Chapter 132: Teacher Su, please give some pointers

In the open-air restaurant of Qingwan Hotel, Xia Yishan is enjoying breakfast while blowing the sea breeze.

Su Jingting is reading Xia Yishan's script.

After reading the script, Su Jingting glanced at Xia Yishan, "Your female number four?"

"Ang." Xia Yishan held a spoon and stirred the milk in the cup, "Do you want to say that there are not many shots, not many lines, and no difference from a silly actor? Or it is like a vase?"


Is she discouraged? !

Su Jingting put the script on the dining table and picked up the coffee, "When I first debuted, I was a stunner. It lasted for half a year."

Xia Yishan's eyes widened, "No? You are so handsome, has no one spotted you? The scouts are blind?"

"No matter how good the appearance is, there is no acting skills, and there is no use for eggs." Su Jingting said and recalled that year, he firmly believed that people who could wait until they wanted to wait did not feel that the suffering was not suffering.

Unexpectedly, one day, he would personally express these experiences, just to inspire her.

"What happened later? How did you become popular?" Xia Yishan was very curious about the fame history of King Su, after all, it was impossible to find out on the Internet.

"Later, I was discovered by a director as the actor, and it was that work that I won the Best Newcomer Award. Slowly, the best actor, the best actor, and finally the actor..."

"That pinch counts me from a friendly cameo to a female partner, it's a lost improvement."


Xia Yishan picked up the script again and turned to the page where she took notes, "Teacher Su, please give me some pointers here."

Reading thousands of books is worse than traveling thousands of miles. Listening to Su Jingting's explanation, Xia Yishan suddenly realized.

She wrote notes with multicolored sticky paper and pasted them on the script one by one.


On the day of the boot, Su Jingting flew back to the capital, and Xia Yishan followed the crew to film with peace of mind.

With high school students as the background, the film tells how several high school students dealt with the problems caused by life, semester, and emotional budding during the preparation for the college entrance examination, and finally entered the ideal university with all their strength.

This film came out, more for high school students to watch, in order to inspire them, so the actors in the film did not wear heavy makeup, and strive to have no makeup.

Although Xia Yishan is a female partner, she faces the camera with **** makeup without pressure.

In addition, Su Jingting has been trained in advance, and she is also very good at playing the female number four. There are few NGs, most of them are one pass, and the shooting has become smooth.

Xia Yishan doesn't talk much in the crew, she is low-key doing practical things, and the confusion is also popular.

Half a month later, Xia Yishan's role was finished.

Although there is a video chat, I haven't seen me for half a month. Xia Yishan was also anxious to come back, so she booked an evening flight to fly directly to Beijing.

The pick-up person is Sun Hong.

"Long time no see, Assistant Sun."

"Long time no see, Miss Xia." Sun Hong almost felt crying when she saw Xia Yishan. When she came back, Mr. Su wouldn't always work overtime and overtime. "Ms. Su can't come to pick up Miss Xia because of something. Send you back to Yujingyuan."

"Thank you so hard."

"Not hard, not hard."

Sun Hong personally watched Xia Yishan enter the Yujingyuan Villa and drove away. The rest of the space was given to the two of them, and he would not be a light bulb.

President Su is also really bold, so he has a marriage contract with Miss Xia.

He is worthy to check his assets before getting married.

However, Miss Xia is only 18 years old and has just grown up, she is not in a hurry, she is in no hurry...

As a subordinate, he was also broken for BOSS's life-long events, he is still a single dog!