun and raised their hands.

Only Xia Yishan has no mood swings on her face...